Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jan 2000, p. 17

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The Canadien Champion, Tueaday JwMury 25,2000-17 il Clssified CfLASSifINOg #fou"S MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Se Todaysý Champion for our naw "Mtlstones" sect ion. To Dapartmant at 875-3300. BTHDAY ' Your favoie citzen o C) '99 has just cornpleted lier 6th 3 decade. Who knows what the ncxt ..nce wiII bringr - WE LOVE YOU DONNA! Front Norrn, Fran, Gary & your many friands. BORSTEN - John and Lysette (nies Finnie) are pleaseol f0 announce the birfli of their daugliter MaKonna Loo, welghing 7lbs. 2oz. os January 9,2000atCredtVafay Hoptal. Proud Grand- parants are Ales and Barb Finnie and John and NettieBoraton. A apecial thanka t0 Daddy, Nana, Auntia Shen and Aurife Tracy. GREAVES - Jire & Joan (noe McMhon) and big sister Moghan of Milaon are pleasod to annousco the birfli of their daughlor Meredith Pahuila welghing 8Us 2 oz. ai Mifton District Hoapital on J anuary 7th, 200. A bigthank y ou la Ors Shanfna and Watada, aiso nurse PJ. STEEVES, Konnelh Peacefully at Miltos District Hospit on Saturday January 22, 2000, Ken Staovoa of Miltoin hi$ 601h yoar. Beloved iuasand of Faye. Devoted and loving lailier of Tara ai Miton. Dear son otf Mms. Helen Steeves of Aurore. Survivad by hia brothera David orf Onjatat Beach, Bries of Holasd Landing, Lee of Scugog Island, and has sater Elizabeth Conte of Brampton. Ken ai be missed b y has masy noeces, nephews, and fionda. Prdcae by ha fatier Paul. Ken miii be remnembered for his dedication and, devotios towards his work. Family and finds may caîl ai the J. Scott Eariy FuseraI Home, 21 James Si., Milion, on Mondayt from 7-9 PM. A fuserai service wiîl be held f rom the chapel, on Tueaday ai il AM. Cremalion to, follow.If desired memori donations may be made t0 the Milton District Hospital Foundcalion as an expression otf sympathy. CHECK YOUR ADI The Canadien Champion cannof be responai- ble for the cosi of more than ose incorrect insertion. Any erroras the Classified Section should be cailed to the attention 0f the Classifisol Depariment aller the lirai insertion. Adjusimenta are made 10 the degree the erffror reduced the value cf the ad. 875-3300 DEADLINES FOR TUESDAY& FRIDAV PAPER Deadtine Fniday 3 p.m. for Tuesday Doadlse Wodnesday 3 p.m. for Fniday RIPTWr~&v - M y Happy Sweet Sixteen Annasha %,Lo0ve Mom and Dad- EVANS, George Lefi us the 241h Of January 1994 Tase 9006 by, but ahi Rernembored wih love and Found momnorles as ai Nover forgal. Wlfe Ullan and fémtty. The =aoi f the faie Ba Banean express sin- cere lhss t0 ali of fthe relatives, friends, and seiglibours who offered their sympathy and sup- port sn the losa of our More. Your words otf syre- pathy and acta of kIndness, floral tnibutes and memonial donations were deaify appreciated. To tan Pasmore cf Blue Springs Fuserai Home, wo give our hearfaît thanks. Vour compassion, usderstasding and guidance helpeol our estire family cope ai a lime of difficult decision making. Vos were wondierfull We would also like ho offer our thanka t0 Reverend Pieler Van Harles for his lovely service, and also thie ladies of Knox Laaly, our appreciation gos t0 Carol Murphy fr lr personal tribute. We wilI alays remember the love and kisdness espressed lo ua by aIl. Wayne, Donna, Chrystie and Bon Besson June, Kart, and Daryl Schmuki We would like to thank a1l who sent their expres- sioss of sympathy for the very recentl oss of our Father and Grandiather - Brock Wondovor, our Mother and Grandreolher - Shirle Wondover and our Grandreother and Great-%randmolher Adoline Thomon. Siscerely Gord, Bannie Miranda li Danny AUCTION SALE NOTICE Saturday, Jairuary 29 at 10:00 amn sharp For Mr. Garfield McGitcray of Georgetown (plus additions): Sale 10 lic field in the Agricuttura Hall, Robecrt St., Milton Fairgrounds, Milton, Ontario. Praviewing starts St 9 arn. Auctioneer Don C.ling (905) 877-0117 Fax us your Classifieds 