~Passing the bucks' The RCMP'a National Securlty Investigations Section (NSiS> present a chaque for $40080 the Rose Cherry Foundation et the RCMP Hlgh Point Drive headquarters Wednssday. Accapting the chaque on bahait of tha tounda- tion were (left) Rita AUbin-Curtis and Joyce Hagevik whlie preeentlng their donation wera (right> Dave Marchant and Vlcky Chartrand as othar membars cf the NSIS 100k on. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE ACHIEVE A HEALTHY WEIGHT Seats stili available! Attend the free seminar, Achieve a Healthy Weight, Thursday, January 20th and let the experts explain how to effectively attain a healthy weight. Being overweight can lead to serious health problems such as diabetes, beart disease, certain cancers, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, sleep apnea and osteoarthritis. Even a umali weight Ioss can improve your healîh. Mary Forhan, Occupational Therapist, wiII explain why )osing weight is so difficuit in the context of the demands that we face. Karri Koach, Registered Dietitian, wiII provide the scientific background to explain why regular and balanced meals are 50 important and how to fit îhem into even the busiest lifestyle. Wendy Davis, Kinesiologist (Exercise physiol- ogist), wiIl explain the value of regular activity in boosting the metabolism and improving healîh. Dr. Ronnie Aronson, Endocrinoogiet and specialist in Obesity, will review the medical background and the research advances that offer promising help for overweight people. A question period wiIl follow. This seminar wiIl be held at the Milton District High School at 396 Williams Avenue. Displays and refreshments will be available beîween 6:30 and 7:00 p.m. and the presentations will commence at 7:00 pes. To reserve a seat, please cali 338-4379. e. e M.A.R.C.H. * Wa'v Fumacu Sysines 'Sus vwuie unS * Seat vumps 5e G,,end Eîeevc Frnaces t Wate, Sauces . 555 Eioercy0e FOes *CeSruL I ROse 50 5 HureOSes 785 Main Sîreet Eant 876-1 f38 (Serties) 875-2700 (Seles) SIPTIC TANK PUMPINO tabart Habla Ltd. *150 t xl irose for cossrvg lusivi .3 ratio dîspatchvd IrsiOse o sexe you bm'l w.t kv frcebl.. P.~ bekr. k'. k. 1.1.1 (Sh,,idpueptleaslee335,atCi 5ee, use cIsrd crieuSe fI5 tarer pep't <aie> 353.0500 Ait... Annwnrinq Service l7n-6~6l aven IORSARS EnPERIENcEt dian Champion Fnday Junuary 14 2000 - 19 CHOOSE TO CRUISE! A RECORD NUMBER 0F NEW CRUISE INDUSTRY BERTHS (beds on ships!) - 17,663 -are lineel ap for 2000, according b a report from Croise Lines International Associaîion(CLIA). These new berlhs represent an neremental increase of more than 50 percent over any previoas year. An estimated six million peopte wenl on craises last year, and the cruisetines continae to baud 10 meel the demands of more and more new cnaise vacationers. Ils lime for yoa 10 'Choose a Cruise' - see yoar local professional Iravel aid enlise officiaI today. QE2 GETS US$1 S-MILLION FACELIFU -The hage program ncladed new furnishmgs, draperies, pet ng and woodworking îhroaghoat the vessel Ix addition, Harrods, the London baseel laxury department store, has heen added o the shops in the ships Royal Promenade. two new Grand Sautes, category QS, were atso added. Oîher enhancements inctode refarbushed pabtic ba rooms, new classie teak steamer chairs, a redesigneel photo gatteuy, re-carpeleel gymnasiam and new directuonal signage Soands uavîîung, doesn't l1~ GETAVIDEOOFACRUISESHIPWITH ITS ITINERARY TO HELP YOU DECIDE - Pu~nccss Croises han retcaaed a new video on Atasku 10 show Ihe advaatages of seeing more of lIte 49th stale wuuh ils "Voyage of the Glaciers" Golf of Alaska croises. The tape provides polenliat passengers wilh an oppoelunity 10 view many of the regions top 10 croise attractions, haîf of which lie heyond Uic traditionat Inside Passage route, says Princess. Viewers witl atso he introdoceel to Uic company's croisetour offerings, an wetl an Uic "what yoo wauit, when you want" options aboard Princess ships. Sec yoar Iravet agent 10 receive a froc copy or caîl t - 800-421-1700. * * * INSURANCE COVERAGE IS A MUST FOR YOU whcn travelling oulside of Canada, even for a day tnp and VOYAGEUR INSURANCE is a speciatist ix Uit fuctd. Il is Uic only product Uiey handte as Uicy work vcry hard 10 he sure il is Uic besl for you Uic traveter, Uic peopte lhcy serve. AVAILABLE ONLY THROUGH TRAVEL AGENCIES, you can hc sure to gel Uic right coverage for you, hascd on your individuat necels - age. your hcalUi statut, aid whcre you are traveling 10. Dont cave home wilhout t... t~" iravel pe*4d~4M4e 7s~wd £ tdae O~4~44 878-28~86 (downtown) Aie,, b, Halton Hile md Oakville www.brocehood.com