12 - The canadien Champion, Tuesday Jenuary 25, 2000 Da telin e * ram DATELINE on page il Dr. -Mark McDermott leads Religions of the World, a nine-week course on the major reli- gions, at 7:30 p.m. as Grace Anglican Church. Everyone is welcome. For details cail[ 878-2411. The YMCA and Human Resources Canada invites people to a free two-week Internet career and employment researcb prograns. People who want to attend muast go to the orien- tation session from 1l a.m. to noon as the Human Resource Centre in Milton. Thursday Jan. 27 The Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) holds a foot care clinic from 1 so 4 p.m. as the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr. For an appoinsmens, calI 827-8800, ext. 2110. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre holda its Diners Club as 6 p.m. as a local eatery. Cal] 875-1681 for the location or car-pooling. A Reiki open bouse runs froru 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. as 156 Main St. E. Admission costs $2 per person. For information, cati 693-0223. The metal framing members of your ceiling grid are called "tees". Main tees are hsng from above by hanger wire. They run between the wall angles and form the support for the ceiling. p