1 -The Cisliadlan Chenfplah, Frlday, January 25?, 2RM0 Beth only known Halton resident with severe reaction *f rom GIRLIS EAR on page 2 tbread gauze in one side of the ear and out thse other to promocte bealing. More pilla followed. But a subsequent visit 10 the plastic surgeon meant that 25 dsys aliter tbe infection reared up, sbe was bsck on thse IV. So far, Beth is tbe only Halton resident on record 10 report sucis a dramstic reaction to esc piercing, said Mary Anne Carson, manager of communicable disease services of tbe HRHD. Sbe noted tbat some pýeople are more prone 10 infection than others. -There are sorne individuals who have dis- cases that affect their immune systems," ssid Ms Carson, citing diabetes as an example. But tisat doesn't apply t0 Betb, ssid Ms Wilkinson. "Sbe's neyer been sick. Ever." And despite being blasted by infection figbting drugs, little can.be done for Beth's pain. "It tbrobs. Il bums. It kind of hurts 10 cbew sometimes," ssid the grade 7 WlI. Dick student. T'Me HRHD encourages people 10 sec a doctor if any infection above wbst the piercing site ssid 't throbs. It burus. It kind of hurts to chew soiuetinw&s" is normal occurs, said Ms Carson. And Beth's more than qualifies. "Any kind of infection requiring an IV would in my estimation be s fairly severe one," said Ms Carson. And thougs cartilage generally takes longer to beal tisan fstty tissue, juat bow long depends on the individual. But cleaniiness is essential in warding off infection, ssid Ms Canson. "It ban toi be kept dlean. It's an open wound," sbte said. "Clean off any secretions tbat come from the wound and ensure the esening inside il is kept dlean." Sbe suggested asking s doctor or pharmacist about the effectiveness of antibiotic creams. Dpýqou Seric - J -eti One early morning, in ancier a king hadt a large boulder p the middle of a weil-travelleî roadway. Afterwards, he bld In the dense foliage which fIl the roadside 10 watcb what happen. He wanted 10 see If would remove the buge rock The first orles 10 encouniter obstacle were among the kt wcntthicst merchants and co but the>' did not remove the biockage, the>' simp>' walke around lit. Others carne b>', c and loudi>' blaming the king kceplng the ronds clear but anything about getting the b out of the way. Pinailly, a we pensant came aiong carrying of vegefables. On appronchlî boulder, the pauper laid dov burden and tried 10 move 1h 10 thec aide of the rond. Afle: pushing and strnining for wt aeemed like an etemit>', he cd In bis quest to remove il obstacle that hac! blocklng e travcier's pathway. If you would like to advertise in this space cali Carolyn at... Seniiior P ct -Rc.Da ogg 9:30 112 km SnoflofDy oa Sernior PSeorts -e Ril on Roge 6:30 m - ise &a SCelbron lu Mauntain Moving Fasih OBSTACLES IN OUR PATH ît limes, a child, a rlaced in As thse out of breath pensant picked blessed b il up hi load of vegetables. he noticed himself a purse lylng on the rond where the So, how .anked boulder had been. The purse obstacle wouid contained man>' gold coins and n ifounfalfl anyone note from the king indicatlng that the gold was for the person who Simpi>' st removed the boulder from the the roadway. in an act of service, the Any obsîs g pensant leamed a valuable lesson moved - rurtiers, that man>' others neyer understand. at a lime! Every obstacle reprcacnfs an with God d opportunlty f0 ha*prve ones aI work v :ursing condIton. determina for not tbe drive none did The Bible encourages us: "But you, patienîl F ig stone be strong and do not let your banda obstacler :nry bc wenk, for your work shai bc bclicving a nod rewardedl" youl Who ng the rewnrds en bis Man>' of us have obstacles that e atone hinder us on the roadway of [Ife. 1 To leam: r