U.S. FLATBED & CURTAIN SIDE DRIVERS Required for Trucking Fîrra Northcast af Toronto. Muet bave U.S. experience, clean abstract, prafessional attitude & appearance. Cxli Charlie or John @ 1-80208620 ADULT LfTERACY COORDINATOR *Auuramrent of iiteracy tavels *Praparation or training plans Placement of aduitu in program *Screrning votunteers *Coordination of Outreacn and orientation programmer is a cura activity EseMtjais Post uecondary eduration *Computer skif ts - Word *Excellent communication skitis Travrli n North Haiton. Hours: 27-30 hours per werk, include.ç aven- ing work. Pay: $14.30 per hour, under review Appiy to Nltlrng Committes, P.O. Box 218, Georgetown, ON, L7G 4Y5 Closlng Date: Februairy 25,2000 No phoune colis pissa.. Onlg appicanta se- Ionisa for intscviewa ill bu contactad. COOK / SOUS-CHEF 0ur Head Office locahion is faaktng for an experlenced Cookn/ Sous Chef fa manage a busy cafeteria for a contract period of seven manths (May - Dec.). The lai candidate musf have two years menageril experience over- seeing a iicheni cafeteria operation. Excellent supervisory skiffs and te abitlity ta rater for- met and informai functions are aso oequirsd. The succsssfut candidats wtt f posses excof- lent organtrationet and communication staffs, atong wit the abtiity ta worn undsr pressure. P/case sbmit your tourme Io., Humain Resources AIC Limited 1375 Kema Rload Bwllngton, ON L7R 4X8 Fax: (905) 319-1985 FulI1-Time Opening and Icorne Team leaders rcqutred in Oakville/ Burlington. Succesaful candidates wii have F superviaory and/ or management alis and be able ta manage a fuil-scale catalogue distribution business from e'i home. Exctting income potential lfor dia right peroon. Must bc able ta ha honded and have a reliable cari van. NO INVESTIVENT. Fax ressuas te Camnen King (416) 6501-1653 Fax us your Classifieds 876-23641 We are looking fo an energelc outqn:ng and well spoken dividual fo the positin ni CUSTOMER SERVICE DRIVER Must have a good drivint recnrd, suai appearance and exceflaint cemmunicatios skiffs. Sales expenaence an assat but nef reqaired. Wa effet: Excetlent basa satay + commissions; Guarasfead 40-bn. csrh cash; Socsme and sale wsrhing mviranmant; Campile benefit package. Rasames Afn. Bosnie Stewart, at: Ç Canadien Linen and Unltorm Service 891 Progreas Crt, Oafevlft, ON LOL 8K1 Fax: (905) 847-9182 FullI tume Inside Sales & Cuatiomer Service Receptioidst Respeoufbufiton wiît inelde: *Anscening phases - Seltiing classified and dispfsy ads *Balanciog dafly soccipis *Tellemarceting Quaaltieous -Excellent communicsaio skiffs *Typing & computer skiffs *Weil arganized & ahility ta meei deadîbses in a fasi parai environtmeni. Ref table vehicle an usel. Apply te: Advaratutus DOrcetor Shopping Naws 348 Brone St, Unt il, Millon or Fax Reaume ta 878-6389 The Canadien Champion, Tuesdey, February 8, 2000-29 I HUNTr CHRYSILER i I flR.oe. n I- TRANSMISSION TECHNICIAN Ideai candidate veut have Chrysier dealer- ship experience, up tai dafe praduct know- edge and able tai worc in a tesmn environ- ment. We offer excel lent compensation and benefits package, aiong wifh a great wort envtronmenf. For contidenta Interview please contact David Rust Service Manager 905-876-2580 500 Bronte St S. Milton OakvlIe manctacturlng copany IlItie, Io abari Immedlateiy: * 3 Maintenance Mechanics * 6 General Machinluts * 3 Wolders * 6 (Gnorai Shop Labaurers Fax ressune to: (905) 337-2521 or Cmli Steve ai (905) 337-2501, X222 WANTED part tics heip, Genera office du- tis. Flexibte houra. Ai r- part erea. Phone (905)672-5588. SEARCH ASSOCIATE CommMted ta performance excallonce and drivan by the dasire lo be onesof theMstsuccessfeaf searcit firves nr Ontario. CONNORS, LOVEIL & ASSOCIATES INC. is tooking fa sxpand sur tesmn of generatists for sar nec Builgton Location. We ,a focused on, eoetinuousfy training sur asociate, uslog expertise dsvsioped by tee mosf advanced recrting __ spsciafists thrsaghout North America. Oatp thse individuats with a trong destre ta escef wtin a fasf growieg, taies driven organizatton