199 capinwas Up The Cansadian.Champion, Friday, February 4, 2000 - 5 United Way 'deli*ghted' with $265,0OO total By LISA CARTWRIGHT The Champion Milton's 1999 United Way fundrais- ing campaign was a success. Milton reuidenta as well as businesses and cor- porations donaîed more than $265,000 to the charity. "We are delighîed," naid Anne Eadie, execu- tive directoir of the Milton branch. "Every year we do better than the year before. Our volunteers did an excellent job." This year's campaign raised $2,000 more than lat year but fel short of its $290,000 goal. "We need $400,000 (from) Milton to meet the needs," of the organizations, Ms Eadie said. "It's a challenge." But Ms Eadie aaid when choosing the cam- paignis goal, they look ut the population of the town as well as the needs of the organizations. They then try toi net a realistic number to rea ch. The United Way raines money lfor organiza- tions that help people. Money ruised by the Milton branch supports 25 organizations that fund services and programa within the town. In 1998, more than 15,000 Miltonians benefit- Paul Bercardo, ia flot ut -Maplehurat Correctional Complex, contrary to a nimow mr intediy cittulaiicn towc. ~'Ne didc't have him and we aren't expecting hirs." said lain Leitlsead, Mapleaurst aupetintendent. It was beougjst to the attention of Mms Champion that a namour waa cioeuleating diat thse convice" child killer waa trans- "We are delighted. Every year we do better than the year before. Our volunteers did an exeâent Job." cd from thers. Organizations included Big Siaters of North Halton, the Canadian Mental Health Association, the Canadian Red Cross Society and the Victorias Order of Nurses, among others. Last year, the Milton branch changed the way they did their campaign. For the firat time in 17 yeara, the United Way did a mail campaign inutead of going door-to- door- Ma Eadie aaid they lot a few people who unu- ally donate, but alno gained 100 new donora. This year, the charity will again do uns cam- paign by mail. In addition, people can donate over the ferred frors Kingaton Peniteustiary to, Mapfrburst. '1'here is itothang toi il (thn liilu),' lie said. 77ee Champion doesn 't usualy publish slories a4dressing nanours detenrnned to e uaifounded howeyer lit detided to do so in this case due to ut magnitud of public inlerest ami concern. Intemet. unteers. * The year 2000 campaign is already being Anyone who wanta to volunteer or make a planned and The United Way is looking for a donation should call 875-2550 or visit the chair, after flot having one last year. secured website at They also need apecial event and account vol- www.unitedwayofmilton.stn.net. 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