10 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 4, 2000 C i e S o p r Robbery made up, say cops CieSopr Police seek suspect in Are you on thin ice? Did you know that drownmng is the Ieading cause of snowmobiling fatalities? In Soutisern Ontario temperatures rarely stay Iow long enough for bodies of water ta freeze over adequately for such sport. C lear, black or smooth ice must be at lcast 20 cm thick white more rougis white ice needs to be at Ieast 40cm before it is considered safe for snowmobiling. Whenever possible avoid riding on frozen lakes and rivera because the ice thickness is neyer a safe bet. As a mile of thumb "If you don't know, dctn't go." is brought to you couirtesy of Halton éatha and The man who reported s $21000 theft sE Mohsawk Raceway December 28 bas been charged witb public miscisief. Tise 58-year-oid Georgetown tes- ident tld police twa men approached him demanding money and rings. He said he compiied and tise robisers fled in a dark vehicie. However, foilowing an investiga- tion, Halton Regionai Police siiege tise robbeiy neyer occurred. Stereo stolen A $250 car sterea was stalen in the iste evening af January 27. The owner had icit bis vehicie in tise parking lot af tise Hardisail Cafe. When he retumned, tise sterea was gone. Compound broken into Trucks, intercoms and other materiais were damaged when a compound at Blue Circie Materiais was broken inta. Tise vandaiism at the Nipissing Rd. business occurred between January 28 and 31. Damage was estimated at $1,200. amoeIl Auto .W GanoeMl R jNmrL Accrodited Emisuions Test & Repair Faclity * Allgnaenl *Air Coaddtlag " Examust a Llcesed Sâlty hipectiMn Stalle,. 386lle Cepel vF(erO a r nit ) Police Blotter Purse stoien Thieves smasised a car window and stole a puise left in a veiie at tise Buffalo Compound at Walkers Line, north ai Derry Road, Sunday. Tise victim left ber purse in tise locked vehicle between noon and 2 p.m. Tisere is no estimate ai dam- age. Large quantity of skids taken More tisa $4,000 worth of skids were stolen tram a rural business between January 21 and 23. Tise large quantity ai skids were taken irro tise Palex compound at 7459 Trafalgar Rd. Custom snowboard gone Anotiser snowboard was stolen from Gien Eden. A custom Burtin snowboard, worth approximateiy $500, was leit un]ocked and unattended on tise ski racks January 19. It was stoien within a 15-minute period. Stolen snowboard recovered A 17-year-oid Buriington maie was charged with possession of stoien property aiter a youth was caught using a stoien snowboard. on December 30, the victim reported her snowboard stoien. Whiile at Gien Eden on January 18, she noticed someone eise was using her board. Tise victim calied police. Industrial accident Thse Ministry ai Labor is investi- gating an industrial accident that occurred at Chudleigis's January 20. An employee' s hand gat caught in tise blades of a pastry cutting machine, leaving iacerations on the right isand and forearro. Puppy stoien from home Someone stoie a puppy front a McKniven Road home. Tisieves stoie tise purebred white German sisepiserd puppy, worth approximately $500, January 20. 0 1 STEELES 0 ; MAIN ST.i0 NfIPI555 -3ý wost Eud Aut ServiÉce SM Serving Milton for Over 25 Years 0"U »Bo - summngo.hn - Mamanls - Fnamu-whal Drive *Froint EIue - Auto Sales Lemmiuig COMPARE OUR PRICES LEE BONIN 5 Main St. E. 878-5323 Fax 878-0439 AVAN'TI McCormack 10 AUTrO TFECH Auto Services *C5EPUTER DIAGNOSTICS *TIRES JOHN MCCORMACK COPUE 955515 *AACIG CUPTUL IN ETIN ATNE LICENCED MECHANIC ORESCMPITRFULINECIN TN- * DOT Inspection Station -Rust Prooflng N MIM71111111 Computer Diagnostics * Generai Repairs LIFETIME EXHAU15T AND BRAKES - Air Conditioning -Tune Ups COMPUTERIZES VEHICI.E CO5T HISTORY - Brakes -PERSONALIZES SERVICE 85 Steee Ave., Unit 6 O 909 NIPISSING ROAD 878-2952 878-0870 m: T M -ire Sales 0 SENTINEL ~U &service AUTOMOTIVE Major & Minor Reps rs - Tune Ups fouN Ai Conditioning - B akes -Est ses O Dese Exhaust -Safety Inspecioans -Towing WM - Manine Reps ss - 9iyjnÉh 1e/I Setzpice sent/ O(d- Jasioned V/alue -L-. %-seudj 342 Bronta St. South, Unite 12 & 13, Milton 555 Main St. E. 876-4788 878-8066 'Mittcr Import BSA7lse rvice Car Centre Il RDým cenr SPEiaiing in * FUEL INJECTION Specialists ofl 'AUTO ELECTRIC & CHARGING *AUTO AND TRAILER WIRING Volkswagens a Import fuel injection & SYSTEMS DELCO BATTERIES Diesel - Used car sales & service -TUNE-UP & EMISSION CON- *BRAKE SERNCE TROLS SAFETY INSPECTIONS -AUTO AIR CONDiTONING 538 Min St E.l8 ThompswnRd. Unit 12 1(95) 78533 - Milton 878-7221 sex assault Police are looking for a white maie aller a woman was semuai assaulted in tise ares ai Laurier Avenue and Commercial Street. Tise victim was waiking alone on Laurier Avenue wisen a maie approacised ber and toId bersa friend wanted ta sec ber. Tise victim foilowed tise suspect acrots tise field ta tise rear ai a townisouse com- plex wisere tise attacker kissed ber and toucbed ber breasta. Tise suspect tisen placed a knife ta tise victim's car, made demands and cantinued tise sexual assauit. Tise assault stopped wben two people iseard tise woman' s screams. Tise people cisased tise suspect wiso ran soutis toward Derry Road and escaped. Police are looking for a whsite maie, 17, about fOve-foot- il. He's thîni, but muscular, bas a pudgy nase with a bump on it and tisin, straight, blond isair tisat wss shavcd in tise back in a musbroam style. He was wcaring baggy jeans, s black isiking jacket witb s green and whsite stripe on tise front and Nike symbai on tise back. If you know someone wiso lits this description, caîl Crime Stoppers. If you bave any information tisat icada ta an1 arrest in tisis or assy otiser case, you may be eligible for a cash reward ai up ta $1.000. You necd not give your name and your information can be taken witis complète anonymity. Crime Stappers doca not subscribc to cali display. Cali 1 -800-222-TIPS or 825-TtPS. Crime Stoppers of Halton is operaied by a board of directors made up of 18 civil- ians front ail areas of the region. The reward fund resules from the financial support of business, industry service clubs and private citizens. The board of directors raises the money, decides on the amount of rewards and actually pays the rewards. Crime Stoppers i .s i ncorporated as a charitable organiza- tion and donations ta the rewardfunld are tax deductible.