A&LSTOMf ALSTOM, oneO of the worids ioading suppliera of Diesel Engino Power Piants for Fower Stations and the Marine f ndustry, requirea a SHIPPER 1 RECEIVER for thoir Oakvtf e Warehouso roporting f0 tise Cualomer Service Manager. This position te masponaibte for ail aspacta of lise amiouse funiction, Inciudlng shlpplng, recelvtng, invontory controt and wrerhous maintenance. Sacondery scisoof oducafion nets a minimum of 2 yeara retatad nore and torbilfft esportance la requirori. You muaI b. able fa, work indapandenty, have a labo charge attitude and b. koont y inforeste i n parforming ait lacets of the logistica foniction in a erat departirront. Computer prodicioncy antd strong organrizationat siis are a muat. Previos oxpanienco In prapamîlion of export sisipmenf paperwork andi invenlory controt would b. an assaI. Weoff(er a compatitive compensation and benafits package, a dynamlc and experienced toam of co-reorkers andt training for arIls and future devatopont. Mai, fox or e-mail pour resume tci: ALSTOM Canada mnc., Engînos 355 Wyecrott Road, Dakvtlle, ON L6K 2H2 Fax: (9R5) 842-2025 * o-mal: alatom@intetiog.com Un tianriappicano, however, oiy seiecfed candidates wi/ire contactedf Part-time daya, evenings and wecekends. Apply tn person to. 420 Mate Stree Fst, MIlton 11 JOB FAIR 100 Positons Avaiable tf you are able to lift ffo-es. 000a continauau hais, woek in a refrigeated envirooment, wull- ing ta work shifts, incuIne weekendu and are lookdea for fu-tine wodc. WE WANT TO SEE YOUÏ! VIhen: Fabnsaey 2, 9, 16, 23, 2000 VIhere: AIle Llettea tec 2701 lgh Point Drive Million, Ontario Hwy. 82W (Broute Rdt.) Tiom :3opmuntilaoo0p.m. Oty miM cn sw ifi brc d fer deeriL PLEASE BRINO AN UPDATED RESUME NUTRITON SUPPORT SERVICES Magnda, a 300,-bed long-lenrt cara fadllty locata le Milin, han tha foitowleg part- dunle positions avallabla. Cooka - Teainad ia large quallty conldeg or besc cooka training wilt ha coealdered; keowledge of worldng ta coolt-ddf fond prodection an aissaI. PotwauM'onler - Rit indeldu, cafpable nir irmnoporieg gondo up in050 poueds, raqulred 10 dam poits, panis and eqtdpmanl. Dletaay Aides - Panition involves rahaating food and aervtng Io rasîdanta, meeting individual fond reqeestsanmd creattng a watts, friandly dinlng-roorni environnea. Candidates misst ha abla to woek a vaniety of shifi, tncludlsg wehkeda. Eacllesî sidit start Orna is 6:00 &mn.and latent shlf t aan Une bs 3:00 p.rn. AU penitons requtre caring, endia- siastlc indivIduels who dhive In a Iem setting. You must ha able ta ha on peur fead for dia majority of dia day. If yoa ara dedlcaied Io bing the hast peu cao ha ln a veppoive asnlronmaent, pIeuse forarard peur rmre, hy Februar 18, 2000, ta: Heu. Cami Carillo, MtledUe, 185 Ontario Street So"t, Hilto, ON L9T 2M04. Fum: (905) 87&4797. IIARVEY'S as tooldng for Fuît âime teats mates. This could ha daya (8-5) eveninga (4-12) or shitt super- visor (varies) positions. Mlase contact John at (905)878-7733 or bning resumne to Har«ol Restau- rant, 15 Market Drive, Milton. LooKING for tino coolra and front dosk doeris. Ex- prnc prerd. Contact Aies or Barry et (905854227 orfaxreaue 1: (06)54-373. REQIJIRED for automotivo repeif shop n in ; licenaed technicien or 41h yoar apprendies. Also fuît Uime night tow trucki driver, dlean driving record a muetPtoasa tas resumne ta 905-878-5285. A Growing tele-commnu- olcationa companry la aeeking profesaionael saies personnel. People dine would b. itemasteri in wottdng wids wirlaI communicationa and modem tehooyas an ou"ad ale repre nentative deatin wt contact Tarahn Burt et 905-875-2352 or a re- sune and covor metr to BOUSY local automoelee repair facilly requirea a qualtfled ltcentaed repeir tecfhnician. Emisalona oupedience an auea but n0f a neceaaity. Alao ieoldng for a hardwork- ing and aeli-motivatad pomoat loldng to start an appernlâceshlp. Con- tact 'Bob or Konin et 878-792. CHIURCHILL Colflaine lma. la aoein a loenaad quatity collision repati tact. Pleïane forward raumea to 885 Main Street E., Milton, L9T 5A7. Fax: 905-85-4471 or Cui 905-875-328 A Rkai. Our dlient an architectur- ai sulir, le looldng for an A/RMlrk Wo arecur- renfy recruifing for some- one who han a sot id background and lu os- ponienciedi n fUtfunicion acoouIning software. Cati baron O The tile Groop (905)333-5901. BOOKKEEPER re- quired one dlayr per month. Mont know Boas- nose Violon Program- ma. Repty in writing, Fax: (905)331-0501. WANTED part lime holp Friday, Gonerat office dution. Flexible office. Airport erea. Phono (905)672-5W. DENTAL Hygienist Ex- tionat pople & organl- zehionat sIsta, 1 impte- ment petriodtat main- tenance program. 