Beautiful Face... ish with a quick is taa strang) an spritz ot eau de tai- yaur pulse pints. lette (pure pertume Dan't spray per- fume directý an a claud in frant at yaur dress as it will yau and walk stain. lnsteod spray thraugh if. The Canadian Chamalonn. Fridlav. Fabniaiv 11. 2000-19 yourself a weekly miri-manicure, tram naw until the bg day. lise day befare the wedding da ail thase last-minute things such as remoaing unwant- ed hakr painting yaur nails and hav- ing a pedicure. If yau've gat lime, treat yaurseif ta a relaxing haDur-lang massage ta saathe away any pre-wed- ding jitters, Mast lmpartanty, dan't target ta enjay yaurseltt it's here. yaur big dayi Relax in a luxu- dousty fragrant bath. The best way ta ensure that yaur pertume lasts thraughaut yaur wedding day Is ta layer it wvith prad- ucts at the same scent. Chaase yaur (ar yaur tiancé's) tavaurite fragrance and then indulge yaurset. Start by having a bath ar shawer using scent- ed gels and saaps, then apply yaur bady lottan ar mais- turizetc ao r deadarant and fin- rPatrick Event Planning proudly presents the *Çîîp& ~. Sunday, February 20, 2000 l *Ci&Sv 11:00 am -4:>OPm oadmissioni at ClubLink's Prestiglous RaftleSnake Point Golf Club 5407 Regional Road 25, Milton Located on Hlghway #25, ten kilometres forth of the Q.E.W., and 2 km norih of Hwy #5 Bridai Fashion Show at 2:00 p.m. Tickets $5.00 - Available at the door *Supportlng 3 Halton Charities -DOOR PRIZES -FREE PARKING -FREE SEMINARS -OVER 40 EXHIBITORS ! For more information call Lorrie Ferrante in Milton (905) 876-2075 0