6 jm.andinChampion, Tuesday, February 15,2000 +~ COMMENT Eight months flot long ,EmeaAao.nwh sdnl. to Plan major overliaul ITRGAIHN OFF ANP TIDY It's no wonder the Halton District Scbool Board is feeling time pressure YC L R 1(O I following tbe release of recommendations for the biggest overhaul of U Wo schooîs this region bas ever seen. y1 This sweeping and stunning consultants report, unveiled at Wednesday night's committee meeting, recommends spending $409 million over 20 years to build and renovate public scbools. o elementary schools Martin Street in 2001/02 and P.W. Merry in 2004/05. The plan also suggests building two new higb schools and an unclear numn- ber of elementary schools over tbe next five years in the town's urban expansion area. ~ The board is required to-submit a long-term plan to the Education Ministry by mid-October. We wonder if tbey will bave enougb time to do it. As Burlington trustee Sbeila Flook points out in a story elsewbere in tbîs newspaper, resîdents bave called ber witb numerous inquiries. - Conoernis include wbere cbildren will go after cbanges, boundary alter- ' ations, bow mucb public input will be allowed and tbe plan's lack of flexi- bility. We're looking for more information as well on tbe recommendations for Milton to determine tbeir feasibility and we're boping to get answers soon. SO UR READERS WRITE Gablnfunis notwPorth kin long.run Drury battie only just begun, says reader 1 a writwng in response to thse aecent article in which the miayor so, proudly dspquedache2S forl$2.ufrn o thse Ontario lAttey Corporation frorn itttas lxsiBe appamtithatt we ie liv- ing in ignorant times wbtss we can feel ptiouid abosut cmatingnývenste from attel a negative source as ganabling. Not only are we going to sitffer ecotaonically in tihe long rnn-but we alsa will saffer thse affects of the aies on outselves internai- ly. Wliether you bliivit or not the fintie bossefît of the asorttrrn fanda gained are not waeth thse suffeiing of even one individuel who wiIl unintentionally becosne elidictive atnd possibly endi ua btdke, dead or mnsatally ill. Myseif an ex-gýmbler, 1 have corne to tueue that ai I a do as 1 witch the sit- uation uitfold is puay andi ask our reator tosow thse tnie effects of gembling. Anyway, thse bottom Une ia sonte peo- ple ivili read tltis andi agree andi othes will deny. But one thing la for sure. We will die wits thse decisions we maite so hoptiBslly we will use wiadom andi not ignorance. Rob (Musab) lWet Milton THE CAiVADIAiV CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., iii Coumiai Châtin, puished every Tuisday and Friday aI 191 Main St. t., Milton, Ont., 191 4N9 (Box 248), is oneiof Tii Metroland Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Prlning, Publiling & istlIbuing LUd. group of suburban comparues wic ineludes: Alax/Pisfairing News Adairtiser, Alliston fferaldlCourier, Barrie (905) 878-2341 .Adaance, Barrys Say This Week, Boen Entrprse Brampton Guurdwn, Suardian. CollingwoodlWasaga Connectlor, tast Yorki Mirror, trio Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Mnvocate/Couniry Routes, tstdoke Guardian, Flamierougi Post, Farina, Young, Georgetoan lndipendenl/Aef on Free Press, Huronla Business Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Times, Kingston This Week. Lindsay This Wiek, Manihas tcoromist à (0 Son, MidlasdlPinetangusrene Mirror, Milan Shopping Neas. Mississaoga Classified: 875-330 Busness imes, Mississauga Nias. Rapanee Guide, Nussagaweya Neas, Neamarfuîflurora tra-Banner, Northumierland Neas. Northr York Mirror. Ian Oliver Publisher itakAlNi hiver, Oaile Shopping~ Neas. Oldfimers Hockey Nias, Onuli Neil Oliver A.rsociate Publisher Toda, SsuaaWfrifiyClaringtorlPart Perry This Week, Owen Sourd Tribune, Peterborough This Week, Picton County Guide. Richmond Big Degin Geeterai Manager HilfllornilfNaughan Liieral, Scuniorougi Mirror. Sfouffvilledioftidge Triiuni. Karen Smuith Editor Adnidising ie accepfad on ahe condition fiat, in fhe event ofa Btype- Crcuati(, Man gruphieaf inor. f ut portion of fhe adnenitlng stase oseopled ip thi erno- Steve Crouler CruainM agrmous him, togefflr in h à niasonabue alluwanoe for signaturi. alnot be Tenl en Office Manager ciarged for, but the balance of tie adnerisiment ahil Ni pald Ion et the afpplcable rate. Tee puiofr roeeas thi rigit f0 categorize adoinfise- Tbon Colee Production Manager mints on decline. Dear Editor: Three cheers to ail of those actively involved in opposing HD Investments' proposai to develop 33 acres of land by the E.C. Drury complex. You wron dais roundz But the bat- tle to keep tise land as a park has ..only just begun." Our family moved to Milton 23 years ago. We have watched our children grow up playing sports ait the E.C. Drus), complex. Now ore take walks there regu- larly. It is s oronderful, peaceful park. 1 learned recently at a town count- cil meeting how impassioneti many groupa and individuals are about keeping thse land use as it in now. We chose to live isere because Milton was a smell and l'riendiy tonen. It was a great place to aie a family. Our neighboursood was fortu- nate enough to have tise E.C. Dnsay complex as a safe and welcoming park. Now it is up. for sale. Tise Ontario governiment owns tise property. We ail know that Mike Harris has no heart. To tisem (tise provin- cial govemment) it ia just surplus land so seli it! The land is zoned institutional. The current develop- ment proposai required rezoning. Our brave town counicil voteti down tise proposai. But now tise proposai can be reviewed by tise Ontario Municipal Board and pos- sibiy go alaead. Concessions sucis as keeping tise woodlot and tennis courts could go out tise window. We are now com- mitted. Residents, specisi interest groups and town council must rally togets- er and continue to advocate keep- ing tise land use as a park. Town counicil earlier decided tisat it would be too costly to buy tise land from tise Ontario govemment. I hope tisey have tise opportunity to revisit tisis ides. Now daey must reaize the signif- Pud icance of tise property in the town's mske-up. Wits tise support of special inter- est groups and residents 1 hope tise Town of Milton can regain tise opportunity to preserve tise iseritage and uniqueness of tisis ares. Friday's Champion sisowed Mayor Gord Krantz accepting a cheque for more dha $2.5 million fro m tise Ontario Lottery Corporation for tise town's sisare of five montiss' revenues from tise new casino. Wouldn't it be ironic for tise council to vote tise use of tisese Ontario governiment windfalls to purcisase tise land from tise Ontario govemment. Nancy Craigle Childa Drive Fax letters ta The, Champion ai 878-4943 or leave tliem ai our office, 191 Main Si. E. byv Steve Nease Zo ')y WHATS IOR INNER 1 VEg NOTICE J;,GRUMPINK.