The Canadian Champion, Fniday, January 14, 2000 - 7 Water studies to be completed in February t ram WELL on page 1 Gritty, brown water will likely con- tinue 10 plague Milton until the mari- ganese problem is solved. So the Region bas been working on a solution aI lest since st [aIl, said Halîon's director of environmenîal services Ric Robertshaw. "It's an issue we sec as a serious one, sud one we're spending a lot of Influ enza dangerous to elderly t ram INFLUENZA on page 1 "What we've doue is basically closed the unit so people who have flot been immunized would not go in il," said Ms Lanza, who is a registered nurse. Though there hasn't been a fatality in the unit, the [lu can be dangerous to the elderly or others with compromised bealth. "It eau be much more serious. The eider- iy population is much more susceptible 10 the [lu" said Ms Lanza. "They dou't mount the samse flu response as young people do." And that defense can be further compro- mised by ilI bealtb. Iu the ps monîh, fOve long-term-care (LTC) facilities in Halton have also been slammed by the [lu bug. But an sggressive immunizatitîn pro- gram that has seen 95 per cent of LTC res- ideuts sud 90 per cent of LTC staff receiv- ing the [lu shol is noîhing 10 sneeze a1, said HaIton's Medical Officer of Health Dr. Bob Nosal. According 10 an oflen quoted British study, immunîzing LTC staff reducet the likelihood of flu-relsted deaths by 44 per cent, said Dr. Notai. But reducing the destb toîl isn'l the samne as eliminating the ilîness, he wamned. 'The vaccine for you sud 1 would be 80 10 90 per cent effective," explained Dr. Nosal. "For the elderly, iî's only 40 10 50 per cent effective 10 prevent ilîneso, but iî's 80 per cent effective 10 prevent death." So far, there has been one confirmed [lu- related death in s Halton LTC fscility, said Dr. Notai. The death occurred within the past two weeks. But the generat public has also been slammed by the lu bug. And that bas put the bite on tbe boapital's emergency room, which was [looded over the holiday ses- ton. Tbrougbout December, the emergency departmnent aI MDH coped witb su aver- age of 110 to 120 patients per day. On Boxiug Day, that swelled 10 184 patients. That corresponded witb s tide of aclivity tbrougbout the Grester Toronto Ares, ssid Ms Lanza. "We're no exception. Everyone's ser- vices are stretcbed 10 the limit at boli- days," she ssid. "We're trying 10 respond." Cases of the transmittable diseuse often soar a1 holiday limes because people are more apt to gel together. Victims of the miserable ilîness then [lock 10 hospitals since stme family doctors and clinies work reduced hours over Christmas. But an early onslsugbt of the [lu Ibis year may be behind the unusual surge of cases over the holidsys. Typically, the [lu season begins in November or December and peters ouI in April. time and effort 10 resolve," he said. So far, there appears 10 be two mais options. The expensive version is 10 [ilter out the manganese. But thal would require the construction of a $2.5 million filtration facility. The cool would be split by ratepay- ers across the region through their water bill. But preliminary testing has shown the troublesome minerali s concentrat- the Region will make a presentation 10 ed in the bottomn layer of the aquifer. Milton counicil on the issue. SSo a less pricy option would be to In the meantime, a wrap-up of a simply block that layer [rom entering 1999 trunk main swabbing project is the wster systemn - aI a cost of continuing. That should be completed approximstely $250,000. by the end of the montb. It involves .But more studies are needed to sweeping the watermains free of tiny ensure that plan is viable, ssid Ms particles of iron, manganese sud calci- MacDonald. Final lest resulîs are um that buiid up in the pipes. expected in February, at which time So far, smrait snd mîd-sized pipes At Sears, wo are big enough to have what you want.. but amli enough to care who you are. Kenmore Washer & Dryer Triple action agilalor e Aulomalic temperature control *3 speed motor, 5 speed combînalions - King sîze capacily dryer (7.2 cu. Il) 5 lemperature settînga on washer WAHR(20922) ODRYER (60s22 >Reg. $649.99 Sale$4339 Kenmore Self-dlean Convection Range 6 pass brol element. 69873) ters Reg. $1799.99 Sale 199 20.5 HP, 42"1 Lawn flactor CRAFTSMANI Exclusive 20.5 HP Briggs and Statton twini cylînder platînumn turbo cooled angine. (60) Seare R7 Sale $2399" ydro/Automatiec Changes peeds withoul braksng sr cluieh ng * - I (698o) Sears Reg. 83199.99 le $2699" have becs swepî. But new valves need to be iustalled in the large trunk main coming out of Kelso t0 allow cleaning swabs through. A continuation of the project is set to launcb in April. Once the large main bas been completely swabbed, smaîl sud mid-sized pipes will likely be tackled again 10 ensure the problero is beaten. Kenmore Dishwasher "Quiet Guard" system, 0-9 Hour Delay. 2 cear Reg $119.999 Now $r38999" Locally Bra9I nd STORE HOURS 100 NipiSSing Rd. owned an Liii P Dtr~1atMon, Tues, Viei tam4pm _____ THEe aRnNd YO ANu. 1lt&-:ltpm~ - NSSO operated by ~J ~.3ltt1.:lIfL ~ John Sampson AT THE STORE YOU TRUSTO 905-878-4103 m M mi =1 el c ilizi =