Thea Canadian Champion, Frlday, Fabruasy 18,2000 -21 Merchants grab series lead again' By STEVE LeBLANO The Champion Th e Jr. A Merchants' blue chippers cashed in with big goals - but it was the blue-collar class' tireless efforts that truly allowed for a profitable night. Led by wotkhorse capsain Chad Blundy Tuesday, Miiton's penalty killers came tisrough with a stronghold defense during ail nine shorthanded stints. This, plus enough commitment to the lisankless tasks essentiai to winning pivotai piayoff garnes, set the stage for some laIe hernies at Memoniai Arena. Merchants 3, Cougars 1 (Milton leads series 2-1) Game 4 tonight in Burington Snipers tan Malcolm and Phil Barski - number one and two respectiveiy in team scoring this season - then naiied their starning roies in the final act. Tisey acored powerplay markers at the taii-end of periods two and three to toppie Burlington 3-1. The victory put the team ahead in tise opening round series for tise second time in ive nigis. Andrew Gibson made a few key stops eariy on and was steady throughout the evening. His retiexes were swift - but he waa even quicker ai redirecting credit for the win to tise other guys in the dressing room. "The penalty kiiiing was awesome tonight, just phenomenai," said the local cager, who faced just a dozen shots over tise st two perioda and only a handful in the final frame. Tise Merchants found tisemseives short- handed seven limes in the middle stanza alone. yet gave up a measly five shots to Burlington. And this without the services of James Coleman - one oi their most reliable penalty killers, who was a healthy scratchs for oniy the second time tisis seaaon. Heiping pick up the siack was Mike Wheeiian. Tise veteran Winger hadn'l done much before game three, but made a consider- able contribution to thwarting the Cougars' powerpiay - as did a number of others, on a night when numerous borderline infractions were caiied and even strength play waa at a minimum. Series iow seoring So far, tise opening round series has been a iow-seoring affair, with tise teamn seoring firat winning ail tisree games. Milton players are very wary of this fact, realizing it couid be the key to putting tisings out of reach tonigist in Buriington. "We' ve got to get up on tisem esrly," said Malcolm, who sank tise winning taily late in tise second, deflecting a blueline floater by playoff-isardened rearguard John Nadalin. "Tisey (Burlinglon) tend to gel frustrated and make mistakes wisen tisey're beisind." Barski provided tise insurance goal witis under ive minutes ieft 10 play, Leaping out of tise penalty box, lie found sorte open ice and beat opposing goalie Mat Cifeili on a long-range wrisîer. Giving Milton ils initial lead seven min- utes mbt lise nigisl was Ryan Eby. Tise enigmatic Winger - plagued by ilines and injury for mucis of tise sesson whiie tisorougisiy impressive in occasionai sîretches of good heaitis - caugist Cifeili way ouI of isis crease on s, broken play 10 record lise team's oniy even sîrenglis goal of tise series tisaI iasn't heen scored wilis tise goal puiied. Nolcising Buriington's lone marker mid- way tisrougis tise firaI was Frank Curto. Tise Cougars are stili wilhout a couple of regulars inciuding injured defensive ancisor Jeif State. - e MERCIIANTS on page 22 Photo OyÇiRAHAM FAINE- vFinal fling Milton District HIgh Schooi's Adam FInkbener (33) guards agsinst an unidentified Spartan shooter mn thse regular season finale of senior boys bssketball play at E.C. Drury High School Monday. Tise Mustangs beat their hosts; 64-52. SPRUNG 18 COMINIholovi Thlnk BasebaitL 2ocr and Lacrosse W. stil have many great deals on remah'alng hockey equipment. 8 7 8-4 22 18 Thompson Rd., Unit #1 Ulton 8 7 8 7422 0-111iIw fJunior Camp Registration Sat. Feb. i 9th and Sat. Feb. 26th 10:00 arn to 2:00 pm IN THE STORE SPECIAL: TRAVEL COVERS S25%~ OFF Great Selection Starting at AUlIn Stock Shows 1 $39,e951 COME IN AND SEE THE NEW GOLF PRODUCTS Callaway X14 & Hawkeye Irons, Ping i3, Ar-mour EVO, Macgregor Tourney 18 Thompson Rd. Units 7 & 8 IIOURS MON*THURS 10-6 (905) 878-1818 FM 104 SAT 9-5 SUNt1124