IVidgets' offense sputters The Canadian Champion, Frlday, Fabruary 4, 2000 - 27 Mits le a eii By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion The AA midgets' provincial playoff run is getting themn nowhere faat. Milton stands to be eliminated in short order unless it cani stage an opening round reversaI of fortunes - starting tomorrow night in Bramnpton. This following straight tosses to usat the best-of-five series with the Battalion. The Spectrum Airways Winterhawks put themselves on the proverbial chopping block as home Monday. White drawing first blood jutt moments into the con- te il p As a result they were humblcd 5- Captain Jordan Jeans put the teamn ahead within the opening minute, stealing the puck as his own blueline and charging past everyone before burying a low snapshot by the opposing goalie. Momentum fromn this initial tally wouldn't last long though. as the hosts faltered on a four-minute man-advantage and gave up the lead late in the periodi. Goaltender Chris Kovachik was fairly solid overall, but had trouble with loose pucks in bis crease. He surrendered a goal late in the sec- ond and two more in the final The 'Hawks gave a decent enough effort, but about the only real bright spot on the night was an aggressive and effective penalty killing campaign. Along with Jeans, Darryl Langstone and Rick Nadalin offered robust performances. Also of note Monday, Evan Jeans - the team's diminutive defenceman - held bis own in a second-period listicuffs clash with a much larger player frot the Battalion. In Brampton Sunday, Milton mounted a late surge but were trimmed 3-2. Should they manage te, stave off elimination tomorrw evening, the t, the locals were plagued by frame beltre the vîsîtors aded locaîs wils return nome to play saccuracy and a lack of physical insult to injury with a shorthanded game four Monday. Ssarting tiet resence most of tht nighs. empty netter. i 915 p.m. Pesewees take series opener Milton's AA nainor peewees are one of few local teama wilh higla hopes for a lengthy provinceial playoff rien. But tIsat waan't exactly evident in their firal round series opener at John Tocielli Sports Ceantre Saturday. TIse Winîerhawks failed to showcase their best stuff - delivering jsslnough 10 outliast the Brampton Battalion 3-1. Whether they took their opponients t00 lightly or- were still smarting fromn an over- lime heartbreak ait thse ýpreviotla weekend's Silver Stick International Toumraient, Milton was clearly rsslssing a step for moat of the nighl. Aa a lesult, they need- ed a big push througla the final (ramne - with two goals on a dozen shots - to topple the feisty yet normally over- matched Battalion. Scott Collard, who saw an awful lot of ice lime down the stretch, fireti the game winner Just nine seconda mbt lIse third - burying a long slapshos during lais leam's only powerplay. Addsssg the insurance tally on à beauty back- hand was Clayton Holman. Anthony Perruzza was the locals' other scorer - banging one in from close range after saking a perfect centering feed froin Clatis Wlseelihan. Goalie Jamei Connor tumned aside 14 of 15 shots o earn the victory. Game two of the beat- of-five series is toniglat in Brampton. Milton hosta the tliird tilt at Memorial Arena Tuesdlay. Stasllng tine la 7 pe. a W USb l i*akPain *Stress *Discomforts of Management Pregnancy *Whîplash *Headaches *Overuse Injuries Most extesded health plans and beselits Jillian Gsard packages isclude massage therapy Ryas Weaver BSc.<Huns), RMT coverage for you and yosr family. 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Regial Cowuacid w oetcu 69 in .did ceosaic rlec dierura naitaof is ououaaty amd lauva un1 -u*c»i- of Hal. ý aaiiaido 6qpcrimmy. lic A&Wn'-i-arl.d Faumm luurvlcu CinunUciwiaa rucunndqualifsed caididate for ture poalilm i Reicm oual. lise O feReigonal Ok paajond Mmmickpaiky of HatO 1151 Bmuai Rond Camville, ON LiM 3LI Office Houm. 8:30 .m. I 4:30 p.m. Igsghmu1km: Drsts3kiI/ltilT ft Hamms Hu GMWpêAd-a Rauhai C,.pkWaWkdappium5wil lc rcv~ by 6e mdcr.gid-Aaiil Monday.Mardi27,2000. lnwu'vewu ull la oSAdaimd duiardn 6e mi1l ai April 200. losAgaoe.bsi. Reglama Cliri a M