Datelin e Dateline is a-free listing of coming events only. The col- umn is available to local community groups to assist in pro- moting their -future events. Only charitable or non-profit community groups may use this service. We can only guar- antee orle issue of publicity closest f0 the date of the occur- rence although more insertions are possible if demand is low. Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed f0 (905) 878-4943. The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Dateline items will not be accepted by telephone. Tnesday Feb. 1 The Milton Fibromyalgia Support Group meets at St. Paul's United Church at 2 p.m. For more information, calI JoAnne ai 878-4371. Thç PeellHalton Cesarean Awareness-Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Group provides information, support and topical dis- cussions at its meetings on the first Tuesday of each month ai 7:30 p.m. 'Mis month's topic is 'Coping with Pain in Labour'. For details or directions caîl Penny ai 873-2779 or Wendy at 891- 0793. Join the North Halion Literacy Guild every Tuesday from 9 arn. to noon for help, with reading, wniing, spelling, math or basic computers. Interested adults should caîl 873-2200. Learn bow te write a restiue, cover letter and contact card ai the Milton Human Resource Centre. For more information calI 876-9828. Milton District G»irl Guides are selling chocolate and vanilla wafer cookies in the mail beginning today. The Milton Breast Cancer Support Group meets ai 7:30 p. m. For details caîl Joan Gervais ai 878-2573 or Carol Kerklaan ai 878-0655. Wednesday Feb. 2 The Computer Club meets ai 1:30 p.m. in the library of the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childa Dr. Guest speakers from the Halton Regional Police Service discuss fraud on the Internet. Grace Anglican Church hoats 'Religions of the World' for eight consecutive weeks ai 7:30 p.m. For more information caîl the office ai 878-2411. People suffering fromn anxiety or panie can join an ongoing peer support group Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. Caîl 693-8771 for more information. The Canadian Mental Health Association ofTers 'Beyond Divorce', a six-week seminar for people who have been separat- cd for ai least a year. The seminar runs from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the library ai Notre Dame High Schoo in Burlington. The cost is $75 and flexible payment plana are availabic. For more informa- tion or to register caîl 693-4270. Cailn New Parente, a frite programi for parents and babies six months and under meets every Tuesday. The group with a public health nurse discusses parenting and infant care. For more information caîl 693-4242, ext. 7365. Wednesday Feb. 2 -3 Authritis sufferers can benefit from an arthitis and pool ther- esee more DATEUNE on page 10 UPTo%5O% w 327 Bronte Street South, <* Milton, 875-2426 The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 1, 2000--a L indsajy to go lightly at Loblaws Lighi cooking is coming to Loblaws slong with Canadian author, editor and television personality Anne Lindsay. ShelIl demonstrate recipes in thse upstirs cooking school at the 75 Nipissing Police -seek volunteers Hlton Regional Police are Iooking for volunteers to fill vacancies in thse Victim Services Unit and Citizens, on Phone atrol (COPP> prograns Victim Services provides support and referrals to victima of crime or tragedy anad volunteers work fromn offices wiihin police stations. Dulies isiclude sending follow-up Iet- ters or maldng phone caîls to victima.- Volunteers roase theirlinmé on cail to respond immediately to crisis situa- tions. COPP assignas volunteers to specific targe ted areas where they patrol in their own car looking for suspicious activity or activity related to the reason why thse area was targeted. Cellular'phones are provided to report in tosa police supervisor. .Volunteers wili, recive ful training to prepare themn and a two-year coin- miaiment te tihe prograin is required. Applicants will be subject to a behavioral interview and a aecurily background check: Those interested are encouraged to, Cali Nor=e Heaney ai 825-4747, ext. 5035. Applications are also available ait ai police stations. Rd. grocery store nexi Tucsday trom 6:30 10 8:30 p.m. Thse cooking sensation will tout lier lat- est book ýAnne Lindsay's New Light Cooking'. More than 200 low-fat, nutrient-rich and easy 10 make recipes are packed into the book, including delicious desserts like bier easy chocolate cake with chocolate butter- milk icing. In it, ahe cuis. the fat without sacrificing taste by bolsîering the cake with extra cocos. In ligbt of a soaring inierest in vegetari- anism, Ma Lindsay also tackles mesîleas dishes, including stews, pastas and burgers in hier book. And intense flavour combinations like lemon, coriander and coconut milk work together to make the moat jaded latte buda sizzle in heart-smari and waistline-friendly creations. Her exoiic recipes are easy to make, chock full of ingredients found in'any gro- cery store. The recipes were designed in collabora- tion with the Canadian Medical Association and proaninent dietitiani Denise Beatty. And Ms Lindsay's holistic approach 10 hesltb la evident in the book's information anippeis on issues such as weight lois and qholesterol. 'New Light Cooking' is the lateat of Ms Lindsay's efforts. following 'Smart Cooking', the 'Lightheartcd Cookbook', 'Lighthearted Everyday Cooking' and 'Anne Lindsay'sLight Kitchen'. She can be found on Cityline television and is the nutrition editor of Canadian Living magazine. Branson 9 days $05tî Aprit 20, May 8, 21, Junel, July 23 Caîl for details DeNure Tours 1-800-668-6859 -REGION 0F HALTUN NOTICE 0F STUDY COMMENCEMENT & PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE Class Environmental Assessment and Detailed Design Replacement of Kelso Bridite. Aplebv Line (over Sixteen Mile Creek, north of No. 3 Side Road) TOWN 0F MILTON, PR-1730 A Public Information Centre ia being held to enable the public to review the proposed design, construction achedule and traffic detour plan: DATE: Wednesday, February 2,2000 TIME: 5:30 - 8:30 pmn LOCATIN Italien Region Museum (Kelso Conservation Ares) Thse Region of Halton is conducting a detailed deaign atudy to replace the Kelso Bridge on Appleby Line, north cf No. 3 Side Road. flac projeci involves the following: a Replacement of the existing bridge with a two-lane single spart bridge * Regrading of approximately 150 m of roadway, shoulders and drainage ditches on each approach 10 thse bridge a Illumination of thse roadway for approximately 100 m each aide of thse bridge. This work is scheduled to be completed between June - September 2000 and will involve a temporary closure of ibis portion of Appleby Uine. As a Scbedule A project under the Municipal Roada Clasi Environniental Assesament, this projeci is already approved under thse Ontario Environmiental Assesament Act, and requirea no further consultation or notification, however external agencies and the affecîed public are being consulted. If you wish furtiser information, please contact cither: Mr. Joseph Choi, P.Eng. Manager, Design Services Region of Halton 1151 Bronte Road Oakville, Ontario L6M 3L1 Phone: (905) 825-6030 Fax: (905) 847-2192 e-mail: Mr. Brian Bridges, P. Eng. Project Manager Giffels Associates Limited 30 International Boulevard Toronto, Ontario M9W 5P3 Phone: (416) 798-5548 Fax: (416) 798-5536 e-mail: brian.brids! BRAD CLEMENTS %agnt NETN ACUS 878-6576 I ergOf . to RNV RTN AcONS RASPa WALT ELLIOT 4<RRIF: RESCE 'UALA MFD ~ LF SEGRGATE FUNS ~ >.<~ ~ ISABLIE LABOUR, 5PNS E -UD LENSURASUD HASO 'E1S FIMNCA SeIE