118-Tho Canadion ChamPion. Tut ay, Januory 25. 2000 ei pacael and ental Appy in pr- wr 00e Pn omictios Av illae rif o re ar 1 i 60-8ss . oean a .nsu bais owr n a efread enironmeni. mien- eig p0ckor e shas nid n eeental apl nd re ison for yfaxitim wr 137Jme1S S.RuPit Driv Hmilton, ONiai Fax: 90 25(Bane8d. IfUC WA8N arEeTO abew it608 na ntno a truck, wosh n prson ertd clonrueondin, i bnt oliersi ur nmui wash nd ba anctd ar WUE AY TONNA roqiro for stor tAxges invalvo In apoti po E Miltnon rOnarrodbumittrn 6 rihtprsn. Day (Bontd .)lmansit PLEASE CNGAN 416-721-4510M ARUC you onoOrgtperaO wntntoe a truc ftah Whroeit Trck Stpksan M 0ilton.Dr, ilo Ntr o ph nvolt pin a.etcepo Fraxmouo. t 958997 -s jseuns~ssro L.assuuaw oroasais sapply work. In Burtington w. require: " Schoot Age Cid Cape Supeevfaas (ECE or Childl and Yaath or tecreation iploma preferred) prevous expenience as Lusch toom Supervisons, Guiders/ Scooters, Recreation Leaders worlring with chiLdoen ages 6-12. * Schoot Age Cluid Care Assistants andl Supply previaus expenience I preferred - training provided. If you are interested lease fas pour resus. éang with a coter tetter ta YMCA of Hamiltos/Suitington Attention: Famity and Chiikdrss Services a at (905) 529-6682 by Jan 28/00. Ys*i Our îeeb sit ut sesuymrahsos.co I N= t JV*buildsrong kids, IrwSTORE IOPENIGS If pou are interested in joining a Winning teain, while building a retail career wvith Canada's ieading maas merchant then you wiit be interested in finding out more about the opportunities Zellers la offering at its new stores Iocated at Square One and Brin Mills Town Centre. Quaiified candidates wiii benefit front Zeliers' commiimient ta training and development plua a highly campetitive saiary, incentivea and benefita package. We are iaaklng for enthusiastic indmvduals reho welcome commitment and opply their interpersonat sklls in a challenging and exciting work ensironnment. Applications are presently being accepted for the fololng (PT/PT) poaitions: Castomor Service Roprentstivoae Repienlahment ITsmAso ts (eariy nsomnlng Mod overnlght> Pleas apply in person at Square Ose sud Brin Milîs Town Centre application beotla. candidales Iinc&iJàg îeoma, eboriginapel visile norifiès and pepe &Wt disublili.. If yau bave a few bouts ta sparte each nelsool TRY A REWARDING JOB day, becoose a bus driver, for mare Info coal Travol in toaco amunîty pravidîng (905) 87-44 personol care and hausehold man- IÀWI.. Tissui Lid i. at . inuity Conxl ogoment ta, a voriety af ciionts. la Benefif package * Training Fuberglass Laminators .40 hrs/wk wîlh eveoings & weekeod rofat ions Woodworkers a Healfh Care Certificafes preferrtd Due ta recent expansion, estabtîshed HIRINO 10W - AU. AIIEAS 0F NALTON custom boat buildor iacatod in the Mîissîs- APPLY TO: sangs ares currently hss openîngs for tihe ____ Cnda o r above positions. Hardworking and skif ied CaainRe rs individuals please contact Bryso for M Nomemakers Service mare information at (905) 855-1117 678 Aplol, U, Sarllngion, L7L 5Y1 Fax (905) 333-455 -... ..