Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Feb 2000, p. 30

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REGISTERED NURSES REGISTEiRED PRAcflcAL NURsES HEALTII CARE AIDES Part-Time and Summer Employment As psu o a sproessioaaJ heai am tramn, youfl provlde quafity assistance taarednyrealdeais. Praviaus aspenleace warldns wli the elderly is mrfreiY ue isa ha nsale ta work shifts aid weekeada. We csrreally reqire Heaid Care Aides for the 5:00 pin. ta 9-00 pan. sblI f you are dedlcsed ta halig th beat you oa halina saporlve eavlrament pleas forwar yr reniane, swing position ofinltereat, hy Febnuaa 23, 2000, ta: MUs. Cassa Cardle, Allilaal, 185 Ostari eaIree Sen, miltea, ON L9W 2M4. Fax: (905) 878-797. Vie thask ag candidates fa orI raiterest. Horeever, oaly thave selected for ai Intrview will ha contacted. DENTAL ASSISANT WbenIr,3y det praclin Miltin. Bond rosumoe ta;avhoe Box 2339a e c . CIO he anaien hamionremember Mi trin, et The Canladlant iLlan « Champion. MECHANICAL ENGINEERS MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGISTS ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGISTS Loolng F«eAn Excling and-Rwardlng Cardern Automaudon? OUTSIDE SALES: Solld backgrounad la Astomation with excellent prablem salving and comasaicaian sinilîs hetps yos provide exlating custamer base la lucrative, exclusiv ttrritany with your application expertise. $$. MEAD SHGP TECHNICUAN: Hands-oti mtchsnicl aptitude for assembl and troubleshaoting af preuaesandso electrical caieponenta. We wttl train youl! Excellent opportsnity for graetlt. INSIDE TECHNICAI. SALES: Meclianical, electricalatomnation or retle background. Excellent commsnication and orgsnizstionsl kidlîs. We relttrain yoaf t Please send resumos fa Gren at COWPER INC. via email at: cowper@galden.net or by fax ta (905) 607-5592 Ex'pere.nced ASP 1 SOL F Applicants muet show Mkills In aroais: thoraugh knoiawtdge of HTML saripting and VBScript. împîemnentr g diatnlbuted intere Ability ta, communicato effectiv linos and work independontly i work onviranmrent. Experlonce JavaScript, XML,oldFusion a Sorvor Commerce Edition ani Emploais benoîit package ina send rosume and references~ rosumo@cancablo.com Sorry, na taxes or phono caisl. eoa Supr ses s are .iee yte elhcr proesion- *W lb. Cenbu bas 38% mre trainingfme and a woe* placement for real expenceI Haou workod in h.ath carre? Takeaour P-T course & bi e«Wfil Credif Starts Febnsaary 15 IFull Tme Pgrm: IlarsMarch20. Isabel Webb at 333-349978-1240 ext. 121. Ml7.Ceninr e.na o Fsaw 98Iduy0 m - 632-3200d 1-7OBann t _E8 rer ne. rrevvn. ictmava Openn a Kuman franchise is a rnwarding way to hip chtdre kem valuable skids--ond for >rau to.earn extra incarne. Wlh aven 30,000*deints enrdlied in Kuman Mait &Reading Coeres aamis dhe camey) oppntnities hav neyer been beler Me ore curreetly seelsng candidaotes fa Kuman a unque pantame franchise appmtuniy in Mi lon informatopés. call:MKUMON 1-S0ACM .1 MAlTH & eEADI#r CENTRES rk.w.., Lmani, Slow Toe Leemn HOUSES far rent. Bight and dlean 3 bed- MREASONABLEIr1&is main hame ta Aclan. tris! Unit fan fent. 1,200 Gas heet, fenced yard, - 3,200 sq. IL Ladssg $950 pIus atilfies.519- docks & ddvei. 1 -W&5 853-4875 or 853-585. 277-9347 an 1-905-275- MILLSIDE 'rogrammer TOWERS 82 MILLSID DR., thle fatlowlng MILTON ASP, SOL, NOW LEASIN Expeniencei erasai- eot applications. 1 erosaal 'ely, meet dead- * ale an bus route, n an Intense frestli decarated, 2 reitil appliaces, art-site rMS Site , lundry iadludes ail sxo. * utilis <excepI luded. Pleaso phaine & cable.) ria e-mail ta Free panking, ina * pets. References required. Office Haura are lOam-5pm 905-76-1249 ey appuSiiment mrdy ONE bedraam spart- ment available Match 1 - Trea bedroomn spart- Make it ment avallable April 1. Cal 693-9658. RIHADSNONE bedroom aa cumvcuT g U o proessianal coup e, CRIRIM LDSMW Fireplace, osk spiral Ta lese or panchano stairase. Countlyst yorcar or, truck tint $1,500. Applicaitia 1u .it referoncos boforo Hwy 25 S. at Oerry Rd. shawing. Cail Mark Mal- llex Commonwealth 878-2393 Rosi Estot Services _jCorporation. Primate lino 905-876-0633. ONE bednaom base- ment spantmont. Sait- able for single aonking RON NEWELL rel noa male. Call aller 6:0P1M. langer be pveparing in- 875-2615. coa tas aller Decem- SUNNY 1 Bedraomr bon 1, 1999. Thank you apantment. Ail inclusive, aIL. no pets, noa smoking. 876-4561. EPRECWOKNTHCHILDREN, Sar training <Sun tarlo ordlthe r 519-669-8941 Love Lines Ordeir Form (à Cluque Us % Msstercard Toalt Words 15 Total $10.70 CrdtCard No. Exp. Date ______ The denmle la Petuatry 9th at 4:00 pm zbt Canablimn <auu Ciassded Àvreng Darrint 875-3300 urr,.c or notai apace for tass. Contact Ray 876-2836 an 876-5317. SMAU. PRIVATE OF- FICE boastfully ap- pointed, Hrey. 25 & 401. 1-905-277-9347 or 905- 275-68. PRIVATE sale - Village Parc, Sunny south cen- traI unit. 2 bed- moomsibathu. tIncludos 5 appliances. $175.000. CaI 878-8927. PRIVATE Sale- Acton. 170,000 Bungalowe redh detached garage. Per- tect for firet time buyems. Fully fumistied fmom top ta bainom. Huge base- ment with oak bar, wet sink, gas stave & 2 piaeo bsthraom. L ohaped living aind dining room, hardwood tlors in bedroomo. Situsted an s large fully feinceni lot with inground pool. oeil 853-2798. TOWNHOUSE, Private sale, 661 Childs Drive, throo bedroomo, ga- rage, encollent location, use of pool. Cloue ta shopping and ochoolu. Auking $139.900 (905)878-1650. Canabàan cbjampion CLASSIFIID SALE Simply oeil Claaaied te place yaur ad - Itcms muat bc pniccd ai $100. or lcsn - Privatc Panty ados only (no commcrcial aids) - 1 item pet ad -Up to 12 wordsprad - Ado wlt appear ia Tacs. & Fri. Issues -Ads muol ha prcpaid Canabian cbjam 'o 878-2341 30-The Caniadien Chiampion, Tuesday, February 8,2000

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