2 - The Canadien Champion, Tueaday, January 25, 2000. ......... Rue O nitcirio *Monthly payments -under ti nai Government program have been increased Chilcie Up ta $1,100 a year for each child under age seven e Designed for low-to-middle-income familles (working, in school, or one parent stays home to care for their children under seven> a 220,000 familles with 365,000 ior children are eligible ta benefit W orkin9 Apply now for yu nai upeet lt's s simple as completing an application form each year and returning it promptly ta the Ministry of Finance. SOntario H-elPiniO Working 1PctmiIieç For more information cati toil free: 1-800-263-7965 (teletypewnter: 1-800-263-7776)