~LT~J P~~~!C LIER2J A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 140 N. 96 Tuesday, February 15, 2000 40 Pages $ 1.00OGST nctale» JYinancia1 advisor facing charges - $7509OOO missing VFlip floppin' fiin Jaeon Wallgora, 13, dose a backfllp off a lump et Glen Eden Ski Ares Sunday. Wlth plenty of enow and aome sunny <laye thrown Into the mlx, thse local ski and snowboard resort ha been extremely popular thîs wlnter. By IRENE GENTLE The Champion After a year-long investigation, former Milton financial advisor Michael Bourgon has been cbarged in connection with the disappearance of more than $750,O. He was charged Friday with 12 couts escs of fraud over $5,000 and thefi over Foui play V ruled out Tise case of a naked niant found barely alive in tise parking lot of tise old Milton cinema Wednesdsy has been tumned over to tise coroners. "We are now absolutely convinced there was no criminal activity involved," said Sgt. Frank Phillips of Halton Regional Police. "We have turned il over to tise coroner." An autopsy on tise 48-year-old Ottawa- ares man found isypothermia to be tise cause of deats, sald Dr. Don Roberston, one of Halton's coroners. Dr. Roberston aaid tise man was outside for approximately three to five isours befote ise was discovered. But neitiser tise police nor tise coroner would say wisy tise man veas lying outside naked in tise snow. "I understand tise details of wisat isap- pened, but tisat's ail 1 wish to release," Dr. Robertson said. "tt'a not a criminal investigation and no other people veere involved." Sisortly after 9 a.m. Wednesday, police received a 911 caîl reporting a body in tise parking lot of a Cisisholm Drive building - - tise former cinema currently heing renn- vated to become a country bar. Wisen police arrived, tisey found a mas veitis faint vital signa. He was rusised to Milton District Hospital wisere he died. Halton Regional Police aren't releasing tise victim's namne aitie request of his family. $5,000. The 44-year-old Cambridge resident was also charged with uttering a fhat dmentcus forg en cument ing a person to act on a document such as a cheque or will, that isn't genuine. Michael Bourgon His farst court appearance ia sciseduled for February 28 in Milton. "Isat's the start of tise court process," said Det. Larry Brassard of Halton Regional Police. Tise chargea stem from alleged offenses against 10 clients spread tisroughout the Greater Toronto Ares, including Mississauga. Georgetown, Burlington. Caledon, Milton and Toronto, said Det. Brasad Tise alleged offenses took place as far back as 1997. with tise isulk occumrng in laie 1998 and early 1999. Tise chargea are a final postscript to.a saga that began st Febraa. At tisat trne, Mr. Bourgon was tem- porarily turfed from Bourgon Financial * ee BOURGON on page 2 Comment Page 6 Community Page 8 Healthy Living 16-18 Dateline 20 Sports 21-23 Classified 24-26 Undor the Stars'* sRadio l Shack *oselsi eau uly TIF OF THE MONTIIl: Does Your Pet Have Healthy Teeth; and Why You Should Be Concerned? Periodental 'gam" diaease is ose of thse mnost conmaia healils probtemns sees by veteninarias. la fart 85 ta 90 perceat of aIl doga and cats over ais yeara of sgt have iteriodontai <tamn) diseaae. Thse signa of petiodontal diaeaae are bad breadi, bleediag, inflaased or receded gama, infection, chaages ia appeite, difficulty cbewiag or toetit lois. Periedontal disease casi ha pataful and cas contribute te kidney, liver and ham duase. If yen have aoticed any of dmea tiges, achedule a consaultat for yeaw pet. Becaute pets do set cure fer thir teeis dt way people de, dental preisiema cas ha ettemly severe ad life thretening. Feetunately moat dental probleins cas ha preveated or if tltey devclep tlsey cas ha trested by your vetennuaa. Rtawn*br Pets have teetà h fo! *nuu iai auvenilsi Rnth vnma nnd i yaur peus appaînimeni. fitl appreclate Il. Voted #1__ for Bote, B reakf~t 40 Chahehar> 877e41 W