The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 28, 2000 - 5 School board to give Harris heck over 2000 book Trustees say $2.2 million Province spent on 'My Ontario' millennium book could have been put to better use. 'My Ontario' has been a millennium mistake instead of a memento as far as Halton District School Board trustees are concemned. The board voted 6-4 last week to inform Ontario Premier Mike Harris the souvenir book xvaa an improper use of public fends. The book, which coat $2.2 million, features mini-essays, colourful art and open pages for journal wriling. But many people were upset when copies were issued 10 schools laat month. "The money could have been spent more con- strucîively on instructional assistants or books for courses," ssid Burlington trustee David Abbott. "They should have left il to sehool boards, sehools and school communities to do millenni- um projects." Mr. Abbott, who proposed sending the letter, said il would serve as a "heads-up" to the provincial govemment. "We're saying 'look before you leap' before spending money on someone's pet projeet," he said. "Taking a brinf second and paaaing this by stu- dent govemnments might bave made a differ- ence." Issued hy the Ministry of Citizensbip, Culture and Recreation, the book was especially upset- ting to secondary achool students who thought il was geared mainly toward younger children. Mike McVety thanked the board on behaîf of his high school (E.C. Drwry) for writing the le(- ter. 'There have been a lot of complainta about the millennium book from the student counicil and students," said the student trustee. "Hundreds of books were left in the office and thrown out. At leaat haîf the achool la against il." Oakville trustee Peter Petrusich said younger students don't like the 'My Ontario' book, either. "My own three kida are 7, 9 and 10 and they wore saying 'What il this?' and using words like useleas and dumb." He said lte money should have been spent on Asner movie to air ,Saturday le's show limie! Common Ground, lte movie partly tîlnmed in Milton laat year, la sel 10 air Saturday aI 8 p.m. But il will only be avaïlable for viewing bo those who have sattelîte tellevision. Thse niovie will air on Anseric-ai channiel Slsewtlme, Thse film fealures former Home "The businesa that considers itself immune to,the necessity for advertising sooner or Inter finda irself immune to business." Derby Brown /. eConnuos -Garden *Edging 5y RwIw :DR.Machine COVNAMCAKOoOM Econeseecal *GARDEN EDGES a MOWER STPtIPS *DRIV EWA GES e CARPARK KERB$ 1 HOUSES THIS WEEKEND Ssnday Jan. 30 2-4 pin 25 blond Sode Raad Jacko McCoadden in aftendance REMýAX Ste. Springs Rn5y 1(Htailln Corp. 878-7M7 FOR AGENTS Sal. Jan. 29 & Sun. Jan. 30 1-4 Pmn Chunchill Estates (model haine open fornaiewng) Gaelph LMn (5 min. N. of 401) - 1 Gary Thoinas on altendance REMAX Btu. Spings Aeatt IHattee Caf p. 878-777 Improvement star Jonathan Taylor Thomaa as well as Ed Aaner.(Lou Grant), Briltany Murphy (Drop Dead Gorgeous) and Steven Weber (Wizigs). The movi tells ie stoey of iree genera- lions living in a amaîl, New Englanli commu- tiy. There'a no word on when lte movie will air on Canadian cable. "Trhe maoney could have been spent more constructively on instructional, assistants or books for courses. They should havé left school boards, sehools and school communities te do millennium projeets."1 DAVID MUNITT roads or education and he didn't mind criticizing the provincial govemment about il. No trustees supported the book, but some cau- tioned against condemning the province over it. David Bird noted the books were not issued by MILTON - A new home ownership program allows qualified buyers 10 buy a home with absolutely no downpaymenl. 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"We could bc doing the same thing ourselves, so how can we criticize the govemmens?" Provincial spokesperson Rui Brum said a study showed many people wanted contributions fromn children to mark the millennium. He aaid the book project attracted more than 100,000 submissions and an additional 15,000 copies were requesîrd. your landlord's morîgage when you can be building your own equity. Induslry insiders have prepared a new special report entitîrd, 'How f0 Buy a Home With Zero Down" which reveals how Ibis new and innovative programn can gel you mbt the housing market immediately and with absolutely no downpaymenî. For pre-recorded information about how to order your FREE report, caîl 1-888-475-8645 and enter ID# 1025. Caîl any lime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and discover how you can gel mbt the huusing market NOW and with ABSOLUTELY NO DOWNPAYMENT. rme ..-yîO, N-1 Pý M fgRay(d. I.K iex k , gLi plrù , eWi.c &- o, h 0 19n Feébruary 2>9, 2009 *3.R.S.P. EDLN The R.R.S.P. 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