Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Feb 2000, p. 18

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Eria <ç.ÇtojB.A.,NOD M/.juouhc9eicine Q: You have stated previously that Synaptlc 2000 treatments affect fleure- transmitters in a beneficial manner. How does this work? A: Neurotransmitters regulate evety chemical reaction in the body. Differing levels of neurotransmitters determine how a persan will react to physical and emotional stresses. They play a role in sleep, pain regulation and emotianal reactions. In some people these neurotransmitters become depleted or unbal- anced causing, for example, a problem with pain pathways. Q: How does Synaptie 2000 affect chemi- A: Sensations from the bady reach the brain through electrical pathways. The response fram the brain is chemical, thraugh neurotransmitters. The Synaptic 2000 machine sends a normai electhcal wave formi ta the brain and encouralges a change toveards mare normal secretian of neuratransmitter levels. Q: What can changing neurotransmitter A: Your sleep WUl ha impraved, yaur muscles Wtll ha mare relaxed, and your pain will ha reduced or eilminated. Overali these beniefits shauld resuit in a greater feeling af physical and emaotianal welI-being. As well, yaur chîrapractar or massage therapist may tlnd tl easier ta, treat yau, and their treatments may ha mare effective, with qiuicker resuhos. JF NTERIORS e Carpet n Vînyt Ceramics * Hardwaad e Paint nWaitcoverings Showroom, RESIDENTIAL & COMMERIAL 3elleHset 45 Mal. St. L. Mihiu 878.4230 Did you know that within the next 5 years Baby Boomers (me inclmsded) are going te cre- ate a decorating frenzy? The kids are grown and Icaving home (we wish!), ta lime to spruce up the old place. Bcfore you rush ta find the aid paint brush and meanuring tape hold your horsea, Don't make an expenaive mistake. Caîl the professionala. 1 have known clients to ntart off on their own trying palota and, 4 gallons latter, they're now in the - garage tale (gave up in dispair and bankruptcy!). Caîl us muid in 1 hour approximately we hopefully can steer you in thse right direction. Do you go for wood, lami- nate, carpet, or tile? What colour out of 10,000 choicea do you put with it? What size tule? What, what, what? HELP!! Market research han also found that shoppers want service. It can bu intimidating standing in the middle of a store the size of Sky Dome with your blood pressure rising deciding on a can of paint. Leave quickly and caîl ua ait Comfi. You'll know who you're dealing with and save lime running around. And our tape meanurcu are bigger than yours! 95MainsÇeml East, 2vdfjOs Mio, cterwio L9TIOéI Accpumtur (90-5) 693-9837 tam . inturtted ta Naturopathie Medicine but have never seun a Naturopathie Doctor betait. 1 arn fairly bealthy but fuel like my energy level coulti bu butter. Aise, t bave same prob- lems witb digestion anti seein ta bave bati mort tban my sbare uf caltis andtin tbms year. Caulti Naturoathie Medicine belp me? AL,: Many people fuel fike that tbey are "bealthy enough" because they are free of any major heatth conditions or diseases yet on a frequent hasis îhey experience one or more symptomai lImaI they bave simply learnet ignore. make the heur of. or suppress with over-the-couaîer esedications. This is unfortunate, bucause these problemas can oflen be resolveti hy adtiressing tbe undertying causes. Furlbermore. symptoues that ueay seem miner anti easy enougb to cope witb n0w can be signs of the devetopasent of more serions heatth conditions. Tbese symploms are clues fron your body Ébat suinething is ont of balance, anti atidressinu thees nou tuiti sot only make your current quality of tife better. but tutti aise belp t0 prevent problems in tbe future. Naturopathic medicine cau help te resolve these symptomas anti move you in tht direction of optimal bealîb. To help uncover the cause of your particutar symptornu. naturopatbie doctors speati a lengtby first visit quesiioning you about details of pour specific bealîb concems. A complele medical bistory anti relevant physi- cul enamination betp to complete tbe picture. Baseti on tbe information obtaineti froin tbis assessmenî. a treat- ment plan is developei tbat may include any of the naturopathie therapies: duel anti nutrition, herbai medicine, homeopathp, acupuncture anti lifestyle comnselling. Many heltb probleats for people osf ail nues cani bu atidressei using Naturopathic techniques. To lenen about how Naturopatbic Medicine can bu of belp to you. complirnentary 15-mfinute con- sultations are avattabte. Dear Ruth, t nue