* . . ,.,. An elqual opportuo/fy employer NOW IlINti a JUIN OURI nljrrn meateni Vaions positions la the food service Indmstet F/T & Pli bours sultablo for parents wltb youl eblldrenl Nigh school & collage 11lu- dulte welcomai Wo offor eompolthlvo wallos and boneffte. No axpeîence nocuusaey - IIIl traisat AppLY IN PERSON OR CALL: Luke or Mary-Lau, M-F, gam-5pm, at Saliver Food <a Cars Co.), et Sherldun Colego 1430 Trafalgar Rd. N. OukvIlle * (05) 844-8532 Coud, Prmpul, Mmaa, As ane af the Irgest ond fastast graming candaminiumo manogement campanys in this ores. Accaret Management is ogoin exponding and mie ore Iaakin.9 for on experiencedi and proactive individuel ta mnonge o portfolio ai condominiumo clients n the Missaugo! Ookviile orea. Fax your ISsumO Io: JIm Bezomor, Prosideni ai Accorai Management O 547-5050 waintili Wanted Our centre is a not-for-profit childcare facility designed toi meet the needs of 57 children, infant through e schooler. We're curirently s.c!ý individuals for the positions of Infant Rotant Staff Contract and Childcare Supply Staff Please fortivard resumes by: Feb. 4100 ta: K. Curley, 1151 Branle Rd., Oakville, ON L6M 3M Fax: (905) 825-6105 (No telephone calls please) We thank ait candidates for their interest, lioweveronlythoseselected rinterview w... be contacteJo GROOM Experiencei, rqr'd fll- lime, for top Cn 'A. Circuit hanter/lamper haro on Oak. Respoosi- hie for care of show horses al home nd on 1he rosi. Lots of lomie, 20-25 wkslyr Must have min. 2 yrs work eop. wilh horses, show groom etp. preferrod. Must have ows cor & preferahly lie reithis 20 mis. of Oak. tel. rqr'd. Coli Ceeuese et (985) 510-2199 BUSY lacal satmotive repsir fscility requires a quolifiei iicotsei repair technicien. Emissions esperience an asset but nol a tecessity. Alan iooking for a hordiwak ing eni suif-motivolei porsn o ing ta start 878-7926. PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISING SALES We are a mnlii-media espori publication accredited and endorsedl by the Casadias Federal Government, promotiisg Canadias producis asd services worîdwide. We are seekise sales representalives ihroughoni Ontario, A)picants shouti have a sol1h sales hackgrousd. preferably sn advenlising and/or etectronic information provision, an excellent command of English. a high degree of motivation andl the abiliiy t0 work independestly. Local travel is a must. Remuneralion is commission hased and commensurate upos productiviy. Pîrase fax yosr resume t0: (416) 741-7973 or E-Mail t0: paullbworldexpori com DENTL meptoms Weseek the skifis of a high' ly mativoted, enthusiosic indivudual ta jais aur Mil- .ton poractie. tl s s full-time position including os evening o weee. Espenience s astrong ane Mai rosume ta: Soathview Dentol Climec, 550 Oloaria St., S. #201, Milton, Ontario L9T 5E4. TAKE FLIGHT WITH- A WORLD LEADER For r.ihe. 50 ye.,o.Ma.»..AsiS.-ce. ha p,.9idd l9d9'554ea comeialnrafI,14ani1y. A.s eauiosla nti .d groh. .1qurn en ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Tis, indiste paoiiSon le r.psibi for provldisg admin!I5is spport to pr*9.M1Mi1l cresioniminl15 . ir.ai arrangeme1ntsnd 11ther cl.119.1 dulies. The sucesnîsi andidate wa pose- à H9h Schl i plormi or approved equaei..i potri-se.ncdly Secreiaî.nIlOfflse Admninistraion d.lcin s a essai A minimum. 3 years' exprion prolding adnnnirive upr n a medium to larg.-oed office .nvi-mnt na mquire Comlputer 1.19.14dg nd expellnice sf9 Microsoft Office applicains la a mue. in additin f9 excellent w.upl afnd o omnicatinp959d skias.Iry.p..59 f4sn Reource.. 5415 North Service Roal. BradiIgron. Ontario. L7I 5H7. .Fax (905) 319-266 *FG@@dvloh Menasco Aviation Services Customer Service Representative *Friendly tlephone manner *Keyboardisg skilts *Ahiliîy to work in1 a busy ctim envirosmeol *Owo transportation reqaired - no public transit *Must be able to read, speak andl write english *Entry level position Apply lu wriling onty e-mail, fax or mail resumne t0: Kelly Aoger Fax #: 905-671-8434 E-mal: castserv@melmait.com Mal: Meimaot Distribolors 6100 Indian Lise Mississauga, Ont. L4V IG5 OFFICE HELP Port-lime secretaty/receptiost required imme- diately for buny rosi estale office in Miltas. Resposiblitios iciode osswering telephones, bookisg oppîs., psging messages, prepanng offers, and processisg listings. Must be complut- er literole, real estote esperienco preferred. 