Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Feb 2000, p. 19

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TRE NATUlRAI C//O/CE The Natural Choice in Health Food [à Laurin Vauglian-Sherman C.R., A.E.C., T.T., N.U. 190 Main St. E. Milton 875-1342 Q: Du Ilsere anytlaing nattaral tIsat 1 can take bo incre»s my deaire and ability bo enjoy e?, A%: Absolutely, for women and for men there are noturs and safe producto available. For boîh il is important 10 ha healthy because ail nutrients are needed îo provide overal] energy and stamina required for* sexual deoire and perfor. mance. For soomen there is Agra-fem..Agra-fens cossîsins Siberiar Ginseng which will resto-e otamina and energy, if fatigue i! sapping you out. For boonting ansd balancing hormone levelt it lias Black Cohosh, Licorice Root and Wild Yam Extroce. li stress and tension it thse problem the Qat Straw Exîract anal Angelica Root are there to alleviate these problemoi. For men there io the formula 4SX This formula compared lc Viagra can be used with no side effeets, To imporve circulation and sbility, 4.SX contains Ginko Biloba andl Ashwagandha Root. The Tribulus Terreoîrio extract aine helpo 10 boost s sluggioh libido. This io an overaîl herbai remedy which geto the blood flowing, prevents impotence and increases energy levels. Remember that if you have a known medical illneoo, yoe should consult with your physicion or notural healer prior te use. GREG J. LAWRENCE B . ti FOOT SPECIALIST/ICHIROPODIST 350 Main St E., Milton, Ontario, L9T iPE (905) 878-479 IA Prîneea Anne Dr., Georgtown, Ontario L7G 4W4 Gn J.Unirence(905) 702-1611 8.SeU, D. Ch. Mabrof ise Ontario Saeliry ofClpolleg andl The Onlando Collde of Chlropodhst. Q: Every winter 1 have probleenas walking on snow and ice, what ahould 1 look for when purehasing boots? A: Choose your footwear carefully! A good quality boot willa anti-slip soles, a supportive shank and a stabilizing heel cup will help îo keep you on your feet in slippery conditions. Double sealed seams prevent leakage. Look for high abrasion, lightweight rubber soles to provide stabiliîy on ice and snow and help prevent nasty falîs. Footwear should also be loose enough s0 tocs can wiggle and leave roomn for an extra pair of socks. Thick polypropylene or wool socks or liglits are good for extra protection on very cold days. The clinuic offers extended hours. No referral is necessary,. Houuie cali1s are also anailable. B.A., B.S.W, M.S.W., C.S.W., DtP. SOC. ADM. Counnetting & Pnychothe-apy Individueln, Couples, Chitdreo & Fuamitien 11084, 5th Lina, Million, Ontario Elayne M. Tanner (905) 854-0801 A.- Therearernt porasihalimde .Frsotwemuotcmsiiler 9tyoi goals are realtilc ard sita Day, à is rot lihuty to happas and hy aottiag an noureahostic goal, pao are sabtait yaorseff. Vos baba the goal os impossihle, no wety My Secoiy are yonr reoson galsor rdreams? Tie dltferenco tetweer goals and dreartonten Nes voitthe antre, 8 tan simple quetiors - boas and aber. If6 o a km yoo colabot araaer bu yoo goirg 10 achieae à or MM81 you MdI hase (or podions of i) compoed. ft1 a a pou car arsaser thete questions. Dreams carl easp tom iris accmplishable goalsq solliig lime tises and planning. Sometimes vanteed heip wili this process. Anoiher hiadrarcu toptouroosu may he thalpyou aresa procrastînalor. Paoarasltnatio os tomethirg ne ail do soite of the lime, butfr storei people il os a way tfIe. Thon are differeni ays ta proctustrnate sac ms: 1. t f icannat be perfect ahwi roldo à atat-yau car't fait 9 pou dorotltry. 