about ta put my home on the maret, t inviteti 3 agnts 10 'bld' oun my horna, ta theme any mason f ahaulin't go with the Rop fihal gave me the highest prie? Signed 'Unsume" The 'right' liaI price for your home, "Unaure" sa ouf necnssarly the highest tint prices. Vaur homtes proper tint pica lt based on 'comparables', in other mords, bhèmas ent have mocently autld thal are simitar t0 yaure i teme of location, properly & home stan, finis tllst pou what Purchanere are pmepared lu puy in thn current market for praperties lie panas, an meli as construction quatity, updales, etc. Msarty Vendons betinnn thal thep cao liai their home ut a hlgh pries lnhttaly in the hapta thal thep witl gel Ihat nxtra dollar, thty cao tower the pilscater il lhtp annul lu. Don't tati InIa lImai hinilng, "Unsure". A 'jusl-listed' home nope. riences the mont maret actiity Il vli nver esperience. Whtn e borne la anerpriçet, potentiel Purchasnas queiefly lune ininreal & ara lesi. Furthtr, by tht âime the uverpoced home s mteson- ably reducei, il map bu lau 'aid' lor Parchasere ta aller fl or enen a fuir price. ane of the mont commun questions Purchasere asi t 'Hum long has Ibis house been on lIme mar- iet?' Tht price a Purchaser i8 prnpamed lu alffr allent mîtecla tht ansmer ta this question. Dont nit s Sales Rep 'boy' yaur hamn's listing mith an uomeaiistcaltp high pries. Inuait likelihauti, you'l bu sonry. t suggesl thal yaa mare mith tht Sains Rep. a) tuba supparteti their recommendeul fief pries mith sauni 'com- parables' b) mho is thica & hardmoreing c) mho bas a pranen track record anti d) mith mhonm yaa are muni camlortabte. Gooti tuce, 'Unsure'. Ruth terr, M.A. t'a flood te knem samene chu heurte lied tarast. Il yen have rai esIat quastions et cnerne, write ur oeil Relt,. f388 Main St E., Milton, UIT IP8 90&87a101tl . This monthly questionfanswer service cii ho neuilablo xvii Man. 2000. It you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 j Tort; hQr1Ik Twne Dental Group Tony H. Wan Milton, Mail - 55 Ontario St. B.Sc., D.D.S. (905) 876-1188 Q:Whaît irm 1 do ta inake my teetb wbiter? A: There are nom many ways avoulable to give you the smiie you have always munteti. Before we look aI ways to mahe your teeth afriter, mite musi f irst tietermine mfrat bas causetheb discotourution. Some common causes for tooth discolouratior include aging, pour dental hygiene, 1001h rlecay, trauma, too1h nerve degeneration, excessive fluonide, consomp- tion of slaining substances (coflue, tua, colas, tobacco), tefracycline (antibiotic) slainiug, and olti dental restorations. As you can sue, il is sut as simple as going lta drug store and purchasing protiucts that say witI "brighten and tuhiten your omile". If pou clsoose toi go bhat roule, buware ut producto lhat may actuatty barm your tuulh and gum tissues. Sonme Itotbpastus aimuti xl smohers conlaio ingredients Ibul are fou harsh on your luulh, and ovur lime con muar Im the proluctive uname coating. Avother pruducf the public should bu caufbous abut usixo is the uvur- Ibu-counler aI home whifening producîs. Bluaching producîs in somu instances may cause damage lu theto100h putp, unamul anti gumo. espu- ciully chus purlormuti mithout supervision. Many af thusu pruducîs cunlain chemicols bhat are fou concunfraluti and are ofuen admisisuruti using, poorly f ieti mouth frays thal alluw more noposute nI the moule tissues. Onty a tientisf con dufurminu chat is causing pour teuth lu bu duo- colouruti. Vour solution may bu as simple as reualr dental chtck-ups touhrwith proper home dental cae. Somt peuple may tutti luth coortfitlings if il ix dtcay that is making their fueth discatouruti. Otd discolourut i lfings wilt oued lu bu ruplaceti as il is nul possibleto whtiuen Iturm mith chumicals. Tuuth Ibut have discoloututi as a renaît of nlaining substances and aging may bu mhitnd wif h profussiona blahng sysîtarrs. Tetraccîr stainuti tmth, resatting moue earty chitti- hou tirel tht antibotc, can omtimus bet reatuti by bttaching, depending on the ntvtnily. lu neyeraI cases, il may bu ntctssaty fai corn- t emenu lMcseti dental prucedutes sncb as percetain unnents. uthît hav tufruti paol trauma un nmtm dtgtntrtin mitI nutti lu bu diagnootti by pour dentisl birut buforu atttmpting lu whtn lIms. So, if il sftiter teth pou art aller, tht best adeicu ns lo att pour dtntiof anti ase whaf freahuent ix best for pou. In bue next cotumn, t witt talk about frtquunty asiet questions rtgariog tht prottosiona bleaching svolums availabu lo ou frute vaut dentit. i ii

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