t ram NHL on page 1 Shelling out for big buck athles, especially in American funds, la what Iikely led to the NHL's financial woes in the first place, he said. And the govemment isn't in the business of rescuing sports teams. "Professional sport, as exciting as it is, is a business. They're corporations," he said. "If they're having troubles making money because of bad decisions, they should look inside themacîves." Before the reversai, the govemment had been eyeing public cash bo shore up no more than 25 per cent of hockey cosîs. The balance would have been made up by provinces, municipalities and other stakeholders. .* tram COUNCIL on page 1 issues can sometimes be bogged down in seemingly endless debate. "If everyone talks for 10 min- utes, that's 20.0 minutes," he said. "If one person speaks, everyone bas to speak. (At the last meeting) we talked for tWo hours and then voted unanimously." How democracy will fare in the latest series of shuffling could hinge on how many politicians are axed, said Mr. Krantz. "It's a very fragile thing,' he said. "If it takes one or two extra politicians 10 do it, 50 be il." But politicians aren't a heavy burden on the municipal system, said Councillor John Challinor. But that would have meant giving special treatment t0 the NHL, protested Mr. Reed. "We have mechanisms for supporting corporations in this country, which we use ail the lime and it's a heck of a good system, but it's repayable boans," he said. "To me, that makes good sense. Government should support induslry and business but it should be through the repayable boan route." And tightening up federai purse strings won'l stick a dagger in the heart of what is usually considered Canada's national sport, he said. Not even if the top professional teams pack up and head south. "Hockey moots are not going tu be threatened," said Mr. Reed. "It's not about polilicians, it's about affordable services,' he said. "If you add up the salaries around the (town council) table, il's less than $150,000." And Milton issues demand a variety of councillors 10 best serve the inleresîs of constituents, said Mr. Challinor. "You need Ibis kinti of represen- talion. We have different issues than truly large, urban counicillors have," he said. "We operate on a different scale." Instead of slashing councillor seats, redesigning transit and tire services to faîl under a regional umbrella could be a better option, he added. But the City of Burlington bas proved that fewer polilicians can work effectively, said Mr. Malboeuf. That council membership was recently whittled down from 12 10 seven. "I don't judge democracy on the quanlity of counicillors, but on he quality," he said. "We do have too many politicians and. the Province secs that." But il's 100 soon 10 know if super-sizing regions wîll happen before the November municipal elections. And if il doesn'î, residenla could be in for a long three years, wamed Mr. Malboeuf. a M from POPPY on pagel1 MsKing's lWvyer said the single mother of two young children wrote the cheque with hopes that ber welfare cheque would corne in. Sh. doean't receive support firom the father. With the guiily plea, Ms King must r The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Januar 25 2000- rGovernment flot in business CasI utoe a mont ase puevr o .pay back the money and ivas placed on probation for a year. She will appear in Oakvilie court Febniary 29. According to poiceý a woana - wbo was pregnant ait the tdm - entered buai- nesssea on Remembra=c Dayý claiming she had to pick up the poppy boxes. Macinnon's Waterfalls & Ponds is MÛVINB TU MacoennonP@nds.com -7F-11 22 aivi S+. E. Milhovi 5-fre w.&nU be cloSed. E/evy-nlvîj mfjoL)-0 -age ad/fflhze - lày Nlow & SaV/el 1/2 OFF Ail Pond Building. Supplies (Pumps, rigid liers, pond kits, filters) 1/2 OFF Ail Aquarium s and Supplie s 112 OFF AIl Bird Feeders and Accessories 112 OFF AIl Bird Baths, Fountains, Statuary 112 OFF 112 OFF 112 OFF 112 OFF 112 OFF OPU THUS. Oh FM. S AMTOS8 PM e 8AMURAY S AM 10 4 PM'd For our Website information or our Sprlng Catalogue cali Ra at 1-905-876-2836 MACKNO WAER L & OD 72 Mai et e. Mitn1958623 NOlT END e eS Telehop TM "Vour Fiat Rate & Long Distance Company" -~Interllhop "Your Internet Service Pro vider" Ppe se use 225 Main St. E., Suite #3 876-3918 www.interhop.com oj saving teams, says Reed Number of politicians debated I