VBell, Book and Candie leaves crowd just a hlte bewitched The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, February 8, 2000-11 Don t forget to check out our Lifestyles section in this Friday's Champion. The section is published on alternate Friday's with Arts and Entertainment. Poor Shep Henderson. The stuffy, New York publisher was ail set to announce his upcom- ing nuptials wben he accidentally stumbleti upon a witch. Actually shte had been there for a wbile, living below himn as the superintendent of their building but flot above casting the odd speli 10 keep tbings interenting. Harmless enough stuif, until the hapleas bero of the John van Druten play Bell, Book and Candie, playing February 9 to 12, steps in bo use ber telephone. Then whammo! He ends up bewitched, bothered and bewil- dered in the apartruent of tbe encbanîing Gillian Holroyd. Played by Sandy Bennett, Gillian is a sultry sorceress witb the kind of good-natured charru typical of those with a leas than firm grasp on the moral side of lufe. But ber beart is in a deep freeze, since witcbes don't faîl in love. If tbey do. tbey lose tbeir powers. As for Sbep, one lousy phone caîl and he finda bimacîf hopelessly late l'or bis own engagement. Cule as a bug as a plot device, but we feel compelled to insert a public service announcement here. Men, don't try Ibis al: home. Your loved ones, no malter how open minded, will flot accept tbe excuse Ibal a wiîcb made you do il. But in tbe Milton Players pro- duction il's eminently believable that New York is cbock-a-block witb witcby types who are as mis- chievous as the average 10 year old. Portrayed by Players' veteran Gary Metcalfe, Shep is ail gooey and lo ve struck until be leants be bas literally been under a spell. Then it's ail apoplectic outrage as he searches f'orsa way to rid bimself of the cbarm. Meanwbile, Gillian is shocked to discover thal bis unscbeduled rejection stings. If shte were a regular gai sbe'd react by eating a lot of ice cream. But since sbe's a witcb sbte does sometbing equally destructive. She (cover your eyes, witcbes) gels a job. Of' course, she doesnlt bave mucb of a choice. Having lost ber magic sbe's as powerless as a new- boru and New York ia expensive. You can't make a living jus( being a former witcb. The play is round- ed ouI by a colourful cast of char- acters, including tbe inebriated author of magic books, portrayed as a disbeveled Indiana Jones by Players newcomer Brian Wallon. Margaret Brady is flakier than cbipped Paint as the adorably dotty aunt wbo careers between wide- eyed innocence and wicked glee. Finally Ibere's tbe perpeîually broke younger boîber, Nicky, played by David McPbail. Tbis shiftless kid neyer saw a lie be didn't like and in disgusted wbes Gillian begins sbowing ail tbe signa of that buman frailty called love. In fact, il's little brotber wbo makes sure tihe jig is up for big ais, leaving ber flot only love sick, but alone. So does love tom out 10 be tbe most powerful magic of ail? We're flot telling. Eitber way, as directed by Paulette Tae, Bell Book and Candle is a pleasant play that tugs gently aI the beartstrings in lieu of teaning tbem rigbl ouI. And il leaves the audience feel- ing just a litIle bewitcbed wben il's ail over. Tbe play will mun as a dinner tbe- aIre February Il and 12, and as a sbow only February 9 and 10. AIli sbows take place aI tbe Milton Seniors' Aclivily Centre, 500 Childs Dr. Tickets can be purcbased at Delacourts on Main Street. For more information, caîl 875- 0629. (Front L ta R) Don Lindars.- Peesident - Opaumsîs Club of Oakvitle, Phytis Ans Way. Lieutenant Govemor -Zone Optitsists, Scott Shlotzhauer - President - Optimists Club of Multon, Joy Thompson - Haîton High Fuse Coordinating Commmuece, Floyd Nelson.- President - Optisuisîs Club of Georgetown. Crealing Quality Play Expeinences for Children... t's More Titan Kidstuff! With ovcr 300 communiîy sport and recreation groupa in Ontario, did you ever wonder who was making sure that our children were receiving a consistent and quality play experience? Until recently NO ONE! Recognizing the important role tisaI organizations and groups play in providing aclivilica 10 over 1.2 million children across thse province, Parks And Recreation Ontario established HIGH FIVE - a qualily assurancc programi for commuaiîy sport and recrealios programs. T'Me HIGH FIVE: Qua&ty at Play initiative pro- vides easy tu use resources l'or communily sport and recrealion groupa 10 create and mainlain qualiîy play experiesces for children. Ha/ton ta/ces the lead on HJGH FIVE! At a lime when Ibis initiative is gaining international recognition, thc local com- munilies of Halation HuIs, Milton, Oakville, and Burlington have taken a lead role in bringing l-IGH FIVE 10 Halton. Having experienced tise success of HIGH- FIVE training and resources with their own prograrus, thse Halton HIGII FIVE Coordinating Commitîce (representalives froîn ail four municipalities and the Regios of Haltos> is encouraging communily sport and recrealion groups tu jump on board. Local Sponsorsitip provides HJGH FIVE resources to ail Community Spoil & Recreation Groups in Ha/ton! Committed to, tise principles of "healthy youth developruent thse Oplimniats Clubs of Georgetown, Milton and Oakville, as well as Metroland, have contributed $1 4,00010o ensure that tise HIGH FIVE resources will be provided FREE 10 vol- usteer sport & recreation groupa throughout Hallon. Communily meetings have been planned in cacis municipalily (below) 10 inform groupa about tise FIIGH FIVE projecl and distribute.tisese resourees. CHOOSING THE BEST PROGRAM FOR YOUR CHILD.. A Parent Guid to Recreation and Sport, is anotiser resource of tise HIGH FIVE initiative. 'Me booklet provides parents wilis information on tise various soçial, physical and developmental benefits of recreation, and discusses tise principles of isealtisy cisild developmen. Soon, par- ents will know tisaI prograîns uaing HIGH FIVE resources are tisose tisat provide a consistent quality play experience for tiseir cisildren. Community Meeling Tines & Locations Haiton Huils Wednesday, February 16, 2000 7:30 - 9:30 PM Halton HuIs Library & Cultural Centre 9 Cisurcis Street Halton Hulis (Georgetown), Ont. Hot Line: 873-2601 ext. 2275 Milton Wednesday, February 23, 2000 7:30 - 9:30 PM Milton Leisure Centre 1700 Main Street East Milton, Ont. Hlot Line: 878-7211 ext. 188 Oakville Saturday, February 19, 2000 1:30 - 3:30 PM Sir John Coîbourne Recreation Centre for Seniors 1565 OId Lakeshore Road Oakville, Ontario I-ot Line: 845-6601 ext. 3153 Burlineton Tisursday, February 24, 2000 7:30 - 9:30 PM Appleby Ice Centre 1201 Appleby Line Burlinglon, Ont. 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