Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jan 2000, p. 19

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ADMINISTRATIVE Safe andi Soundi Chitdren's Centre ASSISTANT 905-875-2119 Great Pacific Management ix recruihIn totoa fu11 timt il o aeafwsa soit parI-lime Adlministrative Assistant (Brmoct \aw Unique setting Administrstor). These are salariai poitions.0 Candi - Convenient location near 401 dates must hans a gond hnoxaedge otf computers and - Easy sccess to Campbellville communication sysleerx. For more information you Toddter to achool age pragralma May caîl us in Barlington aI (905) 331-9450.s Smali tocdter group - 1999 Rates Asis for Disse Ptto or Claudte Lensssur, - Educational pragramn Pieu Msa ge osa te : Oest6serron Groag Pacifie Masageast Cs. Lti d. ea on C/O Ciaude Lsvaaser, B.A.A. CFP, Dlrseor 1100 Burieak Drive, 55h Fiee, Buriinulos, Ontario Lit 682 MM Fax: (905) 331-9454 O t., W ecunin Clerk Verequire a well-organlzed individuel wvith solld accouinting skills to loin aur teamn. Responsbilties of this entry level position vvili include A/, A/P, collections, deposits, etc. Please fax resume Attn: M. Donnelly Budds' Saturn of OakviIIe [ Fax: (905) 845-0591 prfss io e - CW Th Genfrehas 38% mrnoe training im end a woe*plaomenttforremlexpefencel Have ycu wodssd ln health cars? Tekse Pur P-T given fcr watt soperience. fa m &ber ffl r edt Stanfa January 20 Starts March 20. RsgW fri Irt sasserlai Cal Iske Wb e 1ý33>-34MM8&1240 &Ét 121. M71epsn 41p n % Schoi 4~An independenl day uchool in Oshoîlle P, for girls f rom Junior Kindergarten sd Io University Enîrance reqoires -SUPPLY TEACHERS- fo ail liadea & ail subjects Please send ynur resume tiy Feb 2 t0 The Vic-Principal, 1080 Linbronh Rd., Oubville, On. L6J 21 Fax: (905) 845-4799 N.jlif âie s jallpam. White e appreciate your ioterest, wueagnat tirai se cao offly contact those selècted for an itenvew C 0 Cn,,dlan PROFESSIONAL TRAINING REGISTEED MASSAUE TIIIRAPST INTRODUCTION TO MASSAGE TRERAP Begins Feb. 5 632-3200 1-6 w t courses Begin MIS. &nu Cept 2000 FINM~A AM8S18il AVAI (IF EUGULII WEB: wwsee ntaccess.os.ca/-ctcmassage Greeter Perform concierge-type duties. This position would tbc ideal for thoscwho cao help thse travelling public seida directions and travelling tips for Souteen Ontario. Well-suited for retirees/seniors who eojoy working afiernoona. Starting wage is S8.35/hr. Jeb code GR Shuttier Ourn drivers move car around tihe airport and te and frons aur in-tosen locations. Many shsifts availalIe. Starting wage is $7.35/hr. Jaob code SH Lube Trech Tedanticians complete preventative mantenance and reconditioning suds as clsanging oit & filtera, doing atinor repaies, and canducting inspections. Several shifts avaitable. Starting wage is $1 1. 10/hr. Jobi code LT Vehicle Service Attendant Attendants are required ro condssct pe-rentaI cleaning and inspection of velsides according ta Avis standards. You are alte ta work outdoors assd have an eye for detail. Pull- and pars- tise shifts available. Starting wage is $8.50/hsr Job code SA Tow Truck Driver Basic autonsative kusowledge and a valid D Class licence ame required. We Witt train yoss on thse sale operatian ofaour conspany-owned trucks. Aftemoon shit'ts available. Scarting wage is SIO.25/hr. pIus per kâionsetre earnings for aut-of-towo work. Joli code TD Lead Distribution Agent The riglat candidate will supervise and sclsedule tise activities of our Shutnlers. Yau will aise assiss our custonsers over tise phone when they have had a breakdawn. If you have supervisory experience, enioy warling in a fast-paced, env.iroonsent, and