ýýýAwardmwinning Deumer a proven 'Caring Canadian' By IRENE GENTLE Thse Champlôn It has been quite a year for long-time Milton resident Dicky Deumner. In the past twelve months, she and her hus- band Boyke have celebrated 50 years of marriage and 30 years in their business, Solex Ltd. And now, Ms Deumer has been awarded the Governor General Caring Canadian award for volunteerism. It's an honour she has spent many years earning. For more than two decades she has hap- piuy heem putting in unpaid bours at Milton District Hospital (MDH). Over the years she bas done everything from working at the hospitai gift shop to taking posts on virtually any board they. could corne up with. She has worked on the MDH foundation and been president of the MDH auxiliary. But that îsn't ail. Ms Deumer, 75, aiso provides what shte cails "friendly visita; to lonely old people" tbrough the Victorias Order of Nurses. TMat's along with volunteering with the St. David's Presbyterian Church, the Campbellville Women's Institute - wheoe she was once president - and the Milton Horticultural Society. And back in the '60s, she gave children free ice skating lessons. She bas Ioved it ail. Dlcky Deumer ha b.on named as a recIient of the *s.. KIND on page 7 Govemnor Ganeral Carlng Canadien award. 106E ALL YOUR WEg-iIuqnT FOR ONLY $1 PER POUND!* -X provides a sat., aHt-naturai herbai - aplroaCh toi eight 10881 Sepersonalized weight loss programs * mal food (no shakes or powders) *nutritional planning by trained counsellors one-on-one service (fo group meetings) QALL NOW AND COME IN FOR A r Ti nils au FWAEE NO-OBLIGATIONTisetts C O NS ULT TIO N!: toa GifS Certifleate valuedet $100.00 ",M tf 1ýp fr a new outfit upon completlon of SIprogram with %kia 2K.s« Systema. Ikt ~~~ '~~Date __________ -wEss' uu~e ale znseoa. cn. L (Certain conditions apply. Seo CHii for details.) 15MAIN ST. Mna t" r o7pi 6;9 3 »9 5 9 4 -Prce baued on fuit pragut e*spo.c. lt T'7'J'T'-27iJT M