Few options for semiors who live by themseélves efrom HALTON on page 1 fiXet i ucomne. poor physicul and menta isealts, separaton from family oré *iends, transportation ant mobility probins as Wlil as language barriers can combine to put senors at riai of poor UiV ing conditions. But skyrocketing couts contribute to tise difficulties of finding suitable shehter. According to tiseESAC report, tisere are 37,435 seniors living in Hakton,ý or about 1l per cent of tise total population. 0 f those, more. tisan 50 per cent live on incomes of 1 $20.000 or lesa. Just under 15 per cent live below tise pover- ty line, calculateti as $14.473 for single seniors. .Witls an income of $20.000, affordabl isusing would cmi $500 monthly or-less - o 30 per cent of total eamnings. Ib euti 8pr etofaUH alOn smi$806. or Buttsat number somr wisen it comes to singe seniors liv- îing in poverty. Of thlse, 64 per cent of isomeowners -ad 43 per cen of motets iay clown more dbm 30 pet cent of tiseir income on putting s roof over tlunir iseds Andi if affosnlability isss't an issue, accessibilily may be. Problema wiîis mobility can prevent mome seniors from sacceassng tise second floor of a home. Anti narrow doors anti hallways can seal off enlise ama to tise wiseelchmir depen- dent But even îhe nimble-mindet anti able-bodieti are fac- ing a housing cruncis, sali Mr. Geaner. î *ESAC is also aware thest is a lacit of options for seniors who live independemtly but for some reason want to down- tsize," said Dr. Gesner. Tise committee endorseti tise ESAC report, calIing for tise group te retumn within a year with more information. In tise% meantime, commfittele approveti a recommendation tto involve developers andi other levels of goverrnent in the debate. 7w beautifuW ron of Milton lis blooming andl so is Trattoria Domtnic. I, wilh Marna Dornenico s trars ofjoy, tht woWod like to glanats: *$100.00 tu crippei chiUdren *$10000 to blini children e $100.00 to bandicapped ciudren hecause of rhe grat sccets of ClsfDoasenit and bis msaitre'd's. Ais. Chef Dounnic wili cter a party or th& SkyDoase for 35OOpeople. Fporfine dining, Catering, or Vailentines Day lunch &ii disnt rsseraim, do sot heitait ta cal:- 876- 0499 ZAK'9S PHARMACY 70 Main Street East, Milton You are cordially invited to attend a Glinle Day Keep that New Year's Resolutlon Your Wei#ght... Taki tng Control Tues. Feb. 15, 2000 4:oo pm to 7:00 pm *Have your Body Mass Index Calculated Get your daily caloric requirement analyzed recieve a personalized food guide ?Iems se Phansada Io slp-up for your peuma awponluna For more Information cail: 875-2424 Thea Canadien Champion, Tuesday, February 8,200M- One person asleep in bedroom when fire breaks out in kitchen etrom NO on page 1 Tise person in the basement escapeti witisout injury. Captain Cross sald it looks like tise fire was started by an unattendeti cantile. A home on Laurier Avenue isn't livable aller a pot on tise stove caught fie January 29. "Kitchen lires are tise number one cause of bsouse lires, folloet by careless smok- ing," Captain Cross said. Tseo people seere in tise home whien tise kitcisen caugist fire. One person isat to wake up unotiser occupant sebo wsea sleep- ing in an upstairs bedroom. Tise smoke alarea in tise upstairs bed- room seas disconnecteti. "Disaster wsea narrosely adverted," Captain Cross saiti. Neigisbours using buckets of seater and snoe seere able to put out mont of tise fie before tise fie tepartment arrîveti. 10 tays $1795 twin Newfoundland June 23, July 3, 5, 14, 21, 28, August 4, 8, 14, 25 DeNure Tours e-800-668-6859 Altisougs Captain Cross commended tise neighbiours for iselping stop tise fire, "tise best tising for people to do in get out of tise isouse, pisone 911 andi neyer go back inside. People seio go in, usually don't come back out." There wsea fire damage in tise kitcisen andi ieavy umoke damage througbout tise reut of tise bouse. No damage estimate wsea available. We befieve... ini helping.. Anyone. Anywhere. lVhere traitioa and visio eee MacLachian Collegelu Maucacian pismdes a supenor, At MacLaclmlawe treassos thse universty Is und education for lu values of traditional a-adernKc and girls fnxm jK.t 0kG.C Suni sdlsalaeshmp a à utt classes, a fhndy atm ospisere and <.j 1te fstrugh our inonaiûon tec+mnaag. lu ranstitut tise rofh gaing ent ingnsientsfartse tamd roundte d a d oidntl MacUhlastdn >usin ung pelie, MaclwAisln a plac ta helaug and gn inu i autstanding recxud of canfidenoe and self esteem. escunus spelc fiar itself. Now accepting applications for September 2000 For furtiser informnation please caIl] air Director ofi Admissions 337 Trafalgar Riiad, Qaliville Tel. (90>5) 844-01372 Website: www.maclachlan.cin.ca Schiuil bus service. s availalîle for Oakville andt surcawsding aiea -A CESI Selios" =Et Canadian Educational Standards Inistitute r