2. lbmg Unit aiR happer il1 carrai do à right? ha1 9 1 do do 6l rghl and peopi expect more ofme? But ..! .WIil ... ? 3.1111 nhoudd Ihbu to do R-rno oaa clinmahorme dot eIr en trt reodp. 4.% %kih aTi person tse o ha hade up agarot a deadlioe 10 ha moMote action, lire adreoaioe rush Servestas a high. 5. Tkkm g.Adreamer of glaiites bu ol rtnad esoogl to fllow rthraegh. 6.111 Jk~~ One Weho cannt tiffmariage. iuiey calmot say -n't aise h stehti they 15 t accomplis tas much la ordeah Io aep eaeiyhody happy. la counseMir we atedd delosaisa sehat hald pao hack Dopas sneed h*t satsg realollac goals and partahgag tre lalls? If pao are pr watsltshattlechs9oo arapyu oua and wtrp are pou doiag l? Oce we discove ea lle anad tre ahw onrl as tIseh - harets chasge Ire patterns. Defore long pao relt Id tiaï pas ara accomptishiag pasi goals. Tis Valartirels Day, ghe pauslthef giftof happisetsf Etayo Taasionoer ieth*d Socid Woabain pa ctie i Noifi Mt I o u shma lortit' esons oasr ifyoe erol ida MebsIo ane a aoliei pkm scaf (905) 854«901. CamotlaObgoatuld. IHawkins Animal Hosplitai Debbie Hawkinas B.Sc., DVM Desetor of Veterinary Medicine 550 Ontario Street South, B.,De" (Pizza Hue Plaza) B. sc, DVM Phone (905) 875-688 Fax (905) 875-6853 Q:What are hairbalis? What danger do they pose and how are they treat- ed? Ak: Practicaîll ail cats cars bave bairbaîls. It is a result of their fastidjous grooming behav- tour. Before I wrote this I sat watching rny cat Nicholas. During a 30 manute priod bie g roomed himself for 20 minutes. Writb every lick, a cat swallows hair. The hairs, if they do flot pass througb the stomnach in single file, will eventually form togetber int a mass. Many cats that bave a bairbaîl will gel aid of il by vomitting it up. Somne cats do flot succeed and will display symptoms suchT as coughing or frequ'enîly regurgiatîng undi- g ested food soon after they eat. Unfortunaîely, a few will attempt to pass thse mass iralo their smaîl intestine. This often leads to surgical removal, as tbe size of the hairbaîl does flot permit eliminalion and resuits in bowel obstruction. To revient hairbalîs from forming or 10 aid in their elimination, 1 advise thse frequent use (2 times a week) of a bairbail medication. This medicalion is quile palalable and most cats consider il a Ireal. ir you nave any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 mm onutu F nssd 10 Cm. OR Fsg UL. n d O saol y TOl: <905) 876-0940 Is'ac Fax: (905) 876-2934 LmSO nu p CP 420 Mamin Street East, Milton, Ontario L9T 1 P9 Q : My bank givea me a competitive RRSP boan only if 1 place any RRSP wlta them. 1 want to chooae other funda. Any suggeationo? A: The easiesl way 10 contribute ta your RRSP is oa a monthly basis, but if yoa want tu barras ta use Up yonr RRSP cnrry forWard, se can help. * Money Concepts uses many different tenders. Competitive tans arc as los as "aI prime" and RRSP tans are usuatty appraved an the spot. Restrictions an your RRSP investment neleclion are minimal. You can select tramn virlualty any sappliers' GIC's, Mutuat Fonds, Labaur rSponsared Ventaure Fondn, and Segregaed Fnds. Finist payments are delayed 4 monthn no 1h01 pou can gel yonr las refond first! t l il necennarp ta go inta dehe nom in order tu nove for pons- relire- ment? Why Ual jnne increase pane manttttp