3 doa pe s ek.xCatiI 90S-78-9882orlar- sumo ta, 905-878-8415. COOK I SOUS-CHEF Dur Hfead Office location is Ioolong for an experienced Cook/ Sons Chef 10 manage a bnsy cafeteria for a contract period of seven montirs (May - Dec.). The ideal candidate muot have Imo years manageniaf expenience over- oeeing a kitchen/ cafeteria operation. Excellent eapervioory SkUIS and the abllity ici caler for- mai and informai fonctions are a150 reqaireri. The saccensful candidate reili posseos excel- lent organizational and commanication SUiIS, along wilh ftie ability to work under pressure. Pieuse sobmit your resuime ta: H-umain Rosourcon AIO Limited 1375 Kema Road Bunlington, ON L7R 4X8 Fax: (905) 310-1985 Full Time froide Sales &« Customer Service Receptionit RteeponsiblUtie will include: *Anowering phones *Selling classified andi disptay ada *Balancing daily receipts .Temaxketing Qeafleadons: *Esoellent commounication okilis *Wýping & comnputer skilîs *Weil organized & ahility to omet deadimes in a faut paceri environnment. Reliahie vehicle an asset. Apply eo: Advertislng Dfrector Shopping News 3«8 Broute St., Unit S, Mittn or Fax Reauma to 878-M39 AUTOMOTIVE SALES PERSON reurdtby Dalmille's larget refait Chrysier dealer. Cmeive remuneralion piperas, campany car and henefif programn availahie la the righl candidate. Car Sales Expeuience An Asset Please fax resumne to: VIRA PAYE *LO1I~De 175 WOoft Baud, 0"1vlI0 fax: (905>845-19109, Ph: (905)845-663 COMUCTM WANTI Tireait nf soorciog perouijobs? Fed op ih estimaling and selling? Wani 10 have consistent cor everyday aitlvrmd Set dowo% soesotid fooxg hy jo/in9n tire We are tooiig for a coopte of sotiri individoats cmo cao do complote intirroore reoating (fle cari, plumbing andi finish carpevtry). We otter a groat compensatin packiage, fuîltime emptsymet andi a pleassot corbiog moviroomont. Fsx yoor rosume no Richard (905)-639-3581 (Buri) FITTER! WELDERS- PRESSURE PIPINO Certification toi A.S.M.E. section IX in G.T.A.W. and S.M.A.W. ae necessary. Gond fittintg akitis roq'd couplitd with the sbîtity f0 road drawings & work 10 close foterancos wMf fittle supervision. Top anagos, bonefff pkg. & inforeating work in a modem ctean, veu equlppod ISQ 9002 rogistorod shop. Pionso appty in person or forward rosumoe in confidence 10: WELD-TECH MANUFACTURING ILTD. 5390 Munro Court Burllngton, Ont L7L 5NB Fax: 9054632-9653 Burtinglon baseri business forma manufacturer bas opeoiog for a PRINTINO PRESS OPERATOR w/lb a minimum nf fsur(4) peurs exparionce n smatt presses. The applicant shoutri have knonlerige ni pupars, as ce/t us mioiog ut is. Web Prixtiog experience an asset. Wage govemed by experience: Gxod benefits package olfereri. Fax fesumes to 905-681-9882 thé <sVtnhàrniptnYnd5y, Èoetaery 4,'à0O2 distibuton rsteWr casienlnte manageet regraiova t ndxnf S L Industrial Elactricianis $5 In tris rote, pou ciii parfurm repairs usina pour tharnugh knsctedge 5 af molor contrats, higir-voltage scilcir gear, programmable logic (PLC), instrmentation, electranico and nitrer retateri eqolymeet. Anrong peur respansihitities are f roubteshnoting ail types of eloctricot andi retateri equip- ment, makiog recommanodations, interprefina ressuais, diagramas, controt Simply oeil circuits. scireaatico andi pr/ns, as watt as maintainiot/ records. You mus[ have camptetei an approved appreaticeabip prugram andi ha certflied as an Classfied Industriat Etocînician in goad standing cith tire Mioistrp of Commsnity sc vord Cottases andi lniversities. Thrme la fine moars of aractical etuerien, an muac ora knowtndge of hpdrautics and petmatica, Sopervisory Controt and Data Acquisition Systemo (SCADA) ouotr ba idat. The satary for this positive ix $28.39 par hoor. Comp. #PP-245 