Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Feb 2000, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Frlday, February Il 2000 - 7 O UR READERS WRITE Plenty of reasons to deny development Dear Editor: Re: The editorial comment that it's "hard ta imagine a better deal" (February 4) con- cerning HD Investments' proposai for a housing development behind E.C. Drury High School. There are plenty of compelling reasons supporting the outcome of tawn councils vote and preparing ta fight the Ontaria Municipal Board (0MB) for retention of this area of parkland. Many ai the issues relate ta safety, enviranmentai cancerns *and quality of life. Numeraus good points were preaented at the five-hour session, and though t can't quote verbatim or give due credit ta the individuals, I would like ta reiterate some of the poignant commen- taries: * If you want ta retain these landa, send the message ta the province, loud snd clear, and fight the develapment. * 0f course the developer is willing ta accept any conditions. Do the math. There is $39 million at stake. * The property is "landlocked" -- it's a farced fit (unable ta came up with a oea- sonable and safe accesa). * The proposed develapment is consid- ered ta be high density and is not compati- ble with the surrounding neighbourhhoods. * There are 6,000 homes gaing in on Milton's esat aide -- why do they have ta have this space behind E.C. Drury? * The deai cammunity considers this land ta be their hentage. From the developer's aide we learned: * The developer wauld not disclose the selling price ai the homes, trying ta con- vince the audience that he 'daesn't knaw." * That the nuraing home plans were nat shown on the drawings because the ares is already zoned institutional and they were not required ta show it in the presentatian. * Halton was identified as "being in need ai beda." (Councillar Cindy Lunau enlightened us that these are needed in Burlingtan and Oakviile, nat Milton.) * The position that they are "securing aur future." * That the praposed develapment would be a condominium format, and therefare subject ta candaminium fees. And the mast ludicrous argument pre- sented by RD Investments' legal caunsel: * That there is a seriaus existing danger an Childa Drive that would heremedied by creating a road at that site. In her report, planning coordinator Anne Bauck referred anly ta the tennis courts and did not acknowledge this as the social and recreatianal institution that it actually is. This bega concem about what the real future wauld be for the Milton Tennis Club if the deveiapment proposai were ta be accepted. Mcl Lavia explained ta us that the plan- ning act allowed any applications ta be reviewed. The planning department per- formed its job in assessing the information and preparing the technical report. Unfortunaîely the planning department alsa recammended acceptance ai the pro- posai. Your headiine on page 7 reads, Council ignares Town staff recammendation." Thankfully, as atated by an audience mem- ber at the meeting, "Our town council pos- sesses mare wisdom than aur tawn plan- ners." The viewpoint that a gaad offer bas heen bat doca not hold ment. Town council made the right chaice. The develaper's neat option is ta apply ta the 0MB. If the appeal is ruled in favour ai the develaper and if BD lnveatments has any integrity at ail, it 'would proceed with the plan that is in the best intereat ai aur community rather than punishing Miltan for its decision isat week. We dan't accept the defeatiat attitude that "this is aut heat deat." Regina Devine Couson Avenue bisai.. ki maie bemnagara eve.y y.oe shandodur caine. sel àeih cainhinsd SMAJ~rR'sI< presents M HERQE Monday, February 21, 2000 7:00 p.m. Oakviile Ceeue for Performing Acta 130 Navy