6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February il, 2000 ~COMMENT Roxul plant deserves big round of applause Hats off to Roxul mc. for its $3 million plan to eliminate odours at e Rotten smells have been haunting area residents for years and we have no doubt that the wool insulation manufacturing plant is responsible. The company appears to be making an elaborate and sincere attempt to improve the situation and for that it deserves credit. If approved by the Ministry of Environment, the company's efforts to clear the air will include a new combustion plant for its curing oven, a major overbaul of its air control system, the installation of an air cooler and a new, higher capacity fume incinerator. The cash will also buy a common 43 msstack to vent tue cleaned air. e Q lime will teil if these measures will alleviate the problem. A hont of doubt bas been expressed by a Ministry of Environment spokesman, who says he's not sure if the plan will be enough. But we're hopeful the changes will be approved and will be suc- - - cessful 50 residents of the area can enjoy the summer without having to hold their noses. ~ O UR READERS WRITE Rpd.~poed. ~rfrogp<~r*Igh Pederal fax <>u#s to corne In good Urne The foIlôwùpk letier was teint to IfeMtan MPP Ted Chudleigkoede copy wasfiled with 77oe £7aoeay~aoi~ -. I have reeeived your open lelter dated Jsnualy 25 concerning taxes aid would briefiy reapond by aayisg that Use frder- ai governinent la ~ooking os a broad- baaed lix reduction prograns that wiI1 noS nialerialli.. 8111111 flue 4tlivety of tii. budget next ntonth. I realize IbiS G1n~ Hartis govenuûeut cul pessonal ineonie taxes t>y 30 percent md you reoeatly coogîinltted ta proM- lng aBsaddilional2ôpercenl eut. I wsnt to mnake il quit. clear UsaI when W~ Cul 01K lixca WC ivili 0001 bu gQiBBg loto deficit*to ilo il. Deflcit budgellng la on mildious evil liai musI b. sleered away frIaBo. Whegs ouI bx culs corne, lhey will b. clone in a responsible otanner and not non lb. rlek of pulllng us back mb Use days cf lncreaslng deit. Julien R..d H*itonMP THE C ADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., il.. Canaisa Champion, poblisteed evvp Tuesday and Fniday Bt 191 Main St. t., Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), s one ni The Meteoland Milton. Ont. L9T 4N9 Printint Publnhieg & Sistnibutina Lld. scoop ni subueitan companins wteich includer Ajai~Piclaening Beys Adoentisen, Allîston Heeald/Cnunien, Bannie (905) 878.2341 AdvaeeceBannns Boampton Guardian, Guardian. Cullîngwoodliasaga Connection, loti Vork Mineur. Enie Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Adoocale/Couttey Boutes, Etobicoka Guandian, Fbmbonougte Pont, Forener Ynung. Geongetovo lndependentlActon Free Peexo, Idunonia Business Advertosîng Fax: 876-2364 Timon, Kingstnn This Wnek, Lindsay Thit Wneti, Manlehan Economist 5 Sun, MidlandlPenntunguitteenn Mienne, Miton Shopping Nnws, Mittissauga Cîassified: 875-3300 Business Times, Mîssissauga Beys, Napanen Guida. Nassagawepa Nnws, tlewmarketlAurona tea-Banner, Noethumbentand Beys, Nortit Yonk Minnor, Ian Oliver Publisher Saienlite Beanen, Qabvitie Shopping Beys, Otutemnen Hockey Beys, Seillia Ttdap, Onleawa/WteilGy/Claeinglne/Poet Penen Titis Week, Oven Sound Neil Oliver A.n.nneciate Pubdisher Tribune, Peterbonougin Titis Week, !ictne Coonty Guide, Rîchenonu BIBI Begin Generual Manager l4iitftlenenhlltNaughan Libenal, Scanhornugit Mirnor, Stnuttnlilel5xbnidge Tnibune. Karen Sanitb Editnor Adoeetisîng s accepted un GB cundîtion that, n the event ot a typo- gnaphicat ente, than pndinn ti 111e adneniislng space occupied Itti tee neen- Steve Crozier Circu(aeaîon Manager nenut item, logetteen wntii a eeannnultle aliovance ion signature, viii not be Teri Casas OJJice Manager chaeged me, but tee balance ni tue adueelisomenl viii te ltuid me ut lien applicable nate. The pubtinleen reseesen tine nigbt to categonioe adneetese- Tian Colon Producpùon Manager vents on decline. Seniors' needs ignored by five councillors Dear Editor: Howimnic it in that ai Use naine lime Milton town council wao rejecting a rezoning application that would have renulted, if approved, in Use construction of an adult community geared 10 senioro, the Elderly Services Advisory Committee (ESAC) waa presenting 10 regional council a report high- lighting the serioun ohortage of neniora' accommodaîioftn in Halton. The developer requenting the rezoning wav proponing the con- ntnzction of 195 single-ntory bun- galoson in a condominium style community geared to seniors 55 years of age and over on the vacant lands behind E.C. Drury High School. The report fmm ESAC mentions the need for thin type of houuing for neniorn capable of taking care oU themnelves but unable or unwill- ing to maintain a large multi-sto- ried home. On January 31 at a special meet- ing of council we were asked 10 support the staff recommendation for the zoning amendinent that would have allowed the construc- tion of exactly Usis type of housing. Unfortunately Milton council chose to deny the application. Given the opportunity 10 take the lead toward renolving this nerioun shortage in neniors' housing, five of nine Milton councillorn able 10 vote on this issue chose 10 ignore the needa of our seniors and caved Ifl 10 Use demands of a nmall, but vocal gmup. Mayor Gord Krantz along with councillors John Challinor, Wally HunIer, Brian Penmsn and Cindy Lunau allowed the "nos in my backyard mentality" 10 win ouI over the needa of our seniors. When faced with doing what waa right or what wan poliîically safe they chose 10 put politico ahead of our seniors. When asked 10 choose between saving a few Breen or pro- vidîng houning for our neniorn they chose Use treen. Fortunately, there in still hope for our seniors as the developer han appealled council's decinion 10 the Ontaglo Municipal Board. There is a good chance UsaI thin board of bureaucrats will give more considerations 10 Use needs of our seniors than did these five Milton politiciano. Richard Malboeuf Halton reglonal and Milton counclilor Millennium park? Dear Editor: What a wonderful gift il would be if town council took the Mohawk gaming money, bought Use land from Use E.C. Druoy devel- oper, built on Use vision of the deaf students and tunird Use land mb a millennium park. I for one would be the firnt 10 volunteer 10 participate on a citi- zens' commiîtee 10 plan and fund- raise for Use paolc'n completion. JIm Murphy Beaver Court Pud by Steve Nease