3 evesinga (5-9pmn) and aitemate Saturdays, (9am-5pm) & Sundaya <llam-4pm). 1Plesse fax resumne ta (905) 878-7029 Ollingual (French & English) Inside Sales/Data Entry Cîerk, for fast growing company t0 mork in a ieam environmeni. Candidate must be customer service orienied and possess good communication skitls, wetI orgail and computer liierate. Bîlingnat (French/English) need t0 appty. Fax resune in confidence to: (905) 878-0272 or deliver in persos t0 Banvil 2000, 775 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3. Attention: Everrel Witls. m - m m i. cammutlng gesting llou doren? Thon look na furthor thon Burlington Tehnolagilen Ine., a world-eiass QS9000 roglstorad organinoion tiiot manufacturos aluminium die castings for the automotive industry. Convenionty locoiod In Burlingtan near Guelph Lin. & QEW, we're currently sooklng thos. additions fa aur skllîod-trados toom: Licensed Industrial Millwright Licensed Industrial Electrician Licensed Tool Room Machinist Electrical Apprentice Millwright Apprentice Ai licensed positions require that you have completed on apprenticeship pragram and spent ai least 3 years working, or possess a CAWiJoumeyperson card, or n certificate of qualification plus 4years' esperience. Prefemably, your background incltudes diecaît, h196 pressure and miii steel expenesnce. Positions are avouaoble an the fixei night shift (l11 pmn ta 7 am), with the possibilily of a future shift change ta a ioy/aflemoon rotation. Wile offer a coîspetitive solory ani an excellent benef lispackage. Ta apply, pleose forreari pour résumé, in confidence, ta: .. ... ... Maman Roneourcosl Burlington Technologiels Ine, 3267 Moinwap, Burlington, Ontario L7M lA6. TEC INC. Fax: <905) 335-4679. E-moil sakllburltsh.comz nuUKKeeper lAccounlanit requirei immeiiaely for fast growisg Oak. hasei distrihator/ 11061 manufacturer. Applîcants mast hase min. 3 years expl Salary commesane FAX REM TO: (905) 825-1773 CHILD care avaîtabe. Mom and ECE. 10 yeors eapenience. Non- smoking. EW Faster ares. Suan 876-2227. DAYCARE neeiei May 2000. Faîttime dayeare oeeiei for foar month aid snd Grade 2 student effer schoot. Vour hoase or mine (CoxelChilis area). Must fa on bas rosie for Hety Roay School or weffrin wafeing distance. Pleose cai 878-5848. Referetceo reqairoi. RAINBOW Vieuage Oaycame Centre has o le stpacea avalatie. Qualiy lfl core for chikkmn 18 months f0 5 yearu. Music, compater, cos tl-7552. YES you cas meet nomeote oice for Vnkelrinens Day. Cal Misty River intoducateors - Miltoo's Tonditionnl match- matai. 416-777-63M2 $3,000-M3, Cars Wont- ead, 905-457-5713. Stop Car Thot! Seit ta Il- cetsed recycler. 905- 457-5713. 1993 Fard Tlranderhrd black, solo., haily boaied, aeed contio. as is SM0 FAMILY seeks lfîree fa four bedroom homo or taveshame la rosI Matchr 1, Api 1 or be- fore. Excellent crodit reforesces ploose colti 875-0965. RESPONSIBLE farsily af five ioaking ta reni house in loren or in country Min. 3 bei- rinms. Wontod for Apnit 1. Pies colt 875-1607. URGENTLY eronlod. SeoBil hause vvitir go- rage, an manth ta maeîlh basis for mature couple. Colt Sue aI (905)691-5434.