6- +~ CO,,MENT Council's decision on Drury deal a hard sel Given the realities, it was hard to imagine a better deal. The Iatest development proposai put forth by H.D. Investments on a 33- acre site behind the E.C. Drury complex would have retumed 45 per cent of the land to the Town to be used as greenspace. About 80 per cent of the woodlot would have been saved and a dire housing crunch for senior citi- zens would have been alleviated through 195 bungalow condominiums. But a tight 5-4 vote by town counicil torpedoed the deal Monday night, mu ch to tbe relief of the assembled residents. However, their relief is probably premature, since tbe developer wiII like- ly take bis case to the Ontario Municipal Board where it's bard to imagine h e'lI lose. And tbe proposai he'Il take there may not be as generous as the one just rejected. N o one «wants to lose greenspace. No one wants the deaf community to, see their beritage parcelled off to tbe bigbest bidder. But tbe land was put up for salé. The Town couldn't afford to buy it, so someone else did. It's too late for tbe accusatory list of 'what ifs'. History can't be rewritten and this land will probably neyer be a park -- especially not now that the best deal Milton was Iikely to see has been sacrificed at the expensive alter of wishful tbinking. 9rO UR R-EADERS WRITE NVHL fundlng Liberals should get their house in order Dear dtor:. Re: Halton MP Julian Reed against NHL aniali cap bailosit. It's no lime ter pat yourself on your Liberal back, Mr. Reed. While the govemments about-face is a wholly-appropriate non-action and, as« usual, a few steps behind wbat the pub- lic already determined for itself and were agaïfit, l'in more inclined toi want to see what can be accomplished with meal problem. The Liberals are incompetently run- niesg àepartments, nanaely immigration, humait resources andi multi-culturallism, where the imisrepresentation of our assets is in the billions of dollars. lit would be nice 10 hear froni you on the tough issues as well, Mr. Reeti, not just the popular aond marslsmallow-soft orkes. When you have completeti youf tasks for which you were elected and "put your own bouse in order," V'Il be tIse first in wbat would be a long line,,t'm sure, bo then pat you on your back. Jon J. Komow Ontario Street North THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E. Mhe Couiln Champion, publisimd every Taosday aid Friday i 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont., 191 4N9 (Bon 248), is one ai The Meiroland Milton. Ont. L9T 4N9 Printing, Publishing B Disiibuili LI. group of suburban companins wirich includes: AluJPcmering News Adnnilser, Ailistnn llnraid/Corrien, Barrie (905) 8 7 8 -2 34 1 Adoance, Barrys Bay Tis Weeir, Bolin Erntirise, Brampton Guardian, Burlingion Post, Burlington Shopinlg News, City Parent, Ciiy ai Yrk Guardian, ColliigwiidlWasaga Cînnectirn. East York Minnar. toin Editorial Fax: 878-4943 sitoocaterCouniry Rouies, tobicoko Gurdiai, Flambîrougr Post, Forevet anGeongetown IndnpendniAcion Free Press, Hunînia Business Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Yrîmeës, Kingston This Week, Lindsay Tis Weeic, Markham Econimisi & Sun, MidiandiFnneianguishene Mînron, Miton Shopping News, Mississua Classified: 875-3300 Businnss Times, Muississauaa News, Napanen Guide, Nassagawnya News, tdewmarket/AunsnFa Era-Bannen, Nodthumberland Nems, Nodr York Mirrirr, Ian Oliver Publisher Oukoilie Beuer, Oakisoiti Shoppming News, Oidiimers Hockey Ne*s, Onîllia Today, Oshawa/Whitbyliiington/Pori Perey This Wenk, Owen Sound Neil Oliver A.o.ociate Pubfisher Tribune, Petenbonoughr This Week, Picton Cîaniy Guide, Ricirmond Bill Begin General Manauger iIilolornhlilNaottrar Libenat, Scanbsrougit Mirfrn. Stottaiiio/Uxbridgt Tribune. Karen Smih Ediomr Aiiaentising is acceptnd on the condition tirai, in the evant of a typo- rnaphicai enror, tsart portion oftihe advedtisisg space occupitd hy rire erro- Steve Crozier Circulation Manaiger neous item, tugfetiier with a neasonable alionuance for signature, wiii nuirbe Teel Cama Office Maneoger changed fon, but tire balance of tire adontirsement wiii se pard for ai ihm applicable nain. T'he pubiishen neseeves tire ingin ta categoiie advertise- TIMe Coles Procducionu Manauger menas nr eciinn. Region atone can 't tackle gridlock:- chair Dear Editor: The January 21 issue of the Canadian Champion featured an editorial titled 'Trafftc headaches tumning in10 migraines'. While this editorial was correct in stating that traffec gridlock is one of the biggest problecos facing Halton, we diaagree wilh the aug- geation that ail levels of govem- ment have failed 10 respond to this problem. At Halton Region, we have addressed this issue for more than a decade. The editorial notes that the con- struction of Hwy. 407 near Sixth Line should eaae some of the load. In fact, il was Halton Region which, over the last 12 yeara, repeatedly approached the Province 10 secure the construction of Hwy. 407. To encourage car-pooling, we obtained a commitment for Hwy. 407 commuter parking lots includ- ing one on Denry Road for Milton and Halton His residento. We were the only Region to achieve thia. Halton Region was instrumental in getting the GTA Regions, Hamilton-Wentworth and the City of Toronto together to discuas a new transportation partnership with the provincial and federal govern- ments. In addition, we arranged for the Regionas four chambera of commerce to meet with our area MPa and MPPS so that provincial and federal governments could undemstand the impact traffic con- gestion has on the business comn- munity in Halton, and the need for a parînership to deal witb a solu- tion. Your readers sbould know that Halton contributes more than $10 million to GO Transit and will be responsible for upwards of $150 million in capital improvements to that ayatem over the nexi 10 years. We secured service improvementa, additional money for local tranait services that conneci to the aystem and expanded parking lots. We are also looking into a new station on Winaton Churchill Boulevard. That will aerve Milton and Halton HuIs residents. Moreover, Halton Region bas comprehensive master plans that, over the next 15 years will invesi $1 Il million in improvements for highways 5 and 25. Council also approved a major road plan that .will enhance transportation on Denry Road and Steeles Avenue in Milton and Halton Hilîs. As you can see, Halton and our local municipal partniers have nol atood idly by. We identified priori- ties, invested in projects, prepared plans and secured funding. Wc cannot do this alone. A partnersbip is required witb senior levels of goveroment, and Halton Region will continue to work, as we have for more than a decade, to find solutions to our transportation problemai. Joyce Savolin., chair Brent Marshal, chief administrative officer Halton Raglon Pud by Steve Nease Th Tht ain hm!nFi Fabruary 4, 2000