wttf ha suihabte for aur reqsiremenfs. Taha charge of your caraer and explore this escting lndusfry CONTACT LYNN BEECHEY, MISSISSAUGA (905) 5004051 Ext. 222 or Emtal te: ly.nbcolov.cem 16 PARTYUTME Glts. Ex- cetlfont income oppor- tunity. Fantate pro- duels. Outstanding hast- e programme. No in- veetinent or datlveeles. Cpportunty tai adverses. Caff: Michelle Lawhar Tsi: (905)876-0182. tI- formation meeting: Fs- brsery 15 0 7pm. RECYCLE ALS»TO)M ALSTOM, one of the woridas isadlng suppliera of Diself Engine Power Planta for Power Stations and the Marins f nduefry, requiras a StifPPER 1 RECEIVER for their Oetevfifs Warshoue reportlng fa the Cuetomner Service Manager. This posifion te responsible for att spects of the carehous function, inctuding ahipping, receiving, invantory contrat and carehoue mainfenance. Secondsary echiool educaflon cith s minimum of12 ycara reateai cark aendtforldiff expsrlcncs te requtrsd. You muef be able toi cote independleni y, have a fate charge attitude and ha ksenly Itereed in pertonrning att fecets af ths loglta function In a amatil dspartmsnt. Computer praticicncy andc strong organizetional elîf ara a muef. Praviaus expenience in prcpacation of sxport ehipmsnt peperworit and inventory contrai coulai ha an esait. We offer a compeltilive compenation anai beneffa package, a dynamir and expcrienced tsam of co-coreera anai fraining for aldîlle and fufure dcvctopmenf. Mail, fax or e-mail your rasume fa: ALSTOM Canada Inc,Engrnes 6 H Fax: (005) 842-2025 n e-mail: alefom@intedog.com Ktnk n/a// ap//cans hooesae on/y sa/actai candidates en//hae conlc/d m fionai people & argan- zationa skls f0i impis ment perioddnta main- tenance program. 3 days perweek. Cai 905-878-9882 or fax te- aums fa 905-878-8415. DENTAL RecSpiie - 4 dlaya/ssk and 1 svsningAfwsk. Oenta software oilts an assef. Pissaend resume f0 351 Milain St. East, Mil- ton, Onfaria LOT SF7. Whean planinir your CRAFI SALE, àon't forgat to advertiga nm the ciaeeifiede. c-mw-j Founded in 1857 andin Canada rinte 1921. Aiueciaîed Sering us Norh AericA largesrpretiuion springpmanufacturer. We supplyparts a a wide range ef dvrable gavât mienufront 11 plants in 5 crunrrie. Duev r. mgtpionalgowah, uv have zOe imnnediar rpparruniiu ar or rlingrrn Division. >Tool Design Enginsor eufhafing le meef aaafme and biudgatar rmmse. Tit ail iclude asflsting clth fraimn, dsvelopig estt for aafemea, tua paolfrg ancd mng AutoCAOdlsaig tot. A mnimum of 4 ars f eçedsrcas sa TaCt & Dia Mata Nid tool design esperilsece sing AuloCAO fadeaced leai) main pou our idsi candat. ATloci &Dis ceiftfcata s&i theoug inusafsdg e tii etoaica aid practical phases ai tua design and loai mafdog cie geneca h edg of metals and alMi ara red. LanfIy poearasUato amkfin god ohiwtn frWÇafh podctim personenl and cdila Itemnai and extermat conitacts. >Tool & Die Makor To quai dy, po muet hava complotaid a 4-tsr appranbceshdp program and held a rscognisod tredea cerifiao (C of 0f. Aiso, yeu havaS5 pear of carrent iduiifdra sopansace f*idthOe autometve induafry soi stroeg verbal and arittan communicaion *Uti. Eoperiece wilh pravantiva feting peogram, SP0 and cIasafitrn pfeuktd te ai enset ta addition ta scure sud nteadp empkiirmeaf, se o5fer compatnie pay a finit class bandits pactage (Dental, Diug, Lite Inuarice, et.), aid a kstp-fnded pantS pla. Tojoiadynmc, bise chip orgaimzration, pleane fecnard pour résumé, indtcatng position of intareaf, ta: Aaaaelafed Sprfng Operaffona, 3100 Malnway, Burlînoon, Ontario L7M 1A3. Fax: (9U1)336-1336. E-ail: iwrlghtSasbg.com Assoçed»ed Vie tann stFapplcts Wt tee i Ositereat besosa« aai fdmn ailier oniralarato ail ta onacled. Ns aprite, plaem. %poee 111II& u Part-timne secretary/receptionist required imme- diatoiy for busy rosi estate oaffice in Multan. Responsibiitis includa answveiing teisphones, booing appts., paging messages, prspaiing attera, and processing listing. Muet be comput- er fiterate, rosi estate espenience preferred. 