Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Feb 2000, p. 26

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26-The Canaian Champion, Tuasday, Feb-sary 15, 2000 FIELD SERVICE TECHNICIAN Y Fast growing Mississougo bosod company NRR DGE requirex a front/fine perxon esperinncnd in utore front installations anti service. Exper/ence in both ester/or anti ms/I appli- A Ful S rvie E er ervces cations of fixati anti sliding glass unies as A9ulS rvc rY S rie meI au 10/ding anti roîî/ng clonures ix a Providerar - a d R taier This sua position that milI Provder- an Reaile ! lad te rghtceouiate la a management We i-e Enbrdge Servic-es, ai ecsergy .servites biusiniess that isn'iKused oitnen.surîng s/sal residessial <siomscers' needs are met tlcrssngh ccccsseniens and innssivatis'e prseurss and .ssperisr cusi sner service. if ynit've ever visitentot iss'o cir.storesý, wsu 'se seen rte qualit' y 11;1 intest in <sUir prsdigrts - ansd in oser peosple. Find mit w/sy ere Il e leader in rte sale csJ'gas.jirc'plares, barbesoe. apid appliances by explcsring t/s opporsasity.for experiensed retail sa/c.c professiscals thrnuglout Ancas/er. Retail Sales Professionals Full & Part Timte Positions Your flare for sales and contmuûment 10 cielivering sccpcrior customer service is coraplementeil by a proven lrack record of success in a consultative selting environment, c.g. appliances, fireplaces, fumiture. computcrs or office eqsupmcst. Your strosg organizalion and customeir-service skuffs, along with a high tevci of energy and enhhusiasm, make you a hit with ail the customers. We offcr a higbly attractive compensation package, ncudiig a competitive base salary and commission structure, excellent benef»sls and a girat work enivuronmient. If you'd like lo be part of our wmnning team, scnd yosr resume, ndcating File RSOO1-HS. 10: luman Resources, Enhidlge Services, 80 Allstate Parkway, Mai-tIsse, Ontario L3IR 6113. Fax: (905) 943-6412. Email: lmacnabb@cnbrdgserviccs.com Website: www.enbridge.rom Burhngton Location Biingua. Customer Service Representative Te Company GE Capital Canada Equipesent Financing is the leading equipmcnt financing/leaaing services company in Canada. Wr currentiy offer exceptional oppornanities tojoin ou- Administration Teasn within our National Programa Croup. The Challenge You w/Il perfores portfolio admsiniatration and cstomer service fianctione for internaI and external clastomers in an eqisipesent-financing environesent. This will incissie a variety ofitasta surIs as responding to incnesing raIls; handling Cstomer Service inquiries; caIculating payouisaund performing nuhe- related administrative fssnctions. 1%e Skillhs Highly motivated, you are able ta manage multiple priorities in a fast-pacci environesent Proficient in Windows 95, Word and Excel, you posuens above average interpersonal and communication aMIs. You recognize the importance of providing super/or customer service and conuistcntiy strive to achieve ibis goal. You have a strong background within the financial services indstry and demonstrare excellent attention to detail. The Rewardas Wr offer a competitive saiary and an excellent benefits package. Please send your resume, in confidence, to: Attention Hisman Resources, CE Capital Canada, Equipesent Ftnancing, 5420 North Service Rosi, Burlington, Ontario, VIL 6C7. No agencies or phone cais plisse. We thank al applicants for their interest, butadvise that onlW those selected for an interview vsIll be contacted. An equal opporruniry employer. Eqiýîpment Financing We beng gcd ffinga fIfil, 87-30 position orsa service teain operstng througolOnlunio. Excellent compensa- lion anibnefil package to start. Please fax femume in confidence 10: 1-877-568-8747 ACCOUNTS ASSISTANTf A growîng international campany in food and Agricfultue (Oakville) immediafely needs an AccouaIs Assistant wilh apprux. 