16-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, February 4, 2000 SCOTT FLETCHER Financial Services Manager 878-3044 JUDY MACINTYRE Financial Services Manager 878-0212 ~.BETTER LIVING HOM E HEALTH CARE INC. BLOOD PRESSURE DAY at the MILTON MALL <centre court) 9:00 arn - 9:00 Pmn Have your FREE reading done using the Iatest equipment Dedicated ta improving the activities of daily living with personal and professional service (905) 875-2458 RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE "A GOOD PLACE TO DO BUSINESS" HWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD. MILTON 878-2393 ROXU L ROXUL INC. 551 Harrap Drive Milton, Ontairo LOT 3H3 (905) 878-8474 (905) 876-4785 81!1 CREATIV hMMOlULMED Serving Milton & the community 0 9 for 47 gears Now in our 3rd generation JIM & JENNY STRAIN 190 Ontario St. S., Milton 878-6522 Robert (Pie) Lee, B.Sc., B.B.A. Life Insurance Agency Life * Disability e Annuities e RRIFS-L iFs RRSPs - Mutual Funds (Lic with M.S.IL.) Celabrating 25 Vears in Business SMiltowne Insurance Agency Ltd. Bob Lee and Kim Mitchell 245 Commercial St. MILTON L9T 2J3 Office 878-5786 e Fax 878-3692 email addreaa: roberllee@aztec-net.eom Banik of Monitreal "Continued Success" k\ Canada/Ino. 401 Wheelabrator Way Milton, Ontario L9T 4B37 Telephone (905) 875-1662 Fax (905) 875-1675 7jj HEATN & AIR COIUITONI CAS INSTALLTONS 751 MAIN ST. E., MILTON (905) 878-2381 Fax (905) 878-1443 FACTS ABOUT HEART DISEASE AND STROKEl Did you know? Y Heart disease and stroke continue to ili more Canadians than any other disease. V 41 % of ail female deaths are caused by heart disease and stroke, as opposed to 38% of ail maie deaths. Heart disease and stroke are equai opportunity illers! YHeart disease and stroke costs the Canadian economy $18 billion a year in lost wages, medical care, and disability pensions. V The Foundation is committed to ensuring that women know how they can help prevent heart disease and stroke. V There are approximateiy 50,000 strokes in Canada each year. About a quarter of stroke victims dies, but up to 80% of stroke survivors return to their own homes. V The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario supports two-thirds of ail the heart and stroke research in the province - more than the federal and provincial governments combined! FEBRURARY Is -- ---- ---------- CO-STEEL<e RECYCLINGI WE BUY ALL METALS «919L Siding, Cast, Used Equipment, Angel Structural Shapes, Rebar, Stamping, Beams, etc. Sacbicà Wre Cag Mu«u% Dus, Le 41MM Sicira 61LI COOSTEEL ixr,%, VILAANG - Milton Division 1 Km. north of the 401 on Hwy. 25 (905) 875-4800 Industrial. commercial. residential and agriculture inquries ýlcome MatthewsI 550 McGeachie Drive Milton 878-2358 Fax 876-1344 ] HEART as