I've learned to beware of the nice ones You know that person you think la juas the niceat you have ever met? Well, guesa what? They aren't ail that nice -- at ieast according to my theory. It stases that being nmcc ail the time gocs againat the laws of human behaviour. It can't be done. Thinga need to balance out. The person who appears to be extra speciai spicey-nicey needa an outiet for their not-so-nice aide for the proper equi- librium to ho maintained. I don't think it's something we leam as we go along, cither. It starta righs from babies. They're cute and aIl, but shcy're flot parsicuiariy micc, cape- cialiy when they want something. Laser they bite and then they become teenagers. Some time in betwcen they discover thcy. don't have to worry about Santa's lias of naughty-and- nice kida in order to get presents at Christmas. Evcry parent with teenagers bas wondercd at limes why their kida are so nice to their frienida, and then bites your head off hocause yôu blocked their visionrof the selevision whcn you walkcd by. Among grown-ups, the balance oftcn bas a direct correlation to their occupation. Somc jobs have the equilibrium built in. Takc dentiats, for exampie. They're ail amiles and friendiy when you ait down in the chair, and thon they infliet horrible pain on you. Thcy enjoy that, which ia why they're acting so nice juat before they get to do it. So, they're nice, and not-so nice. Certain jobs depend on Uic person hoing nice, which is a dangerous thing. Sales people, real estate agents, counter people and customer sales reps are iocluded in that group. Outaide of work, these people jusi go nuts. They ssomp on ants for fun, drive through puddles to spiash pedestrians and are the ones urging people to jump when they're on window leciges of taîl buildings. But, hocause we only sec them in their work environmens, we tend to think of them as the niceat of a*l. w o iei -Fer the ceair@ *$*#ail Yeu rail: 1 -800-668-9304 Some occupations don't have to be time, so they'rc able to balance it ou day. Teachers, policemen, and nurses,f are sometimes vcry nice, and some nasty. You can't blame themi, eithcr, the people thcy have to deal with. If constantly be nice, they would go i these arc also the samc people wbo ar aide of work. Some people don't have to he Famous actors, top athietes, fiithy supermodels, and CEOs. That shows at work, because people inherensly arc when they'rc in a position that theyd be, they aren't. Because everybody ha to thcm, thcy balance it out by flot b othcrs. The beat place to sec the principle the work place. The nicety balance is by cach boss. A boss bas toi be nicc to hc doesn't have to be to people wh thcm. The poor guy at the very bottoi dog around when he gcts home. Almoat everybody bas heard it said that they're a nice person.: Evcn me don't think Jennifer Smith said it. E aiways a nice person. Juat the other waa sleeping on the chescrtieid and 1~ down. So, I juat shooed him away. I When I'm trying to quit smoking, I hate every- body on the pianet and treat them accordingiy, but that's a special circumstance. We ail have periods when we're flot in the mood to be nice. I was invit- j'ed to an NHL ail-star bash recently by aomebody 1 n the work for with free booze and food. Norrnaily, ' be lined up at the door the night before, but 1 toid loose them I didn't feel like being nice and ws' going. Mind you, 1 was feeling some gujit at the time about bossing the dog around. Another good exampie of the niceneas balance ia nice ail the seen when we're driving. We do something that t during the ian't nice such as cutting aomebody off. The offended party beepa and gives us the finger. What or example, do we do? We give them the finger back. So, basi- etimes very caliy, we're flot nice to them because they weren't because of nice to us after we weren't nice in the tiras place. they had to Sometimes, being nice is a bad thing. For exam- e ncea out - pie, when a woman is breaking up with a man. ncsou-"You're a nice guy, but we're juat not righs for nice at ail. each other." rich people, It would have been essier for everyonc if he the principle wasn's such a nice guy. In fact, the reason he's not n't nice, and right for her is because he is such a nice guy. on't have to Women tend to be nicer than men, or so they say, ta to be nîce so they prefer guys who aren't so nice so they can cing nice to balance out their own niceneas. We ail like people who aren't particularly nice. at work is in Why do you think hockey fans like the enforcers pasaed along such as Tie Domi so much? Yeah, that's it. Go his boss, but baah bis face, and don't be nice about it. It makes o are under us feel good when he's not being nice. nbosses bis Here's a fun thing we ail can try. A sort of nice- negs test. Go up to that person you think is so nice about themn and whispcr this in their car: 'l think you're a stu- although 1 pidhead." lut, I'm flot Then se how they react. If they get upset and ay the dog mad about it, then you know my theory is correct. s'anted to ait If they reply, "Well, I think you're wonderful," get out of the dentiat chair and make a mun for it. Sat. Jëb 12 *!V0er07venu CADL eFpj3NJ eLtc eSjUiIsIgumJu dEiY&yG 161 hlshlm .. bMiltfo QaiyIn ForReeratns#a*."86-38 imeo dim inecoe atilh mo. Thme Ontario Brout Sruangq Pregrem provldes bruit exemnimaitis ad am one m . eta no (Ottlt fle Who mimare 50 yemn ef au or oves. Meke paor eppolinlmeel lodey.l TOPI*1 HOME DELIVERY Movii-, hýmie & No illort, ble Hesuive Votir favoiif [if, mliivitýS February Special ýXFREE1. Kit J