Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Feb 2000, p. 4

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4 - h Cnadèttilm,~on flctal ebtuary 4, 200Ô IR mw -e k- z T Li - - -LET BRIAN'S AUTO ThEAT YOUR CAR LIKE YOU TREAT YOUR FAVOURITE VALENTINE 'ROTATE & BALANCE 124.95 (Mosi ars) oeF ACCESORIES INCLUDE: Bicycle Rack Tow Bars & Draw Bars oWirnng Lits Weiht Distrbutng Hitches eHthSecunty Loch Accrediteci Tast a pocir FOSilty ý'Chinese New Year. Mertin Street School satudents enjoy e Chînees New Yser lunch et Main Street's China Houe Wedneedey. Among those festlng on oriental fers ars third greders JeemIca Wellece end Jennifer Alloe <above) as wil e firet gradier Emlly Riding (lafit). Photos by GRAHAM PAINE tics in the MM0 MUNICIPAL ElLECTIONS i the Town Olerli before you spen or rides cney for csmpalgn activitteas. ;cribeti faim, muai be s*gec by 1he candidate son or ;by anlgn esen JeInuey42 O, in 0b Offic cf1h l(n betWee 8302&m. ï ta Friday. The prescribed Nomination Fe )any the nomination lonm. i, contact the Town Cleit * Monday, Februery 7th, 8:00 p.m. Hugh Foster Hall, 54 Brown Street, Milton d* Dora s Id. li. itiitrmi và âwc be aveitl5itfloni1e Taom, ci Macs Gramti Pragramn and Sne Miasn Utk cap. Wed. Fsbruery Gth, 7:30 pâri. Town of Oakville, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville Thure. Februery 10th, 7:00 p.m. Halton HUIS Civic Centre, 1 Halton HUIS Drive, Georgetown Mon. Fsbruery 141h, 10:00 aim. Tsnsiey Woods Communhly Centre, 199 Mtabashi Way, Burlington To reglater for one of the an*ons or to obtain a copy of the fundlng guldellnea, p1ea» cati: 825-6000 ext. 7135 FandSos policera ta date are: Cty ai Suikoa, Builingicr Catrmunit Foundatian, Ccstmuity Foatidation ai ()aille, Mirty af Canimunity aid Socia Services, Te Newa Tndium Foundatian. Regairtel Mundcipaity cf Hallali Town of Haton HUII. Towni ai Mitos, Ton cf Delide. Unitedt Way oi Builittar HamulonWeaetwadt. United Way ai Mitoit, Uit*ed way ci 0waw Concerned about the aafety of echool chlldren aria want to becomre involvsd? Appty for a Croslng Guard positon. H-ourly Saieay: $10-47 LOCATION: Laurier Avenus & Hotiy Avenue DAILY: 8:00 a.m. - 8:35 a.rti 3:.15 ýp.m. - 3:45 p.m. Stanby Crossng Guards are requlred for AU. locations to scb- sttt ul th. absence of dlally Crossing Guards. Pisas contact: Helen ls, Towen Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Milton 43 Brown Street Milton, Ontario L9T 5H2 (905) 878-7211 Notice to Publc Thé Town of Milton wllI b. handllng aII municipal tacility adver- tlalng lnternally. <Memorsa Arena . Toneili Are - Milton Lalsure centre) Il ham conte to our attention that advsrtising hem been offsred for sale by other than Town of'Milton staff. PIsas b. advisad that thia hem not been authorlzed and that no fle. shouîd b. pald. If. you have any questions or require additlonal information pisa contact Derrick N%élands et 905-878,4163. SSEE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11J1H EDITION 0F THE CHAMPION FOR THE NOMINEES SECTION

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