3 eveninga (5-9pon) and aetemafe Saturdaya, (9am-Spmn) & Sundays (llam-4pm). Plesase fax resume ta <906) 870-7029J equt o a growrg îeu 1 MisIssauga ares. Wc nccd a flexible, outgaîng indivîdual, fluent in English cifh good telephone manner. 'he ideal candidate wilI ha very wcll arganized, cnjoys warking with the public and is able to caver ait aur variaus locations. Office experience a musi, includes weekends. Caîl Lieds (IpmSpm) (905) 567-5295 RECEP'UIONIST Mannesmant Dematic Carperation, an intemnational manuaturar of mafanofl handliot eqaipaet, has as immetiafe openisa for a Receptiieisi ta jais sar facitify sn Osirvilta. Qualified candidate must have a minimuma sf2 years et reqiissi administration esperience cuthin indax- ftrial/ mansfacturint csmpaoy. Candidates maxi ha PC f iterate sert have worhing innscfedge ai Microsoft Office software. Experience cite SAP soft- care wosfd ha a pilss. tacelt teiorgasizaiana and communication skiffs are necessary cite the abif- iy and fiexibiîfp tei xucceed in a bsy office environ- ea affer a compatit tee benefifs and satary package. Ootp tisse xefecfed for an interview ciil f h centacted. If intetested, pfease submif ysar rfeame cith caver effetr sfafing safary rerpairemonts f0: Reglona Manager Mannesmann Dematlc Corporation, 1155 Northi Service Roed West, unit 2 Oacvttle, Ontario L6M 3E3 Faxes accepteai e (905) 825-5901 CUSTOMER SERIVICE DI. Our client, locafcd near the Ford plant, seces candidates wffh heavy lndustry cx- perlence, f0 interface' on order enfry, schculcs & shlpmcents, reply fa customer inquirie, clectronic communications and database management. Muet be aible ta wore flexible hours fai meet cuatomer achedulea andi have good systemei tenowf- edge of E.Df. and Microsoft Office. Knowtledge of autamotive manufacuing idea. Excellent selary (tai 40K> + bensfifte. Fax: (90) 409-9 U.S. HR ADMINISTRATOR An employee owned tctecommunications company based in Oaivitf e han e fuli-timne opportunity for a Human Resources Adminlafrator. This individual wtt t be required ta administer the U.S. Group Benefiha Program and muet have e mini- mum of 3 ysare exper ence in U.S. bense- fils. Muet be familier wfth OSHA Loge, Vais 100 Rcporting andi EEO Repoetlng. Candidate shouai be proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel andi have gaod organization skiffs. Certificats in Human Resources an asset. Pleause eend resuimes to: V.P. Humen Resources LeBlanc LIai. P.O. Box 880 Oakvlle, ON L6J 5C5 Fax: (905) 844-8837 Vst thank ait app/icants for ter intarest, hoe'evr onty thase graniai interviews mi// ha contacti.d LeBlanc le an equel opportunlty employer EXPERIENCED care- gvrrqalred imme- caeyta 01 alter 4 childr (agea 4-10) in our home, Man. f0 Thurs. Approx. 8:lSam ta 6:l5pm. Cai 877- 2934. EXPERIENCED chdld- care required, for 6 month adbb.E.W. Foater muea. Cai Heether. 693-641. EXPERNOED clean- ing lad avaifabie. Guar- ante atiafaction. Cal for f ree estimatea. (006>702-3764. RAINBOW Vilage Day- cars Centre hes a few apaces availabls. a"!- ýy chitdcare for chitdren 8 months ta 5 ysars. Music, computera, craits. 878-7552. RELIAILE Daycars avaitabis. Wilson and Woodward arsa. Pfsaase cal 876-4978. Don't know whaf Cro ahoutd talcs? The Cn fr0 offors many courus and certification pro- grarne. Find out what ta nsw at aur Free Fabru- WE know whers the joba arat Tradas and Computer Tschnatogy tndustrat Etsctrtciani Mectianic; Womsn in Tradea; Concton or Computer Tschinica; Software Spcialist; Network Amnistra- tor.. Couras aarf in FebruaryMarch. Cai The Centra, (905)333- 3499 f0 job a fras kio asson UFE Wamnt ment toi bs trved atone.. don't you deserve ta have aonreone apeciat in your ttce? Misty River Infra- ducions - fiifonas fradi- tiona mafchmaker (4186)777-6302 sd, 906-457-5713. Stop Car Theftl Ssit fa ri- cesed recydler. 905- 457-5713. crmenl aetaed & our- plus. Soid tacaffipi CaO Toi-Fres for lstings. I 888-348-O700cst N200. &4M.1 à LEAIIN NEW à USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAULY IIJSIESS WITO FAMLY VALUES lE - Bitt- SE0,t- LER tAiLQST SEETOF USES INitt il M 875-2277 estili pooffl by placing a * am Dloetladay nouiel