876-2364 liii .11 If I lias openings for ail shifts Patd training. Uniforms supplied Renumneration basod os espenience. Appiy in porsos t0: 8501 Hwy. 25 North, Milton 575 Ontario St. Milton 80 Marktl Dr., Milton 444ic{ The Dickons in Milton is cur- S restly hiring full & part-lime LtNE COOKS & DISHWASNERS e AND P/T BUS PERSONS 10 join our busy restaurant. If you would tike to work with s friendy, knowlodge- able, team oriented staff with competitive wagos (based on experience). Mail your rosumo 10 us. Or you may contact Stan o 905-878-6680 boiwoen 9 arn - 12 pm cr 2 pm - 5 pm Ploaso note that dueo 10 the overwholming arnount cf applications roceivod, oniy thoso suitablo miii bo contacted for as interview. The Chartes Dickena Restaurant 189 Mill Street Milton, Ontario L9T IIS3 Phone (905) 878-6680 I - ---ýa AUCTION SALE Thurs. Jans 27 et 5 p.ns. at Huma's Auction Farm, 9313t 4th Lina 3 mitas northeast of Milton. To includa furni- tura, glass and china and coltactahles. Slierwnod & Gardas Humae, Auctioneers, 905-878-878 REA st100La white Germas Sheppar maie 7 montha old. Name Polar. Comer of McNive and Steeles, Campelville. Losi Jasuary 20. Ca 905-878-7424 or 905-334-2056. CARPET Carpet. i have several thoussnd yards new Sisinresier and 100% nylon carpet. i wili ca pet your living roomn and hall for $349. Price include carpet, pad and installation. (30 sq. yards). Steve 905-639-2902. FREE Estimates... Gsi wobbly chairs.., wes spngs.. tired iooking wood finishos? We do il a Custgr wood rolinishing/ furnhturo repair. Field Custome Fumiture, 9-9 daily 875-4427. NEW Vear Sale - No GST or PST. Treal yourset t A AGreatiNew Look at Super Saving. Sofa an Matdhing Chair frore $788. Love seats irom $441 Chairs from $199. Free Estimates. Seniors Dis cousis. Fields Gualily Custome Uphoislening. Dail 9am - 9pnr. (905)875-4427. OFF-lhe-shoulder forma weddisg gores. Neve wom. Paid $1600, B.O. Stepi 875-1315. SIT on lt-Don't Sit In fil Replacement fbars for cuit ins. Resitentialcommrcal. Fields Upholsteiy t 9, 7 days/Weekl 875-4427. MOUYNMAi %roides a full rasidentrat clesing service, Fer ao st, ne etititin heome esimate, please cati 877-3443. rihsopportuniftos or superintesdents, la- boures, carponfers. Cai ( )§178-7173 . DRIVERS and Isspoc- tara roquired for Toronto Auto Auctions. Phono Jason Deluca, 905-875- I2915,ost. 281 or fax re- asumeo 0905-875-3219. E XPERIENCED Grounds koeper/ rEquostrian Manager re- quirod immodiaioiy for large homoe show facili- SFuli-timo ypar round. spenenced in main- tais9n immaculato j grounds. Must have os- of partance/ ksowlodgo oh lurf/fsrm mschinery, ni- r- galion & drainage, car- spontry skills. §Salar plus bonusos. Non- -smoking envirosmesl. k Fax resume a/ rofor- Il onces ho: (905)827- s 6333. FULL and part lime - huttIe drivers required to immodiaoly. Lookisg for d mature, courleous op- i. rators holding aI least as F-Ciass license and s, adean driving abstract. Phono (416)740-3339 - or Fax (416)675-1799. NOW hiring, full lime - ndprt Uio, cafeteria. Soe caaklng and cash. Cxi David (905)878-5571 ext. 2106. kands for womons con- ire. Pidaso fax reaumoe to 875-3635. PART lime sales assa- ciate/ morchandiser noedod for relail liaura. Must be availablo dayslnights and woo- kands. Soif motivatod aifli gaod communica- lion skilis, liard woring addedicated. Appiy sn porn aill resume ta: Hahim.arr Cards, 55 On- - lanao St., Milton Mail, IMilton, Ont. I PRODUCTION workera Iwantocl. Altomoon shift Iand day shift availablo. - Aply in person ho: Eflon Masufactuing, 886 Ni- pissinq Rd., Miltas._ WAliTED Esperiesced cook fll or part lime. Aiso, couster persan we- ~red fll or part limie. 91854-0441. LCOME% wAGON *New In tawn? * Oating manladf in 3 *Havng a baby? *Eatablahlng a new business? PLUEA8 CALL US: Commaty Watco.se Uinda ...854-1563 Marilys ..75-0519 Doris...332-4799 Bria Kathy ...854-0144 Baby Tracy L. 876-4330 B.staaaaprotuosstaa Pat ...076-4040

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