F'Construction hits roof in church's housing project The roof over the Marian Courtyard seniors' residence is. finally going Up. "We are excitesi," aaid Marttia Gleeson, chair of tise non-profit organization tisat's building thse independent living apartmenta beaide Holy Rosary Cisurcis on Martin Street. Construction started on tise four-atorey, 5-unit seniors' residence about a year ugo, but construction and financial difti- culsies put the project on isold. But tise crane amrved Wednesday, andi tise building sisoulti be completed by the spring. The apasments are non-denominutional and ownership is in tise form of 'rigist to occupy'. Tise 'rigist to occupy' meuna units may be reaold as market value witis tu net proceeds of tise sale accruing to tise seller. For detuils caîl Chris or Audrey Newell ut 878-1951. Crane$ are a welcome algisi et le mhe Merln Courtyard seniors' rea- i- l dence. Tise projeci le bock on achedule and construction abouli V$ Ii r t' be comploe by the apring. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Thse Canadian Champion, Tueadaey, January 25, 2000-6 CCAS defends decision *front FOSTER on page 3 In, Septeustier she was told tise chilel bie saidi woeuidbe moved. Ms Fetgus responded Andl tisat was a relief to Ms Fergus. by immsedletely a<ppealing tbe decision. l'u smore optimsiti Sow," *h sai5I- But- 10 deys before tise Novemsber 26 "We were afraiel theye bai sonne big appeaL date, the chi ' d was takets fromi bombaheil but they dids't have any- lier sciool andl tise lsearing postponed. ting. Thoigis tise CCAS are unabie to coin- Acoiuing te Ms Ftergus, trouble witb nient on speclfic cases, Ms Meconville thse CCAS began siastnerisag isi bas saisi tisat careful cosisideration is February. That was wben thse CCAS givesabefose stovisîg any chilsi. reveallesi plans to essroli tise girl in a "A vonscious decision is miade witis Guselph reaidentiai scisool for the blinti. rasons beisin i h" ase saisi. At tise tinte, Ms Fergus arguesi that She said that ail decisions are made anotiser year at borne waa vital. for tbe benefit of tise cisdren invoivesi. $ESPARATEESSa DIVOR RED?9 '0saelseass Ana s & esteem, si ualy & 'healthy" re tssisMk recommeded bylToronto Uscts & Ths1h , friesds, mes & wames y ur a sie in sus sae saclita a98Stfer protessissal lectures osnsw groups. Cai i o 33Il. a pply and bie grief, aster, ciljdren, trust, letting go, selS- reglstered byil ay3,ti BRAD CLEMENTS j*isrgon to 's.* INVESrMENT ACCOUNTS 878-6576 a,» RRSP LOANS '0 &--»RRS1Pa WALT ELLIOIT ys~ 'le >'RRF 876-3377 %"SM o .M. MUTIJAL FINDS LIF SnGREGAED FUNDS leJ-l . or ">b DISABLT LABOUR SPONSORED FIJNDS INSURANC ""SON TWISS FINANCUAL SERVICES ~1