Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Feb 2000, p. 6

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6 - Thse Canadien champion, Tues-day, Februar. 1. 2000 *COMMENT Sehool board bordered on being undemocratie It looks like an attempit by the Halton District School Board to bring about stricker miles for delegations -- including reducing the public's speaking timne to five mninutes from the current 10-minute limiît -- was squashed before it even got out of the starting gate. And it's no wonder. The proposed change bordered on undemnoc- ratic. If a member of the public has a reasonabie concemr, opinion or even an idea they wish ,to share, they should be encouraged, flot discouraged, to appear before the board. We understand, perhaps, the need to stop people fromn continuaiiy showing up at the board and repeating the saine speech. However, we suspect it is only a few individuais who fali into Uiis category. The board needs to be seen as a receptive body .-a group that's wiiling to listen to thc people it's eiected to serve. We're satisfied Uiat it appears Uic board has seen Uic iight and bas backed off Uiis oppressive proposai. O UR READERS WRITE Enough is enough., .developers Halton community really came through Dear Editor: It was refreshing ta read tise letter. 'Manly residents don't want growlis' by iakob Carnelis in tise Januaay 11 issue. Once again, Town Hall becomea tise focus of tise conflhet between protecting escarpment lands ansd develapera who seek profits (rom papuiating these lands, changîng tise zoning from mrai ta, urban. Tise 'Milton West Speciai Study Ares' at issue includes tise faraland and wood- lot bounded by Main Street West, Tremaine Road ta thse CNR track, Bronte Street north and Steelea Avenue.' If tisis buffer zone is-allowed ta develap, tise escarpiment landscape wiii disappear under s dense eavening af suburisia witla ils shopping areas and isausing grids, juat like so many alisers. On January 25 hearinga isegan again ai Council Chambers ta, be faliawed isy sessions February 14 (Il a.m.) and February 23 (7 p.m.). By speaking sa r. simpiy atsending any af tisese hearings, citizens can influence tise aulcome af tisese vital issues. L.el's have à big tumaout and tel] tises deyel-. opers tisaI enaugs is enaugs. Shirley O'Reiliy Concemed Citizen* Coalition *THE CIINADIAJV CHAM~VPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E.. The Canadien Chemgian, published every Tuesday and Fniday at 191 Main St. F . Milton, Ont., 19IT 4N9 (Box 248), is nne of The Metrolant Milton. Ont. L9T 4N9 Printing, Publishing & Distributing Ltd. goup of suburban companues whnch .ncludes: Ajax/Pickerng tNews Adoertiter. Ailistor Herald/Courier, Barrie (905 8 7 8 2 3 4 1 AitanceBarry's Bay This Weelr, Bohten Enterprise Brampton Guardian, (905 8 7 8 2 3 4 Pos, Brliigtn Shppig NwsCity Panent, City of Tork Goardian. CoiiingwooitlWasaga Connection, Eta Yonk Mîrron, trie Editorial Fax: 878-4943 ArtoocatelCountny Routes, ttobicote Guardian. Fianrborouth Post. Foreoer Voung, Georgetown lndependentActon Free Presst, Harnea Businetss Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Timos, Kingston This Week, Lindsay Tis Wetlr, Mantham Ecneomist & Sun, Midland/Penoratguiotrtne Mitron, Mirnn Shonpping Niews. Mîssissauga Classified: 875-3300 Business Timos, Missisoauga Niews, Naparet Guide, tiassataweva News, Newmartet/Aurora tra-tanner, Northumberland Niews, North Yort Mîrror, Ian Oliver Publisher Oatonlie Beaoen, Gatoîlle Shopping News, Gltimers Hockey Niews, Onillia Today. Osnano/Wlrirby/Cinroon/Pont Pey This Wett, Own Sound Nel Oliver A.oiae Puhlinher Tribune. Peterboroughr This Wetk, Picton Counny Guide, Richmond Bill Begin Geeaertil Manager HillThonnhillNaoghan Liberat, Scarborouotr Mîrron, Stouttvilttitotridge Tribune. Karen Smith Edmtorr Aduertisiro is accepted on the condition rhar, initre eoerr of a typo- SteveCroter CrtoloiunoMoto g Oraphic4i teon, that portion of the adeertising space oecupied by the erno- Stev Croier ircuatio Mangerneous rtem, togemher nOSh a trasotahie attownce for signature, witl not be Teri Cases Office Matnager chanoed Ion, but the balance of tht adoentisemenr will be paîd ton al tht applicable rate. Tht publîshen resemves tht right to categorize aduertise- Ties Cotes Production Manaeger ments or decline. Dear Editor: We wouid like ta take this oppor- tunity to thank the Haiton commu- nity so mucis for their genterous donations ta our Christmas Drive. In particular, 1 wouid like ta mention Cheryli Sullivan, empioy- ees of Hoogovens Technicai Services and the congregations of Munn's United and Trafaigar Peeshyterian churches. I wouid like to recognize vanessa Stacey, empioyees af CIBC at Hopedale Mail, Kevin Fitzpatrick, empioyees of Syl Apps Youts Centre and the patrons of Hopedale Mail who contributed to Hopedale's Toy Drive. I wouid like to thank CMD Insurance, Donna-Lee Brown, patrons of Rainbow Expressions and iast but defmnitely flot ieast, community members Mary Hamilton, Caria Jouler, Sarah Jones, Sana Makhoui, Grace Stewart and Donna Zachariah. We were able ta distribute more than $500 in food vouchers and $500 in gift certificates as well as laya, clotising and other items. Many of the women wiso come ta our centre aren't financially comfortabie, a iack that's feit more keenly at Christmas time. Their donations have iselped make a brigister Chistmas for 30 Halton families tisis year -- more tisse 100 people. Thsis was only possible because of tiseir generosiîy. Tise Halton Rape Criais Centre provides a number of invaluable services ta Halton. Nine staff mers- bers, numerous volunteers and stu- dents support tise centre. Our centre is currently involved in variaus educational programas teacising about violence againat women and cisildren and sexuai barassment in thse workplace. We isold support groupa for survivors of violence. Our outreach workers contact many women front ail cultural backgrounds and coordinate aur annual Cisristmast Drive, and tise criais uine is a very active service provided by tise centre. Tisese are only a few af tise ser- vices tise centre providea ta women fram ail walks of life. Once again, we tisank you, thse Haiton community, for your sup- port. We look forward ta working with you in tise coming year. Kerry Samuela, 8ev LeFrancois, and Jaçquelyn Schlatman Halton Rape Criais Centre Letters welcome Latt era must be atgned and the address and the telephone number of the writer included. Fax ietters ta 878-4943 or leave themn ot aur office, 191 Main St. E. Pud by Steve Nease

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