want advancensent opportsnities, tisis is thse position for you. Scarting wage is S15.OOthr. Joli toe 1D Avis is in tise service industry and operates 24 houes a day, 7 days a week. TQ lie considered for any of these cisallenging and rewarding positions, you must lie availatsle ta watkùts t and havesa valid G licence and a dean drivers abstrac (n0 nsoving violations). We will lie conducting two pre-scteening interviews per day starting Monday; jaaxuaoy 24 elarosigi Friday, January 28, 2000, as lieds 9:00 amn and 3:00 pin. Pleure bring your résuméê and drivers abstract ta: I Convair Dr. East (corner of Renforth), Etolsicoke. If you are unable te attend, please fax your rétsumé teo (416) 213-8520 or mail ta: Toronto Hwnan Resausces Deportimeat, 1 Convair Dr. Euts Erobicose, ON M9W 6Z9. No telapbone cae//s p/ca. The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Januifry 25, 2000-19 MOAGES For any purpoxe, reanas,.debi consol, Iholiday $$lst &2ndI Ontanio Wîde 1-888-307-77991 HOtlSEloirrent 2 storey, 4 BR country tise. Large lot, four appliances, nue- smolr, no pets, refer- encea required. $12%0montti plstitils. Avaf skie Fetirusry 1. Cal 693-2048. TWO Beror modem able Fek. Suitakie for couple. Cali 905-854-2916 Mllnegs M Uerina kesutilictorien home, large deci vok rg Mil Pond in tisait of MM81. LUv- mg room, dininq room, lry mrm wil lece and two bedmours. Avalt- sble Match 1. Sl450Vmontti. References mequired. No pela. 878- 2097 or 878-9940. ONE kedmaon apadment avallakie Fekosary 1. Call ON! kedrom dorenlowe Millon. Castral air oued- bon, fnidge, slave. Rrlilsk raferences. Avait- sksMardi 1. 878-3838. alle space excellent for storage or serai manufas- tunsi' Georgetown soca- bon (905294-4527. MR Indostral Unit 400 Sq. Ft. ldeslfor snst molracf or, lost msnufactuning. George- towe. 905-98&7464. REASONADLE Industil Unlts for et 1,200 - 3,200 sq. fi. Loadisg docksx & drive-le. 1-905-277-9347 or 1-906-275483 Pnrie office space, Georgetown. Suitakie for engineering, ax- counting, athlelic busi- ness, sales/telemarket- ing, computer related companies, etc. 0$2.50 sq. fi. net, net. (905)-294-4527. OFFICE or retait space for lasse. Contact Ray at 876-2836 or 876- 5317. SMALL PRIVATE OF- FICE beautitully ap- pointed, Hwy. 25 & 401. 1-906-277-9347 or 906- 275-8834. PRIVA~E -dmtn. 170,000 Bungalow selfs detactied garage. Per- fect tor tiret Uime buyems. Fully fumisfied frm top ta kottors. Huge base- ment with oùk bar, reet sink, gas slave & 2 piece bathrooe L shaped living niddining room, hardwood flora le kedrooers. Situated on a large tully fenced lot with îegond pool. cait 853-2798. w REQUEST FOR PRE-QUALIFICATION Bid documents for tht contract or strvice listed below, addressed bo the Managtr of Purchasing, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE, ON L6M 3L1 will be rtctivtd until 2:OOpm. Oakvillc lime on tht sptcifitd closing datt. Bld documents cao be sten or obtained through tht Purchasing Division of tht Corporate Services Department, same address as above, telephone 905-825-6000, extension 7031. Documents art $25.00 plus $1.75 GST and wilI bt available for pick up on and afttr Thursday January 20, 2000. Under no circumstances will tacsimile or latt bids bu acctpttd or considered. Lowest or any bîd flot necessarîly accepted. OG-P-021A PRE-QUALIFICATIGI FOR OFFICE FURNITURE CLOSIMO: TNURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 200 J.L RINALDO A. MINDENHALL, CPPD COMMISSIONER 0F MANAGER 0F CORPORATE SERVICES PURCHASING SERVICES www.renion.halton.on.ca/Services/Dei)art/Corp/Purchasng

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