I The Canadian Champion, Fdday, F.buasy 11,2000 - 29 Mavericks bring in new skipper YGUR AIRUNE PICTURE! EVERY DAY THERE ARE NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS of change in the air travel industry, ail of which effect you, the traveler, whether fiysng on business, for leisure, or ofi'on that vacation junket. The AIR CANADA picture, now that they have a dominate position since the takeover of CANADIAN is one which ia watched with much intereat by ail Canadians. Ibis includes flot only ail of us who Iravel, but by the many other camers in Canada who are making plana to enter tome of lIte marketa to give you an aiternative for your purchaae of travel. Air Canada's operating income W55 Up last year to a recoid $503 million, even though the camer went through that pertod of thwartîng a hostile takeover bid' accordsng to Robeet Milton, AC President who stated how proud ha is of their employees and mis excellent performance. ONE WONDERS WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS WITH THEIR 'NEW POSmON' - FOR THEM - AND US, Canada's citizenry' AMERICAN AIRLINES HAS ANNOUNCED plans to give passengers more room on its planes. lIte airline is set to remove two rows of tests fmm each of its more tItan 700 jet aircraft, giving passengers more leg room throughout lIte planes coach sections. "Anierican will ha able to panvide more room for more coach passengers than any other airline," AA daims. Ns is good news for those traveling on AA, but those who travel on other carnets, particularly mo~t of the charters will stilI have a feeling of 'closeness' - especiaily if you are of any size. (Goca with the pricing, usually!) flhiUku TRAVEL F~ST CLASS WITH BR1TISH AIRWAYS and receive a $400 gift certificats redeemable at Harry Rosen, Roots or Sony. A $200 gift certificats will ha given to travelers when they opt for Club World. TO GO SKHNG - WORLD VACATIONS is offering four- night stayt at both Whisder and Banif. Whistier rates start st $425 per person and include accommodation, transfert, and s three-day lift pass. See your professional travel agent and get yourself booked!. J~M"" iravel £eww~e 4~j4e~44 878-2886 16 Martin St. (downtown) Also hi Haltout Huila and Oakviile www.brucehood.com Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Mflton Mavasieka' GM Dave Decalm (lefI) officluîly wleomes aboard new hmed comch John Chandhr, who'll take owr tIse migna from long-lime eldp- ~r JIm Leworthy. 8v STEVE LBLANC The Champion Milton's Jr. B lacrosse team is facing s major rebuild tItis summer. But at lesat thay've now got an experienced foreman on board to help with construc- tion. Mavericka GM Dave Decaire recently announced that the head coaching post - vacated by a retiring Jim Leworthy - would be flled by highly accomplîshed John Chandler. The Orangeville native, who's been a longtime member of bis hometown's traditionally powerful program, becomes only the third skipper in the franchise'î six year history. "I'm tickled pink to have someone in place that has SO much experience and succeas." remarked Decaire. "This is a logical progression to our affil- iation with Orangeville." Ianpreasive resume Chandler, who got the nod over a couple of other candi- dates on the short list, comes packing some mighty impres- sive credentials. Over 15 years he's coached at every tevel from bantam to senior and was a back-to-back Ontarjo Jr. B Coach of the Year in 1989 and 1990. With 10 provincial champi- onships and a handful of national titles. ha appears to ha a very suitable successor to Leworthy. That's something the local club will definitely need - seeing as tue bulk of Isat year's teani, that took national silver, have either gone overage or will probably ha graduating to the Jr. A rsnks. While Brantford disbanding could offer a seasoned addition or two, Uic local club will in ail likelihood sport a much younger liuteup tItis season. Coach likes a challenge However, that doesn't seem to be of great concern to ChantIer. "I'm flot bothered by Uic ides of an inexperiencet team," he ssid. "The teaching aspect of coaching is my strength. I know Uic game inside and out." According to Decaire, Chandler is also a strong moti- vator anti should bring in tonte succesaful systeros from the perennial powerhouse Northmen. "They go with six-man units up there radier than thrce unes and three spares," explained Milton's general manager. 'It gets ail tIse players into Uic game more quickly ted cre- ates more depth. Hopefully that'a one of the things he'll implement hare." The Mavericks, whose regu- lar tesson sehedule has been upped to two dozen games tItis yesr, open training camp in early April. They'll mn camp sîongside Uic Nortltmen. u *E.S.P. DEADLINE The R.R.S.P. 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