cantrihutian? Remember, RRSP tan paymenes are Ual tas dedoctible. Yoo olti have la pay off the tan sith after taxt dollars. Pop attentian la yanr Marginal Tan Rate (MTR). Higiser inconse cons- ers have higher rates and stsontd masimize Ieir RRSP contiteions firnI. MTR pereenlagen decrease nbarpty. If yon barras tao much yau witt rednce yanr polentiat tas; refnnd. Spltoing pana tau aser 150 tas pears takes better adivantage af yanr MTR tevet and con increase yau- refond's valse. Ask hefore yas horros. Makie snre 1ha1 yaa are getling yaar monryns sorts' For fuether ilfarmatian please contact Manep Concepts - Mitoan at 876-0940. nAffitiated vvilb Money Concepts Group Capitl Corp. and National Financiat Marketing Services Insus-once Aezencv lnc Coseae Fraaneoz Q: 1 wfl m I ldap lad we w1ialle edga nd ait eau brut. W1at cadi 1 A: Knee injuries ane rannon duning spasning acosto, ns die km oint s neyvlea bic. 11cmr ure thoenc unit that oe sp die keicojoint dhe large dsgs bnseca de hamur die keg basse callod det tibia, and dhe knncnp, enitol dhe parei&ls n Théur ti dhe tibia dc tnt fiit l geder, sa Is e denmor om ren nid toa bsmb" , thac e de i. a p eoi crilage dt fls bolsoen dhe no bances catied a nlu. Ilure arc toa in eub kms, nu ns de itnsid a ons dnte mOrde. On euh nide af die kme, and in dhe midleof the kmc an tlans,nbch nnseh dhe Sao bancs ta euch ote. Surmourdine dhe hnm o o capsule, orn strne lihean fsue, whieb encloes dhe kumc oint dsnng nomement Tugettue, dhe liaments muscles srmourdinu die km.c and dhecapule bip ta stabilise dhe kneduig uinitp. Unfortuntep, ir yo Miss pa ne , and ase die sl tisse futtim thon ilis able tes go, am injuy cus occur. Saime people repart à pappine noise aidie tinie of injaty, tues do unt boa inytsine; diepuadeteop sodolen kmS pain oSler a tauonssr avait. If die kme seis immc- iorty, and leoising is nated, uolting mop lie tom. and diemeis bleoding inside dhe km, tiheuamusclemoru ligamentI thde kmdaedm nolisait antit di eot day, ut map idicae a ca- litige toe. Odier idicors aI vartige touamr ciokine or locking wbile withingr bedin die kme, mbicb mraus; ihat samhing is piîching in licisme de toa boises. tfapas expesiosce n giving woy feminsg while noiking, il map meun dtI posa kme i unstable, or lina dhe na clou aroond dhe hem are aai aorking, boaane dhem issuo much pain. Iii th e bodp'n nta waof peatoctieg iviared tissue fein hislier injuep. If uaI dfrie aliove mentionod sypis are o preserit alto, paie iejosy,m Psou docta, rigbt oueap. îep miy fend po or ue sting, litae n -cap or MIlI, ta muea ortbopsedic iprecitiut an Smoe physiaiherupis. A physiodherapis run holpat dreciose pain mnd inflammatin, regin slresglh sandange af maoo, mnd gel yra bock lapsu regolue acivitles us mso us pousibl. Sometirtes, lfa ligament or cariloge islaom, sargicat inteevenroon is neceusaep. A pbpsiodeea- pisi cas belp Pao prpire for suegesy, andi mpm yoIfer surere ta espadite ou ae caveep. Dveing the Sinit es daps aller an iniai, ire i ususlip dhe iaient aI chaire, il tisre as sselîng. Ire lor.ton minuoes as ovnit 2-3 uies a day orvp la oeey have, ta stop iselîne ssii omable die liaiing peroesslo sait Fer mare Information conace Ceinne a Tie ete Halesa Cnmmeniey Rehnb Cenitre 876-1515. l' 0' s #Y 0-10(1#4 elé' 0, e f i e t è ý1* tt 1bý%,qÈYIi li', et a.'$',$' îÎÏ/11111 0 fi , i fi 8 0 1 1 4 et 4 ANN 876-1515

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