The Canadien Champion, Fniday, February 18, 2000 - 13 Artsc ertainment B*froe WPIIIfl on page 12 Btisis cseators a few decades 6i back, a new kisti of beroin. was bora. the Site cuis bestTbe described as a average. Preihy, not stunning. likig er own, not riel. flotI batother words,-tiuch like the But But wluse dlma fictional ban> ises really bock out iswt en .. Flesii and blood mens tuai on mili peril becawietrs no( easy b - match up to tise shrengtii adm n beauty so effortlessly oemptifed h'sY 10 by the roance nov.l male. bsO .7W. first raot imspgnant qa- then tyfrabroltiubem ati bandsa tfr, a her i htemut be onis cad is tsat lie must be sexy. And T h th hr sta h esxto woeda He's te guy n blak leater b.y T ea Diray tisere are tome hm upat a typas ta cuit accomsplisit tisai. u. l'WkestladwnbrderAnd S o th oàWait n Dou, lttek for heba exampl. 6éri Ueosardo ering c DiCMe, if dmt hmalisu tdpr gWn âge 12. Bu lUt ita*httbaêPgt about8~ maires Oru goû% q Dmh ecuscu lydg gu &ho It8b oi roe.ter's a * lfletmor gt.auoing beneatit oblige st«U or chwaru i teVolte? nuaïbwoneatiy, .#'stgrt9y BS 1 m$mtrunpbe mttoiûel miei on oz db wb. * ctdo am m" saWi *Wtti Aîr. HnlS. *11KM" b BpuSlb Bau Wu.~I 0 I »e W d tms a wts'> Auition for seniors' acts Talent is ageless and Mîltonians 55 years and older caus help prove it. Older adulis lrom acroas the province are inviied to audition for the Royal Bank Seniors' Jubilee 2000, a five-day extrava- ganza thai features the talents of more liais 1,300 performers. Sponsor the Royal Bank is looking for singera, dancers, comedians, muaicians, bands and novelty and cabaret acts for Use annual event. The Jubilee was esiablished in 1989 as an opportunity for older adulis to leave their limitations ai the stage door and stand in the spoilighi. Each year, more than 12,000 people from, 155 communities watch participants perform. This year's show will be held ai Toronto's prestigioua Roy Thompson Hall Auguat 14 10 18. There will be a different line-up each day. To audition, contact producers Wayne Bumeit ai Richbum Entertainiment Inc. ai (416) 962-3819 or send your name, address and telephone number as well as a brief description of your aci to: Wayne Bumnett, Richbum Entcrtainiment, Toronto, Ont., M5J 2N3. People can also fax 10 (416) 260-5627 or email their application t0, The deadlîne for appli- cations is April 30. may be possible at he lies, cheats dsteals. He may bave the ideal job. he's 100 per cent tbave dme ideal job. But per cent raiable. And ai tisey smein m great bu ait fadmers ice, kt appeam 55 noti for ntiunem-eiy. valncs of the romance re stcewed towards famly. id tmp maisedin die tend," r.Henry, ýNüt justho"ai Holiday Isn for a few ~gey isbahmite'saexy AMt gm*4wwS hod is ov- ocee*dly near wW as witat*a Mçost import*ant apeairs-la a volée Ïhit gly espilai Mr. Henry. îdesIthenla site tui- teheitae ita itornâm may apei o elest of woen Mud W wlso want to write them can be broadly separated iste two tpp Tiie first la the disenchanted "Whai gesserally happens le thly read a sitory. and titrow it acrous tir, rm an say, 1~ could write better titan tis," said Mr.. Henry. "Ad s t. 'Tie second is the true blue writer wlso bas just discovered ibeir nuise ius't as Iikely as they uiiought tô b. stacked ileffpideis centurys literay get. But wrlters uailiar with the genre cuis get taisgled is a isashy hW tof clichés, seine that haven't sen a prnted page ini years. Andi while otîginallty coisis, romaence novels do tend to follow a basicpattem. :. . '"You need a hein, yen nieed a bçola., you need a conflict, and you îeeda happy ediig," reclted Mr. Henry. r¶be best ting is te akIe suore your matsuscript 4oSît souWlik*ltWtfoati." -of Cuiadlan Iiilture, a bout 1,700romance booksai pûr Mni Cato be ma&itie .51.g A r"tvelyou8eotlttromance novel cuis net ias aistior about The .mpai#r wil bgn ai 7 p-mL nd cois $7. Te miater in ativisce, cali Bey Metuobe ut 3312.êleenst is ogtby Calling ail area artists Time is running out for entries to the Fourth Annual Art on the Escarpment juried show and sale. Fine art, fine photography and sculpture will be exhibited at the event held May 27 and 28 ai Springridge Farm on Bell School Line. Applications for entry must be in by April 14. For visitors, the event will boast a vibrant variety of quality work judged by three well known local artists. And Springridge will offer farmn animais, pro- duce and a gift shop. For entoy formas and further information, artists are asked t0 cati Doug Elîroti at 854-2122. The show is hosted by the Fine Arts Society of Milton. TO.1 Heroes must be reliable ID 111W1191ta W. 87-OW Cýe 89 illStreet 878.680 J, Wac o t Palt ick's Day Events IlI 276 Main St. 878-4171 S T'y our New Zinger Sandwich S45 Chisholm Dr. 876-4731 Express Lunch: 15 Minutes or FREE ~> 395 Main St. 875-3305 New Persoiaal site Gourmet Thin Criai Pizza Live Entertainment Friay & Saturday Hwy. 401 & Guelph Une MihorUCampbeMl 854-227 ,, Quaiy Accomodadras Cnferece Roma'F"whu Sunduy Bntrh -lBook your Dock N Dot e Super 466 8tftI.uAve. L Submarino - 12" Assorted Sub with pop $4.35 + tax LimfrD Tirs OffER sopïw525 Ontario St. 875-3222 41111001111 AUl Day Breakfast -- -1 ý!-, NýEýw RýEýE-A-sEý s299 wJr.q@w_ý1 , 91 m fflga