22 - lb. Caadian ChamploS, Tuesday, February 15,2000 AA minor bants run out of steam in series Apparently there just wasn't enough left in thse gas tank. Milton's AA minor bantamas had several players busy with two sports late st wek As a remt, tise team was running on empty by gaine four of their opening round provincial playoff series with Orangeville Saturday at Memorial Arena. Tfli Grand Transport Winterhawks, tee- tcring on thse brink of the elimination before tic cvening clash, started sbowing signa of fatigue around tic midway mark of the do-or-de conteas and evehtually loat 5-2. "A lot of these guys were also involved in basketball and just had no legs for thc gaine," said head coach Jim Kosmalaki. That exhaustion was especially evident during their biggest break of the night. Halfway through thse second period - witb tise gamne stili acoreleas - thse locals found themaiseves wiUi a two-man advan- tage for four minutes. Tbey managed to squeeze a powerplay goal out of it but only aftcr coughing Up a shorthanded tally - courtesy of some aloppy play that screamed of mental as well as physical weariness. And if Milton waa counting on another undisciplincd outing by their gucats to knot the series for a second time, thcy were in for a major letdown. In fact, they were Uic ones wbo took Uic coatly penalties and gave up a couple of powerplay goals down the stretch, whicb helped seal thc deal for thc viaiting Flycra. Goaltender Tim Johnston was solid in the cage to keep bis teamn within striking distance. Shots on net favoured Orangeville 30- 17. Thse 'Hawks didn't regiater a ahot until two minutes into thse middle stanza. They'll now switch gears to Tri County action and hoat thse Oakville Rangera T7hursday at Memorial Arena. Gamne time is 7p.m. Milton Heights Academgy A Private Grade School A Venture into the new Millennium 144 Tremaine Road, Milton, Ontario L9T 2Y3 What does February mean to you? At Milton Heights Academy we are ready, wîlling and able to give your child a chance ta excel, catch up, or just soar ahead in a tranquil, stress-lree, natural enviroriment where our empha- sis is focused on developing your child's self-esteerm and meeting their need for individual attention. Why wait? Experience a taste of what private school cari offer. Allow your children to catch up a grade or two or just work ahead Enroiment for September Due to the uniqueness of this pro- gram, spaces are limited so low ratios cari be obtained. OPENIIO0USE Saturday, March 4th 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. *Saturday, March 18th 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Summer Camp 2000 WAA variety of camp programns will be offered in the summer, including an academic program, computer activities and lots of fun! -N Game Board Camp - Farm Camp - Sports Camp - Art Camp lIPlease contact the Pricipal, Deborah Martin for ft*rther information O(905) 693-1557 Fax (905) 693-1558 e