Thte Canadian Champion, Tuesday. February 8,2.000 -23 Multon's Jerermy Martin <above and Inisai) battles for the puck through op.n icm and around the oppoaing net In major atom play egainat the Orangevlle FlyBre Saturday. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE The Winterhawks lost the provincial playoff game 8-3 and now trail th. fluet round seules two gammas 10 none. Mercantsto open against Cougars By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion A winless weekend might just be a blessing in disguise for the Merchants. Wbile Milton's failure 10 steal second place from Brampton leaves themn without bome-ice advantage for round two, it does shlow themn to open the playoffa witb arguably the most favourable of scenarios. Marty Williamson's troopa finisbing third puts Shemn up againat the Cougars. Wîit a aomewbat sbaky end to the regular season and a couple of key players on the shelf including big stud defenceman Jeff State, Burlington is pmobably thte moat vulnerable of the lower echelon Seamas right now. Thte Merchanta' skipper ian't taking anything for granted, however - especially considering bow erratic bis own club bas been lately. "It'd be nice to bave a full lineup ourselves," he said, following anotiter weekend without ail bis big guns available. 'Itis could be the moat interesting playoffs in years. S don't think you're going to see any sweeps in the tirst round." Certainly not by bis own squad, if recent resulta are any indication. Heading into tonigitta regular season finale in Bramalea, Milton (29- 13-3-3) rides a nine-game winless streak on tite road tbat continued in Oakvîlle Sunday. TIte Blades itad seven caîl-ups playing but still managed to tie te Merebants 3-3. Milton was missing Ian Malcolm and Ryan Eby - wito were visiting Alabama-Huntsville and nursing tbe flu respectively. But Pitil Baraki's long-awaited return from a concussion belped make up some of tite differ- ence. He set up two goals including tbe tying tally by rearguard Citria Ker. Tbe Merebants delivered one of te best defenaive efforts trougb tite opening frame, but eased up in thte middle atanza - sometiting Sbey're doing on a regular basia tese days- and surrendered back-to-back goals. *60140 Fold Dow nhtter earetNs.,., *Interlttent W1pmv *AMN/ Cemfe Steree "Ibis could Ile the most interesting playoffs in years. I don't think you're going to sec any sweeps ini thec first round." mAItiÎ ULUAMSON Also scoring were Elliot Altberg and captain Chad Blundy. Derek Klowak, Eugene Reps and Jason Sajko replied for the Blades. At home Friday, Milton was severely thin up front with Barski, Eby and Malcolm ail out of te Iineup. Titis plus some unfavourable oficiating cost + -e ~14,995 *DdSdMuda 17u /<:S>EORE<iW TOYOT SALESÂ1 eVe <f M* tbem a 6-3 loss to tite Streetoville Derbys - wbo're now on a five-game unbeaten streak against te Mercitants. Larry Moniz tallied twice for tite winners wbile conference scoring leader Andy Rozak bad a goal and two assists. Goalie Terry Lenyk recorded bis fourtit win of tbe year over Milton. Altberg, Dan DeLong and Mike Wbeeliitan did Ste scoring for tite bosts. Picking up a couple of assista was Kerr. Milton will bosS gante one of Ste beat-of-seven seules against Burlington Friday. Merchant notes: Milton isn't expected to pick up any individual bonours witen Ste league awards are announced titis week ... The Mercitants finisited with jusS tbree losses aS borne Shis season, two in regulation and Ste oSter in overtime ... Milton bad Ste beas goals-agains average in Ste West Conférence titis season but didn't bavesa single player finiabing in te top 10 scoring race ... Malcolms and Eby sbould be back So starS thte firaS round Friday. ONLY VA"LBL