4- Thse Canadien Champion, Tueaday, Fabruaz 8, 2000 - - -LET BRIAN'S AUTO TREAT VOUR CAR LIKE YOU ThEAT YOIJR FAVOURITE VALENTINE 'RIOTATE & BALANCE -,24.95 (Most Cars) INCLUDEl Bicycle RackI mmmw Bars & Draw Bars .Wring Lghta* g [Joht Ditribing AH HHitches SP('Cýil oderHitch Security Locks C/as. I l, Ili, V __ Accrcdited Test a I Rees r Frdility LeI1an- YOU, MMG DMGAND THE LAW 1. Hav YCIs Nid a parena icha l ovIII a dog, #Wa ewu rno ae laeM, etadi rIud in it Dyou. ym dog, or Vosediiten? N'ES__ NO_ 2. WcuW you elotai n eS4uW provisin he Town cif fmbn Animai OMMr N'ES__ NO_ M NO, -o comwant________ 3. Wosld you ha in Waowrof laaohtree zoneain Townoaiied pa? N'ES__ NO_ W N'ES, do you hav aiy sggealna a whre dmsu zone slioid ha ioatad? Weluthr*ySfor par IIIl Fleea ratum complatal quaetlesare/omasaa iul te t#W Claus Oa.taul a3 Iram street, &MMa, ON LSTUNM 2M0 MUNICIPAL ELEC71ONS Amape hshrafa In navhagf« &»W aGewnsmst Off«o? yof Pis pla $@aaWofrmIce hie MOOWCIPIAI.ELECTifNS you muet relsr wM tli Town Claufchefora yospend or IIaruy niony loircan$saignalle Noninatiui In the preacrItud foi muaI be signal by tie candidate and may hef§aW i peraco or by an aW9gent hawaJonuasy4, 2000 and Octohar 13, 20001 I OffOce of Ons CWfaotawme &30 &mn. and 4.30 pin, M ot Friday. Tb. preeld Nonulation Fa. ($100.00> ffuet aonipaylihe noui- natlon fona. For furiher isiformiao, contact lia Town Ciel Hele Lisi, Tou Clau hilon Town lia 43 OrQn Stret, Wtobn, On"al LOT5H2 (OM M?87211, xLI132 a h vSnow u-ope-I 155A15lu** 1NAUNU 10.118-T 4 TONNE 8UCKET TAIIC Seaet Bide on tonne sippie by lie Towan of Mita. wfl ba real hy tise Cofrpoel Selvcu Dapeut*Man tutu 11:00enamlocaltirmon: Wadna.dey, Murai t, 2M0 Spacfielsi end fonris my ha obtined aller 3:00 p.m. a et Town Hai, 43 Brown Street, M, Onitario, Corore Sarvicea Dapartment, dsuing normal huaneu hours, Monday through Fridey, 8:30 e.m. to 4:30 pm. Thome lsa e$2675 ($25-00 + $1.76> fea for the bid documnenta. Payment cmen haMad I wi cash, chequ, Inac or ViaeW, AsiY OnqWne regarsing*ia bideW mal bcadiradienito Leele Wliemon, Purilng Adniinietrelor, et (905) 878-7252 x 138. EMAPLOYM4ENT OPPORT171IY URG!4TlYýREQUlRiD PART-lIME CROSSING GUAOID Concamed about the eafesy of achool chlldren end ment 10 hecomeinwold Applyfor Crealng Guerci postion. H-ourly Satory $10-47 LOCATION, Laurier AvenueS HoiIy Avenue OAILY: 8:00 arn. - 8:315 a.rr. and 3:15 p-m. - 3:45 p.m. Stand by Croealng Guerds are required for ALL locations 10 subetitute duing , he ebence of dcil Crosun Guardae. Plae contact: Helen Ual Town Ciel mhe Corporation of lia Town of Mfiton 43 Brown atreet Milton, Ontario LUT 5H2 (905)878-7211 much fun Tony MacLood (lefI) with eone Connor (in front> and Griffon tame the Commercial Street anow elopes Saturday. Connor elso enjoyed a III eolo tripe Up and down the hili (aboya and Ineet). Photos by GRAHAM PAINE 'Arena damaged Two 14-year-old Milton youtss havc been charged wits com- mitting a break-mn tisat caused approximately $15,000 in damag to John Tondull Sports Centre. The brcak-in occurred between midnighc and 5:20 ar. Wednesday. Tise suspects allegedly smashed tise front doors to gain acceas into thc arcna and ransacked tise concession ares, lobby and office before damaging pop and vending Machines. They also allegedly put tise beverage Slush Puppy on tise ice. "The cuiprits demolished tise place," said Derrick Neelands, supervisor of arenas for tise Town of Milton. 'It'a tise worse any- one had every seen of ai tise break and entea. Wisen tise caretaker arrived, two suspecta tled tisrough tise noris doors, retuming to pick up persona] property tisat one left behind. Wlicn tbey came back out, Halton Regional Police weoe tisere to arrest them, said Det. Sgt. Jackie Gor-don. I REGISTRATIN DAY 2WOo Location: MiltonMal Dat: Saturday February 12"h, 2000 lime; 10:OOam -4:OOpin Cost: $75.00 (inci. Banquet ticket) Stop Whining. About Your Walls the paint andi paper people *475 Main St. E. CMon TUB.Fi - UNS- ".un12-4 8 82 2 w 4