SATURDAYFEBRUARY 13 2 -4 PM 2107 Fifteenth Sideroad $194,900 Betty Ingle in attendance REMAX Blue Springs Reaity (Hatton) Corp. 878-777 V Yesr 2000 tax planing tips V Somne of "Our flest Ideas" PieuseTb CJIin (90) 26479,or TOLI.. FREEy 1-80-263216 tletIvsmni iiinoCB reretsr seat AU alUnA.. wIUI reoe*a' a COMPLIMKNTAR y COPY Of P~t. Lyncb'a fflr bookklefoaturieog COIMON DENSE IWKSTMENT STK.4TEGIE NOTE: IF YOU WOIILD UIE A MORE IDVUAL APPROACE, A PRIVATE NEMEKG CAN DE ARMIAED. io Trai n service gets 15% boost; ,Milton included By IREt.E GENTLE The Champion A newly-approved 2000 GO Transit budget should help unclog bottlenecked highways, says Halton Regional Chair Joyce Savoline. The budget included a 15 cent across-the-board face increase, -the first since 1998. The extra money wiIl help fund improvementa to the systemt, including the resumption of aIl-day (9 arn. to 3 p.m.) service of GO Train lines at Fairview, Appleby and Bronte stations in Burlinigton. .And some GO Bus routes will be transformied into more conve- nient train services in Milton. The changea are scheduled to take place this summer and have been lauded by Ms Savoline. "Anything that gela people off the highway is good," she said. "I'm extremely happy. I think for a vety littie bit of money we've hopefully been able to get more cars off the road." The budget was approved by the Greater Toronto Services Board (GTSB) st Fniday. Halton currently pays out more than $10 million for GO ser- vices. And that could increase if Toronto wins a bid to shake off part of its tinancial stake with the argument that 905 residents use the service more than those living in Toronto. Maintenance coats huge A study is currently being undertaken to determine if tIse 905 hoards are a boon to Toronto. But the cost of shoring up GO service in coming years has been estimated at $1 billion, Ms Savoline pointed out. That would psy for thse installation of new lines, buying more trains to put on them, and polishing up the vehicles already in use. ..The maintenance cos are humongous," said Ms Savoline. And with no reserve money in the GO coffers, those costs will have lo be shouldered by thse municipal members of the GTSB. Ms Savoline il pleaaed wits the 2000 budget, but ase isn't sure how well tIse GTSB will des] with transit issues in the future. "GO is a very complicated systçm and I believe il can't have 43 masters, which is has at the GTSB," shte said. 'The right thinga have happened but we're still battling without any surplus. This question *of GO reserves, is a big one right now."1 More education la needed to'bring the board up t0 speed on how to best move people through tise GTA, said Ms Savoline. 'The jury's out on that but given the complexity of the system, I don't think there has been a proper education on GO Transit bo new members of tIse GTSB." But an extension of off-pesk service in Burlington should help alleviate the cmush at tIse Oskville stations, said Ms Savoline. "The parking lots in Oskville are indescribable," she said. "TIey're totally jamnmed." DR. MARIENE TURNER WELCOMES A NEW CHMOPRACTOR TO THE HEAUINO CENTRE! SOr. Anna Marie Fedoaiewicz is a graduate of Western States Chiropractic College in Portiand, Oregon .with estensive diagnostic training and experience in care ranging froin pediatrica to geriatrics. She also has a special intereat in pre-natal heats and athletic injuries. As as active participant in thse International, Canadian and Ontario Chiropractic Associations, Dr. Anna continues to*stay abreast of recent scientific research and therapeutic tecÎtniques in chiropractic. She looks forward to helping her patienta and their famillies achieve otmum health and wellness lhrough Chiropracic care! START IMPROVINO YDUR HEALTH TODAYI M -F 7am-6:3OprnSat:9am- 2pm I (Walk-mn patenta welcone> THE HEALINOG CENTRE 95 Main St. E. MiIton,Ont. L9T 1 N4