Street, Oakviiie (Noerh vi Lalveshose Rt-I - Weor vi Tufaigar Rut) Erre Paolong Iffe~savrngdecs,. and r S ~M4Iiknapqwyprtet.lionîhaw ~ lflIEMlitIldyaCda~S.J ~ 4~zrqerkda 1er lEtait 12 yuan aI sas a eider e. Thuraday, Februaay 24,2000 7:00 p.m. Milton Disuice High Sehool 396 Wiiliams Avenue, Milton Erre Parking e. t- t- *a 3 n o * Ndon.tOpnmnnn > 5t-o~-at Su oovo. Ford o, Oorrpaoy oFCaoat-lt- SreaoRusk* Pets, Caoada HrySYoorh -c dasoro . Caoada P.cflv i dat,,,, iii Oaknriie* Lort-tHosse/ ~ Curoreronîry Aioraodo & tnm,,o OrMas, Fovrdaîioo Ft-od Opioeio Club of Oakndln tuororyduir of OuirndirTr&ftlgav . LaidaseTeamo . More. <Yt'MH Cirueit-bie Corp M.oviorrd Fooseg Sesmivm Nro~ Ruirirmnndd SssidsKlorr Bssdraer* ivirisso Dinoive Ho.çosid ~ O F,,susdasion DOrt-toi Iniruoruvuser Gerop Joloessn Cinornk Nood . OaJeriltrTuJitgae Odsooi C,,, S Lçtsdoronn Sdsosd. PFA* Kt-riglessofCidumiross - MS,,,, Oakdik Borner - Tosnssdk*ieMitdsed 3 O.p..fradir~n * Catit-dia,, toi Cre.. lit-hou Rqiou Heatets Onpatnornst . Hdorn HoidsvaerSen~or . Ton,,, ,sfMdore *T,,n,,,,fOalsndk 7awdlOtemnqédhoemC.aad.ekduormahdap.wuuébqwy Don't forget about wlio suffers from Casino Mohawk Dur Edf (or: Well, tise firat cheque la in Miltan's Town caffers fram Casino Mohawk. IL appeara doit everyone at town hall la thrillcd aithe newcash 00w. When cauncil sisets spendîng like tinenken saikere (they aoe mot gohsg ta do doit) and atarta redueing every- one'a tax bilI (like that's gosng ta happen') juat remeinher that it's Campbellvilîe md »rookville that have been moat incanvenlenced by 24-hour traffic md crim~, natta mcii- tion doit propctty values have pusoha- bly decreased. - When tise disat ceira anti if there la any money leflover, I reessinti couneil doit aur zurai ama ig part of Mutais ina. - Yau <lad go ta-put expense by installing traffle Signala (a four-Wîy stop woult! bave aufficeti) (bus ateal- in~ sonne of CanipbeIlvilIe~s village cChWl~L It will bei grealdiy wlaen we ~et a full-blown caahn~ nid elirninate ail of Milton~a penpeety-tales FfIakMItçhJl - campb.uvule ratomerngt-rrati. AviOMAi/Ci Air csrdoîntoett-trt-vi crsivo COSIOROI orvet vans i5' WOttL5 enaîs. MUSC UsMasa Canasse rot enontir Letters welcome The Conodian Champion welcomes letters to the edisor. We resserve ihe right to edit, revisse, and rejeci setters. Letters musi Be signed and the address and the telephone numkser of the writer included. Mail leStera ta: The Canadian Champion, Box 248, Miltan, Ont., L9T 4N9, leave them at our ofRese, 191 Main St. E. or fax ta 878-4943. ~>~I3RBAY'S SWIM BOU2TQij~ Buuiiqmue Sale lés." 40%w SWIMSWIJI ~ VISIT THE BOUTIQU~ FOR VALENTINES SHOPIW V> Elite Lingerie Y Elegant but affordable 250 Bronte St. S. Ofl~A~ Milton casaro cs occoro rosent- vo t05.5tOMOOP 305.005 MSRP sessns/ iiordsA Orsossi ors-i Seront-I Opesiit-/ ~srson,î Tho Nissan Altima OIE blows Accord uni Camry off tho ohu~-for about $1200 lois Why pay more o drive a ronfler Up? Tire Nissan Alliera also ireaS caorr~ n front aod rear iread room. Plus, settirer caerry sot Accord tîves you rire pie- tance o? wood.tooe trier. Wanr more? Aitiera C5ts standard fearures erclude * kepleso reorote eerrry . pomer mots retease * doal jllumtraied vanhif erir- rom, and more. Ail ina car tirai, iras done orereiirirt else tirai neitirer vi lis i.oerpetstoso ian tsoasi.only Altimo iras earsed 1.0. Poorer aoddooocaieo ranking or tire tire 'Sut trity Midaizo Car le initial Suallty I. 1h. US. SUaI a lIa Liai 4 lemes." 2.80/o FINANCE 2000 Altima OXE I. ~ SPECIAL CASH PRICE* ~ $21998 Sn.O~fnsh.et.r.M5nfrnerdsMden~an.~n.nnnn....sss~ IAneernannn/en2~~,.5er/r4evnOAao/ /n~Mn.~dintnrd/O85frnor~5vsnn i ~.oree.ia..s .i M... *. S ,nl nM.s H~~e & mn -, mss & Un SUn.. ~ Shran

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