The Canadian Champion, Fniday, February 4, 2000 - il 'Bi Pie'construction officially underway Pes Construction being conducted in stages starting at Hwy. 407 Milton is one step dloser to lske-based waîer service - and ta growth. Construction on thse Region's 'Big Pipe' project, wbich will pump wster fromn Lake Ontario ta the town, officially kicked off early st week. The construction will take place in stages beginning aI thse Hwy. 407 right-of - way between Dundas Street and Bumamthorpc Road. Both water and wsstewater pipelines will be constructed simultaneously ansd sun roughly along the west side of Regional Road 25, thon travel along the south saide of Derry Road. *(KâIo C(eatin Compaqi ~~ ~Commercial & Readnta 'ri Why You Should Cali Us... " Free On-Site Estimates e FulIy Bonded & lnsured " Competitively Priced c- Professional, Hard Working " European Culture - We Deliver On Our Promises * Available 7 Days A Week *Try us once and we know you'Il cali us again! For further information cmli: Kathy (905) 693-9953 Office Haurs: Wednesday tram lpm - Spm or lbave a message any other day & we'II cail you. HOPE PLACE WOMEN'S TREATMENT CENTRE Christmas Lottery Winners Alas Steinberg Bsusa Rogers Nasille Paflersan Bob Iaerisgham Victor Dyck Southoies Dental Clnie Loretta Wtite Alison Mitas John Buchanan Jas Cmeclcelts Disne Achenon Wyns Holdlotth Mike Dagle Bnan Posie Marilyn Smith Siman Prine Tttarnhill Tornto Mîssassauga Bothell Niagra on thte Lake Miton Miton British Virgin Istands Oakille Cambridges Hillburgh Cambridge Kitchener Tronto Etobiclme Toronts $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $250.00 $100.00 $1 00.00 $1 00.00 $100.00 $100.00 $1 00 $250.W0 $10000 $10000 $1 00.00 $1 00 .0 $100.00 C. Baron Lentie Jandicas Kans Bhalt Dr. Heather Norman Daniel Luashi Debbie Rame DaIs Tuclner Jas Kemp Jas Desossa Doug Ritcltie Jase CoaliSfe Pst Deaine Greg Seheolce Lysda Johansen P Canan Miltos $100.00 TbamII $250.00 Oakville $100.00 Burîlagtan $100.00 Waodbridge $100.00 Niagara On The Lake 8100.00 stainfeet $100.00 Landon $100.00 London $250.00 Basmansille $100.00 Dresdon $1100.00 Camridge $100.00 Tarants $100.00 Scartmrough $100.00 Taronto $1000.00 Like a good neighbor State Farm is there.® ZDon MacRae 878-8109 AniSa Cutoia 485 Main St. E.- Milton, Ontario 19T IRR1 current, 24-hour recorded message on the The pipe project is expected to wrap up construction schedule. this faill. They cati also log onto, the project's web It's being handled as a design-buîld pro- site at ject by tise D'Orazio-Walter joint venture. Date/mne inifo to 878-4943. The pipes will end about 600 metres north of Thompson Road. The pipes are needed to service phase one growth under the Halton Urban Structure Plan. This would bring water to 6,200 new homes and ai lest 500 acres of employ- mient land in town. By 2016, Milton is expected to almoat triple in size, weighing in with a popula- tion of about 85,000. Conservation Halton is currently in dis- cussions with the Region to ensure the pipes have a minimal impact on the natur- ai habitat when they cross creeks. Trafftc management is also, part of the plan. And residents and business owners will be warned when construction approaches their property. Residents can also caîl 693-1166 lfor a For furtiser information, nîsase contact: Mr. Joseph Chol, P. Eng. Manager, Design Services Reglon of Hatllon 1151 Bronte Road, Ofkflie ON Telephone: Burlington/Mlton/cell: (905) 825-6939, extension 7610 From Halton Hilla, (905) 87848113 JOAN EAGLESHAM REGIONAL CLERK c~~rirpie ~ -g take comfort Cali for a free in-home estimate or for the showroom location near you: uiion(SOf> 460-W570 Buningmn I Oakv.e energy or14388-71-UWOOi *Somne conditions apply O..C. OSfer dosa sot apply to purchases matie by credot card. Minimum psrdiase of $1000 reqsmred. Non-rstrsactive arneal iniereat charges adi apply canssenosng Jansary 21, 2001 sn sslstaning batances. Oser axpiras PaS. 14, 2000. REGION 0F HALTON PUBLIC NOTICE RECONSTRUCTION 0F TRAFALGAR ROAD (REG. RD. #3) FROM 150ms NORTH! 0F HIGHWAY NO. 7 TO DALLINAFAD ROAD (REG. RD. 942), HALTON HILLS PR-0964<D) Notice is hereby gîven pursuant to Sections 297 and 300 of The Municipal Act, R. S. O. 1990. chapter M.45 as amiended. tisas tise Council for tihe Regional Municipality of Halton proposes at its meeting on Match 29,2000, at 9:30 a.m. to pasa a by-law for the reconstruction of Trafalgar Road. from 150 mn North of Highway No. 7 to Ballinafad Road. Town of Halton HuIls. Plans showing the proposed work may be inspected ait the Planning & Public Works Department, Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Road, Oalcville. On Wednesday, Match 22,2000. at 9:30 arn. in the Halton Roons as ie Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronle Road, Oakville, Ontario, Council. through its Planning and Public Worcs Committee, will heur in person, or by hia/her Counsel, any person who claims that bis/lier lands will be prejudicially affected by the said by-law and who applies to tise Regional Clerk no later than Match 3, 2000. SsT tAR 't.JA AUON*8L seUR"C COPN -CNOAHEDFIE AR R G OTRIO ---j