urge you to put your efforts townrda positive s at clearing the pntb. You will find a consider aucceed- reward In your accompllabiment. Ibis week se Thot benefit wll not oni>' gratif>' you bclow foi ver>' Il will hclp ever>' individual who limes. follows In your footsteps. A spouac, Grace Anglican. Chus-ch 317 Main St. E., Miltoîn thse Church on thse Hill Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-318>5 www.welccbsne.tssCGrace. Miltoîn Rev. Dr. Mlark MeDermnott SUNDAY SERVICES 8:0)0 arn. - Hoiy Cormmunsion 10:(X) a.rm - Sung Euc'harest Choreh School & CottteeHour Whttlchair Acctos Through Parking Lot Doors Thursda>' LS! 10:00) arn. - H<îly Crommuniorn MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper il1:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.rn. Prayer and Bible Study But hie ws wounded for our transgres- sions, hie was bruised for our iniquitiea, and with its stripes we are healed. lsaiah 1:18 t friend or co-worker can be y the fruit of your labours. Io yotî do If? Whaf If lIfe's la too lmmg? What m flhe la f00 big? ated: Dont Quif acte, any mounitain, can be one sriait place, one atone Enlist assistance. Parîner and experience His power I'tbin youl Perseveret Let ilon arise within, supplying necessary to succeedl Be lnd faith 10 move the on your path through in the Cod who believes In knows what uncxpcctcd na>' be waiting for you! more about faith nnd 1F8 îpplication int your lifé, vlsiting a church near you :1 Consuit the director>' directions and service HOLY ROSARY PARISH 8 78-053 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 Martin Street Musa il5:30 p.m. Satanlay 9,OOau., 10h30 &ms. & Noon Sunday ST PETER CHURCH 9âh Liw cé BWtm*ass Mass ai 9:00 an Sunday RevEari Talbot,P. - Minister - Rev. John Benham - interim Minîster - Rev. Dr. John Ambrose - Director ot Music - Judy Hunter SUNDAY JANUARV 30,2000 10:30 a.m Worship and Church School "Who Baya Sa? " The Senrch for A New Kind of Authority Nursery care avaulablo FacoiSe. m. tarin eheerhadr oenb Vlii ea, Web.lte: htprlree.o.ebsrs.ss-.tpsarsmlr50l Information Line 87e-e95 *BANAl The Milton Bahari Community Wi be holding a memon- ai gatheno for Madame Ruhiyyrh Rabbani. a prominent Canadien Baha'i who recenty passed awa aller many years ofservice tothe wodof humanity and her beioved faith. Date: Februery 100h. 2000 Timer 7:30 p.m. Place: Hugh Poster Hall,. Milton LOCAL: .. oto... ..0.>...3... 878-0011 REGIONAL: ....................... 1-800-433-3284 GLOBAL: .......................... www.bahai.org VwTo1w au" OHURON JWU, VIETNAMTHEPERSMNlGULF KOSOVO Ail of us are familiar with these wars, but what about the spiritual war that rages on daily?Join us this Sunday so you cao know how to bie ready for this battle. t0:00 A.M. - Morning Worship Milton Leisure Centre (Board Roomt) (separate services for children 9 years and onder) Check out Pastor Charles Boyce on Cogeco 14 in bis "Wisdom for the Week" "ýLivUIgA lr)ctorious i Bylloe Wod OfGr4" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Email cboyce@interhop.net The Salvation 11:00 arn - Morning Warship & Kids Church 100 Nipisslng Road, Unit 3 Pastors: Captaîns Dan and Wendy Breeme For more information about our services, and other programming please caîl 876-2420 Milton Alliance Church 2850 DERRY RD. (beiveen the Fire Hall and Hospital) Phone 878-5664 - Fax 878-6676 Pastor Greg McCombs 11 a.m. SUNDAY MORNINC WORSHIP SERVICE Sermon Topi: "Ther Loedship of Christ" Iloilo SUNDAY AOVENTURELAND F08 CHILDEEN Tues. 7 Pm Jr. High (gr. 6 -8) Wed. 7 pmn Pioneer Clubs <ages 4 - 12) Thons. 7 pin Sr. High ( gr. 9 - OAC) Fr morrre iifiirronrrrr ladies', mens', youithis uaod eliilrlrenirrruirries, pierre cri11 tire chrel iniee. c Nu *'1,ý 123 Main $1. E.