22 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, February 4, 2000 MEXMCO - INVMTN! The h CANCUN ... ACAPULCO .PUERTO [ VALLARTA... COZUMEL -juot the mention B of dreu well-known VACATION RESORT AREAS in Mexico brings thoughts of beaches magaz witls warm tiles from dhe Ocean mollhg ont MiSSiSS thore, and lots of sunshine. TEMPERATURE A i of 31 Celsius, warm breezs, cool beverages, Atng lts of sightseeing bothonhie beach and in- thelIrishi land, or cutI Up under s palmi Due withsa good of 'The book - ibis is what many Canadians arc doing Theatre. or planningto do over the next months. OVER Runnij ONE MILLION PEOPLE F1tOM CANADA Deceme annually malce their way to lbese andsitUe ntany tures sn other popular areas of Mexico which keep etaa developing t0 welconse even nore of us. textravaga every pet And M ing eveey IN PUERTO VALLARTA (one of ont "I havi fsvourite ama!> there is the five star SIERRA PLAZA GOLF RESORT, an att-inclusive propelty which induites a feee mimd of golf~ Great place 10 s'y thse game ont if You have neyer played before. A SWIM-UP POOL BAR AND GRILL is Use place lobe when You have finished hitsing that tite white hall around! IN ACAPULCO - Ibere is the DREAM CLUB AT THE PIERRE MARQUES - a 'village' of villas, bungalows,O and 10w-tise buildings set dinsugbouî lssh tropical gardent and flowing founsins! SOUND INVmTNG? They also offor golf on their championship course or UsaI of thset ACAPULCO PRINCESS close by, which T winds anmg exohic tree and ilIver lagoons'. I IF YOU ARE GOING SOUTH TO ENJOY THE RAYS 0F THE SUN we have tomeO advice for youinUibis regard BULD YOUR r BASE TAN befose you leave home - il only t requires a few minutes ai s tinte wiUs visits six to eigo tintes tos tanning spot inoUse couple of- weeks before lseadbng toyour flight. These are many greal locations where tanning is tiseir specbalty anddshey cmn give you advice, ssch as SUN HAVEN TANNING SPA in Milton. You cas tan staning up or lying down, orsa combo of boUs is a good ides. THEN, whon yos ges 1o your mun destination - ALWAYS WEAR SUN SCREEN 10, protect you skin from day one when you are exposed 10 Usosle waembing rays - not only nsbd-day but always. A DID YOU KNOWiTRAVEL TIP: WHY i BOOK THROUGH A REGISTERED TRAVEL AGENCY IN ONTARIO? Here is f a receat 'press release' - 'ICO APPROVES $6_.500 PAYMENT - Thse Tounsasn lndustry Council of Ontario (TICO) bas approved payosent of $6,534 10 eight passengers who W didn't recebve Useir travet services because of Use fablure of Shalom-K Tours of Tonto.' A very gond tesson - you are protected if yois dont( recebve Use gonds you bave paid for in A situations sncb as ibis. A ,878-2886 16 Martin Street (downtown) Also in Halton Hilis and Oakville www.brucehood.com r naibne nt aincer carnies on Celtic traditon CARTWRIGHT mpion y dây, Milton's Kerrie- Lee Brown is an assis- tant editor for a national ine produced out of auga. il, she glaces the stage as one of lancers in the Mirvish Production 4eedfire' at the Royal Alexandra rsg eight limes a week since r 28, 'The Needfite', which fea- alI-Canadian casl, is a musical mxa UsaI has left the audience in les and on their foot aI the end of fonnance. s Brown is in Use middlle and loy- minute of il. ealways been a dancet. 1 love dancing. I ams the liraI one on the dance floor aI any club," she said. 'The'Neoillire' is about a ttXI-year-old Celtic tradition that would take place once a yoar in îowns and villages throughout Ioeland. On that day, ail the lites and can- dles in the village would ho extinguishod. One person would thon start a fire - called The Needfît-e - and every villager would take an ember or pieco of coal frm il 10 lighl their own lite. "Every home would have warmth and good luck throughout the year." she said. The purpose of Use musical is 10 tell Use stoty of the Celtic tradition Ihat stilI occurs in some communities in Iteland. Ms Btown said the traitition brings warmlh 10 the heatts of evetyone who watches the show. Adtora, musicians and Irish, Scottish and Cape Breton Stop dancers bring the story of The Needlite 10 life. Ma Brown, 26, is one of 10 Irish dancers in the show. Dancing since the age of six, she was put mbt Irish dancing because her father, who is Irish and ber moîher who iv Welsh, wanted hor to lesm some of their tradi- lions. Growing up Ms Brown also took ballet, tap, jazz, modem and gymnastica but Irish dancing was ber specially. She competod for 13 years, becoming the Canadian and North Amenican Irish dancing champion. She qualilied three limes 10 go 10 Ireland for the International chsmpionship. Although she nover placed, just going was an honour, she said. "The top lhret (dancers) frons North Ametica in your age group go. It's jusl a ItilI logo." For tickets, caîl the Royal Alexandra box office 1-800-461-3333. It's The Book,çwe rea~ch for «-n 'Campion Telephone Directoiy to, be ivaluable in our business. Itfs simple concise ormrat makes it easy to find anylocal phone venumber or services we may need. >eworn out last years book and can't wait for 1the new one to, be, delivered. both-an advertiser and a user I wiould highly ecom mend. the Milton ,Champion,.telephone directoryto any business. soirs AUTO SEVICE I For ail of your Emnissions Testing & Car Repair Needa - Kerrie-Lea Brown performe as one of the Irish dancers in 'The Needflre" currently on stage at the Royal Alexandra Theatre. 26 Charles St. ~ 875-2500. 1. Runaway Brdei 6. Enttrissant 2. Laka Placld 7. Mickey Blue Eyes 3. Bowflngar 8. Nottinghill 4. General'a Daughter 9. Deep Blue s 5. Thomas Crown Affae 10. Austin Powes www.videoshutte.fornovies.com ALL NEW RELEASES ..Va Gamas Cali Bill Currie at 878-4944 to view this spacious 2 storey home near Milton Mail. Postures include eatin kitchen, L-shaped duning room and living room with 57ý walkout. Recrestion room, 2 washrooms, central air and nice yard. Asking $151,900. RVLR(Blu. Sprlng «t (Hafton> Corp. 22 Ontanio St. 878-7777 eboei