fldustrial Machanuic (MIiwright) A certif tri Industielt Mechaeic (Mittcright) on good standing eith tae Ministry nf Commonity Cntteges andi Unitesitian, po have waa il tubles to perfonoi repairs for lire Region. Cattiof on yoor thornegr itocterge ni pampo, valves, tiectnic and rienatic adouators, moios, garts, hydraolics. muchanicat drives, speari ruducers and other related elqoiient, pu cili troubieshoot ait typa nf mechanical and relateri equipern. This cill entait inierpreiing manutais, diagrants, ochematics andi prints, maintaining records, and padorning cetding, pipa lifing and rigging as requirei. Natoraltp. pou have compîtor an approveri apprenticeship prograin, and are lamiliar with computerizeri maintenance systmns. itres 10 tive years nf praclicat espadaence, andi tamitiality witir etectrnic eqoipmmlt ara considarei axants. Tire satary for lis pasition is $19.62 par hoor. Comp. fPP-247 Pieus torcard your fesmme. qoig apprepriate camp. oumbilel. bp Fab. 18, 2000,10o: Huma. Rumoures, Iboa Rugfloual MoualipaflRy of Halon, 1151 grenie Roui. Gulafa, Otaio, LOM 3LI. Fus: (M0)28-403. Kth thank ail candidudia for Uniïr ilofri Hocese ony tita sellected for an interview wiii be confadeo rvice Technician tien muket Sputens, a teudlng distribetor ai inrinstriat eqaipment iocated muile, i0 seeiting a Service Techniciaa lor aur Ontario opeation. rting ta the Service Suparvisor, tire candidate siroufd ire a gradeate tecir- of Conputer ELiecc, Etectronics or Etectricat systena, possess u legree of sefl-notivatesn andi bring a positive attitude lotra position. lance ts an esset. A compreiensive package incioding salerp ineefis 2r aliocance is olfereri. Repp in confidencq fa: adlan Inljet Syutema vic. Departm.nt I Coventuy Rond ville, Ontario L6H 5V9 :<905) 829-1842 Royal & Sun, Alliance Life i,,,umc, Company of It'us abuth oi.W htaveyinguse on Iifes cus h i aaî iaca eplac oringnwdretos wmMnuion packae, Cepinsg . Omibie ad dopuren c.oprchewi. beneflts speciai qui r.gram, ad the ix heip cm opotnt o"i na preparatio that p.ummc mmri,,,y bilinguolis ifo .ae s in a Admin ,,pp,,,iuar , pto poe Pour prsve inte lavai, cili ne ietot support io Oakillei .,,m,,,my. Regissai 0 Pl-m t,,od Y,,u andi prepai Mmm:vaous Pr Humn, etouc,,. corporuir Royal, & SuAý inera Sc Rn" 7 k s s ad Pocer imjl,27Li,,, Windows e,,,d Emt, Oak,,dt,,. undersîsn Ontario tasier, ahi 161 IH9 chaxging, and verbu RoyAL & V quickly. Li li Assistant so the Directxi of Acluariai, ysu ciii ussisi the l in cxmmuniculisO cilh lhe field and prxvidisa otes. Ynu ciii use pour sîrong malheaaicai skiiis aie nec plan heudors as cel us unIk-up lubies ionss. Psu ciii aiso assisi os required, in the ru owekip and montly reports. LOMA 200 & ladge of tnel, lngeniumn and/ur CAPS-t-L, und muara delinile usseis. istrativo Assistant (PMT n administrative track record aI the execulive bnlp oou prnvideaudministrative and softare lhe Oprulian Commillee, Had Office und Ilice stuff. Pu ciii asiss in the co-ordinul/or rut/or of bourd mreatirgs, convantions, und scedura maoualo ard reports. Pou ciii muirtuir licences, complat reguisiori reluros and daoaiop itcure tempistas. Your expart bnoledgn ut Word ps/nI (Office 97/ and strong issciedge of 05usnd Excel are cxmpieenved hy u gnnd lirg ot PC/ACN leclrrogy. Pou are a mufti- 010o prier/iaz muny, sftar cxntiicling and rapidip assigrrrents. Pou posseos outstarding milan- i communication niils, and lear ne software ta irourarce and/or louai euperievce is an assaI. non. rovulsun ailane.05 * Items must be priced at $100. or Iess * Private Party ads only (no commercial ads) " 1 item per ad " Up to 12 words per ad * Ads wiIi appear in Tues. & Fni. Issues (based on space availabiliy) " Ads must be prepaid 878-2341 CHECK YOLIR A&D! The Canadian Champion colinot be responsible for Use coat of more lisan one incorrect inserion. Any errors in tha Ciassified Section sisouid be cailad f0 Use attention of Use Classified Department affer Use Cirst insertion. Adjusiments are made 10 Use dogme Use error reducod the value of Use ad. 875-3300 DEADLINES FORt TUESDAY& FRîDAY FAPER Doadiine Fniday 3 p.m. for Tuasday Doadiina Wednesdlay 3 p.m., for Fndcay - il raix