6 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 25, 2000 COMMENT 5MOKING It's flot govemnment's API1ON lbKIK job to bail out hockey Kudos to local MP Julian Reed for speaking out agaînst hîs own party regarding the federal government's proposai to subsidize 1 4. Canada's NHL hockey clubs. His critîcism was delivered eariy Wednesday morning -- before the overwhelming public outcry that quickly' nixed the deal -- which leads O R C I N fV us to believe he was speaking from good old-fashioned common sense rather than popular opinion.- Even the moisit diehard of hockey fans, none of whom want to see T M any more Cariadian NHL teams close up shop and head south, wouldTO G E 1 be skating on extremely thin ice when arguing the virtues of offering financial assistance to the Ottawa Senators and others while our. nation faces problems with education, health care and affordable housing -- just to name a few. The NHL gos itself in this mess and'shouldn't expect anyone else to dlean it up. And any advocates of the now-defunct deal should note that the death of Canada's NHL clubs doesn't mean the death of ail Canadian hockey. Some of us are more than content to follow junior hockey, where we -- can go watch a game without emptying our wallets. O UR READERS WRITE1y- Citizen appalled by federal NHL funding Smoking can hurt your eyes j Dear Editor: for funding and homelessucas mecreases as weII as Iungs: eye doctoir L e L (The following letter was sent to in sub-zero temperatures. You face an ' weîconie Halton MP Julian Reed and a copy was overtaxed nation that desperately Dear Editor: lion of your central retins Ieadmng fled with The Chmion.) deserves a rebate and you subsidize the More fuel 10 the tiame... my sup- t0 the inability t0 read this newspa- I'm writing concerning the financial NHL? port in 'Zak's cause 10 help others per and other material). The Canad ion bailout to the NHL by the federal Sir, thse only plausible explanation is quit smoking!' Mascular degeneration will steal Champion welcomes let- Your paety's action in Ibis matter bas head. 1 suspect a Liberal-funding gun, smoking, mighl be anoîber way te, found t0 occur even if you quit ersv teig t aud you' ve taken it and shol yoursef -in put it. smoking, usually beginning 15 ersretergtt madIe nme asbamed to be a Canadian (no the foot. , Dealing With healtheare direclly, years aller you quit. edit, ravise, and reject let- tbe first lime, 1 miglit add, the federal Your party deserves what il gels and I smoking has been found toi be a The skill-testing question 10 the ters. Liberal Party bas embarrassed and out- eau only hope you abare my saame. significant cause of cataract forma- coutest should therefore be: 'Why Lettera must 'be signed raged tbis voter ant Iis nation.) You've given the nation and interils on-. lion, increasing ils occurrence as did you start smoking?'onthadeson te You (Jaunt the lact that you have a ai media lodder for depreciation. mucb as 50 per cent especially in Il you need help quitting smok- anth drsadte finanial nipls wble prvincal balthUnda W.bt«r the lemnale population. ing, ask anyone who can't scie as tepoenmeroth care falters, white Prairie fanmera beg. Regional Road 25 Catarset formation (the lens in weil, or has luug problems, or sul- writer included. ______________________________________________________ your eye clouda over becoming fera fromi any heaith ailmeuts. Mail your lelters to:. opaque) is the lesding cause of Pick (hem as your support part- The Canadian Champion blindness in the world, and the uer for motivation. Mot 248, THE CANAD W CH "PION most common surgery in Nortb You can't buy your healtb back, MloOt LAAA~jAmenica. but you can sure buy thse produels Ifl Also, smoking tobacco you are to destroy it. 19T 4N9 - nbaling 75 cbemicals other than Smiles are nearly impossible or leave them at our Bus 248, 191 Mais St. E., The Canadian Champion, publisted eoies Tuîsday sand Friday ai î9i the 22 per cent of oxygen in our witb a cigarette in your mouth. office, 191 Main St. E., or Millos, n. L9T 4N9 Min St. t., Milto, Ont.. L9i 4N9 (Box 248), is one ni The Metroland atmospbere. Your eyes need the Smile, il wiIl improve your face fxyu atr o88 MiltonOnt. L9 4N9 .Prting, PuSlishing & SîstriSutirrg Ltd. group of suburba, conisaties whc oxygen to see sud smoking is a value sud your bealtb as welI! fxyu etr a88 scides: Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser, Allists, Serald/Courie, Barrie,9 3 90)Advance, Barry's Bay This Week. Boite, Enterprise. Brampton Suardiat, major factor in the developmenl of Dr. Ron Strohan, optametriat (g5 7 -3 1 "B ingoton Post, turington Shopping News. CiyPrnCtofYk masua a degeneration (degenera- Milton 1 Ssardian, Csllingwnod/Wasaga Conictmot. EsYokMiroEi Adetsn ax 7-34 TieKnsonTi ek LnsyTi WeMrhm cnms Pud by Steve N e ;s NeilOlIer Aseniat Pubi.ier oday, Oshawa/WhitSy/ClaringtseiPnrt Perrn This Weea, Owen Sound Bill Begin Genercil Manager iVhrhlaga beû croog ior tuvie/xid [iIG L" Karen Smith Editor Avriigi cetdo h odto ht nteeeto yo graphical ereor, Osai portion oi Ohe advertising space occupied Sp the errs- M RR W Steve Crozier Circuleatieon Manager meous item, togethen with a reasonabie allowaîce for signature, null nt Se T e r i C a s a s O ff ic e M a n g e r c 5 a r e d 0 r, b u t t hi b a la n c e so t e a tln e rt ise m e n t w il l S e p a i fo r i he r: 1 1 applicable rate. The publisher reseones the nîghi O catîgorite advertise- Ties Cales Preaduction Manager ments or SecOune.