2 years accaunfing experience Up la Trial Balance stage. Spsnish and ACCPAC an assef. Please fax resurnt wifh caver noIe sugges/ing salary expecatmn fa: 9-339-0576 Ws are a progressive, growlng, LTL Motor FreIght Company. Ye. are a Seviar Caslvmer Service Represenlslive whu Ibnives an prablen sulving. Yax have the abilify la nvrh effeclively balh indepenienly snd as a member of a leam. Vax pasxesx a ress/lx-orienled apprach la casîsmer service. wfrich enables ou lu bai/i 1/rang cus/amer rels/iunahips. Tu have a minimuam of2 peara eprio in damies- lic ani U.S. lraspoation, as viel as a gond nonI- oige af cus/vms. Il yau have s pasitive attitude and are cammi/led la service, las /001 rexume la: Huam Resuem, (00)002-1750 ACWOUNTM4T Mi size M/lion company wih compuierized system seeks an Accountant Full set of bocks for several companies. 1-2 years accounting exper/ence. In firsi or second year of CMAICGA course with UniversitylCollege degree. Strong communication akiiswih "fake charge" atitude. Fax resume to George ai: ACCOUNTING ASSISTANIT CGA office ha an immeiate opening for an accounting assistant. The ideal candidate wotîii have public uccount- ing experience andine formai uccount- ingttaxation education. Specific knowt- edge of MYOB, Cuseware, Lotus, Excel soi .Taxbyte ix preferred but experi- ence on comparable software wouli be consiierci. Tht individual shouli be a self starter, energetic, und resoul-ceful willing O assume increasing responsi- bilities und Cake professional devel- opmnent courses. Responi in veriting nnly O tht aidress beiow stating your expectri sala-y requirements. Daniel Vasanell CGA, CFP 273 Qatemn Stseet Acton, ON, L7J IP8 Fax: 519-853-4289 The Centre hasf 38%rnr MMrainingtimel and a wor* placernelnt fort-a mi)e/flece! Have you worlced in heaith cane? Take aur P-T course& be eflied Credit giveet for wofl sprence. - - - - WE knaw wbere the jobs si-el Traies and Computer Tecbnobogy Industrie/ Electrlan/ Mechani; Women in Traies; Constesi/an or Computer Techniesl; Software Speciallal; Network Administre- tor ..1 Courses statt in Febi-uarylMarch. Cul The Centra, (905)333- 3499 tar jo/n s f rae info sessanf PFEAS REYL HIS M '1-'- thse 0nty Phese DotIt Youfl Esr Niai t.o bitc lIt/ 10oue elumc te M a andul Nia V*b»iyn Batil Ihail tlft Givit4r Hilton. Wdre i. oww tatiy un OW MW fortr. wem glitqeaviVà îY " Bugt «Às YawGnIi~ ~ ~ ~~pe t oieaaultuisiek Pm1t-fioe Pmoram U Stanis Februany 15 Fuil TienProgram: Staris Mvch 20. Reotv for an silo sesin! Cee U lisel ebb ah e333-34M9i78-24~ est. 121. * h Qmfn/te ISN'T il lime ýou met someono nico rinng is csmiag- nha/ could be a be/fer limie? Mia/y River Introctions- To- ovnos lraidioral match- maker (416)777-6302. Clinical Research Network Administrator CMX ReseacX nc. and Trafalgar Ethmcs Board nc. are two progressive companies that service the clinical research morketplace in Canada. Wsrking ni/h sur pharmaceulical clients, CMX Research pruvides high qsai/y research si/os and e/hics rosies services. We are louking for a Netnork Adminisîn/uor la nnrk w/lhoh con/iaool/ deve/upmen/ at our basiness nhich ix grung rapii/y. This fUltime, fast paced, delail arin/d positiun inclsies ho/h the e/hics huard sectanial ra/n and the administraive fondions for CMX Research. The ideal candidate ni// bave advancei camps/or ski//s inc/sding Microso/t Ward, Excol aad Pawerain; s/rang in/orpornanal, orgaaszaliana, nni//eu and verbal communication ski//s; tre ahi/i/y la nork iniopeaioly, mu//i-lask, priorilize ssignimen/s and /ake a pradivo appruach ni/h mo/ico/ous atten/ian Io deail. Knoige of GCP wud ho an asse. We aorsa cumpo/ilivo xa/ary and houe/ils land an entrepreneurial environmont. To/findu/mure about os check aur neb site www.CMX<res.com. Oua/if iei iniiviisa/s abu/i farivard a resumue la: Tom Ekers, Presiient CMX Research Inc. SuCe 405 - 1235 Trafalgar Rond North 05kvîle, ON L6H 3Pl Fax: (905) 338-0054 or e-mail ta: tekers@0CMXres.com We Ibank ait applican/s bot an/y /huso selec/edl for an interview will ho con/acled YOUR JOB SEARCH? "Résume Workshops " nm-et Job Accesa nInterview Workshops nOn the Job Training JOB CONNECT Cail tihe Hotllne: Milton: 878-4956 tAIIS trOts 101. UOYV- errment seized & sur- plus. 50/i localy. Cal nolFe o itings. 1- 888-346-700ext.N200. bedroora bouse or tovenhotise. Good refer- nces. 693-1238.

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