The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, January il, 2000-21 Classified CLASSIFIED HOURS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM- 5:00PM .See Todavo Champion for, aur riew "Miiestones section. To snnouiice voor specisi ei'eio, cati Thse champions Classîfied Deparimerit ai 875-3300. - ANDREWS, Hope Myra Morrison Peecefully effer e brief ittnessaie The Ettîatt Home, Guelphr os Thurscde, Jenuery 6, 2000. Hope Myra Morrimon (Conway> Andrews et the ege of 84 y eere. Beloved wife of 56 years f0 tire tata Rev. Stente Andrews (1996). Deer mather oi Jim and iris wife Sus Andrews of Guelph, Rosefînd and her husbend Dennis Kunze of Rockwood, Uz and her husbend Dr. Greham Smnithr of Milton. Loving grandmother of Shewn, Jimmy, Scott, Cemeron, Julie, Mark, Sendre, Kerr Rose and greet-grendmother of Brode, Elizabeth-Hope, Kelfy and Lilfien. Sister of Grace Peton of St. AndrmWs Scottand end the faite Muriet Dessîson and Dr. Ruthr Russell. Fniends mey cali et tire Gilchint Chepet - Mctstyre & Witkie Fuserai Morne, One Delii Street, Guelph (f rom 12:00 f0 1:00 Pm Seturdsy). Service in the Gitchrist Chapef as Saturdey, Jesuary 8, 2000, eti 1:00pm with The Rev. Elizabeth Jobb officiating. Cramation with snumment Woodtamn Cemetery. Memoneal con- tributions to The Ellioft Home Memonal Fusd woutd be appreciated. (519)824-0031. BARNES, Margaret (nea Lueh) Peacefuf y et -Fairhsves Home in Peterborough, on Saturday Jasuary 8, 200W, Mrs. Margaret Bernes ofi Milton. Beioved mite of the sate Vera Dames. Lovingsmother of Cliff Damnes of Peterborough. OmsairZer ai Scott and iris wife Leslie oi Resfrem, and Sue and her fissband Dave Porcettatto of Massiseauga. Miseed by her 3 grat-grandcfhildren. Survived by her sister Miss. Cor' Li 0f Toronto. Der fniend of Detir Dames of Mississauga. Famiiy and f riesds may cati et the J. Scott Eariy Fuserai Home, 21 James St., Mil ton on Tuesday tram 2-4 & 7-9 pm. A fuserai service wiil be heid in tire chapet on Wednesdlay et 2:00 pm. interment f0 fattom in Evergrees Cemetery, Mil ton. Donations ta tire Milton District Hospital Foundcatios woaid be appreaiated. .,BAXTER, Thelma Ida (ne. Rueseft) Peacefufty et the Credit Valley Hospital, Missiseauga os Wedsesdlay, Janaary 5, 2000 sn irer 85th yesr. Thelme Bexter beloved wife of tire fate Water Buster Lovisg moirer of Gary E. Ruseett of Amprior snd Mary Lynn Jamieson oi London Ont. Loving grandreather of David& Donna Russest and Sheri Kopatgsne and Tom& Tracy Currie. Dear great grasdmotirer ai 9. Predeceased by her 4 brathers and 8 sisiers. Thelme's abiiiiy ta sea tire good in Chiers and her desire ta stay yousg aiosg witir her spirit wiii be sediy misseri by ail wiro ksew irer. Mibe. Beuter rested et tire Lee Fuserai Home Ltd., 258 Queen Street South., Streetavilie mirere the famiiy received friesds os Fridsy January 7 from 2-4 and 7-!9 pmi. Fuserai service was heid in lire chapai os Safurday sf 11 am. For tirase wha wish, donations directed ta tire Credif Valley Hospital 'Fia-Zone Bed Progrm" wouid be appreciated by tire iamiiy. - GALWAY, Mergaret (McCerthy> Peacefuily et Miftos District Hopia on Fridlay, January 7, 2000, sn her 85fr year. Margaret Galwey of Mitas, beioved wife of tire fate David Galway. Predeceased by her son Michael. Laving mather ai; Patricia & irer irusbasd John Sines, Anna & Ambrose Hamiett, David & Carnet Galway, Kedth & Barbara Gaiway, Pegg & irer laie irusbasd Biii Deyar, Maureen & BobiCosor, Frankn Galway & iris ie Ans, and Dansa Copeland & irer hus- band Merle. Sadiy missed by irer daugirter-in- iaw Juliette Galway, sistar-in-iaw Mary Alice Byme, and b y irer 22 grasdcirildres, and 13 great grandcirildren. Famiiy and friands calied et tire J. Scott Earfy Fuserai Home, 21 James St. Miftas, os Saturday tram 2-4 & 7-9 pm and 2-4 & 7-9 pin Sunday. Requiem Mess mas ireid 10:30 amn on Monday et Haly Rasary Cirurcir. Interment fa fallawTrataigar Lamn Cemetery. If destred, memaorial donations may be made fa tire Lusg Association. ROBERTSON, Steven Faiioming a iesgtiry ill- nese, ai Russymede Cester in Toronto. on Saturday Jasuary 8, 2000, Mr. Steven Robertson ai Miftosn ir is 451 h year. Dalaveci ses ai Keifir Robertson and iris laie motirer Olive. Lovisg brother ai Susan of Regina Sask. Survived by iris oncle Paul and iris wite Bas ai Arbor Field Sask., and iris aunt Piryllis and irer husband Clare Pembletas of Guelpir. Will ha sedly missed by iris dear friands Dant and Coleas Tumer of Campbaiiviiie. Slaves wili ha long ramembared for iris walks around toms wilr iris campasias and friand Keisey. Famiiy andc friands may cati et tira J. ScottEaiy Fusarai Home, 21 James St., Miltas, as Tueaday tram 7-9pm. A fuserai service ailb hieid sn tire chapel os Wadnesday ai il am. Cremation fa faliow. In lieu of fiawera donations may be made fa Tire Huntinglos Soiety oi Caniada. ROBERTSON, Beetrice Suddesiy at home on Saturday Jasuary 8, 2000, Mre, Beatrica Robertson ai Multas, Fasnady ai Toronto. Wife ofthlie laie David Robertson. Mother of Geraldise and ir iusbasd John Healey ai Milton. Survived by ir brother Eri Wireeler and iris virtle Lorre of Brantford, and irer sister Mms. Ruth Smitr ai Haliburton. Family and friands may cali ai tire J. Scati Eauly Fuserai Home, 21 Jajmes St., Miltos os Monday tram 3-5 & 7-9pm. A fuserai service will ha irhl in tire cirapel os Tuesday et 1lama. Crematios wMil iallow. YETMAN, Domlthy - Passed away atier irome in Milton, Ont. sitar a langthy ilinaus Dorothy Vetmes aged 82 years, isvisg wie ai Francis, Moirer oi Rosemarie Pike (Roy, Hr. Grace NF) Patricia Bray (Herbert, Hr. Grece NF) Ronal (Fay, Fart Sask. Ait.) Kay Lewis (Grant, Miftas 0sf.) Daratiry Milter <Edward, Day Roberts NF) James (Lz, Niagara Faits Ont.) Bermadette Mamriran (Jackn, Carryisg Place, Ont.) Step-Motirar ta William New York NY. Lavisgiyremembered by 25 Grasdcirildren and 43 Greaf-Grandciidre.Sistars, Evelys Casa, Texas; Grece Flight, Mess.; Kathleen Sireppard, Hr. Grecs NF and Wissifred Stase, Ht. Grecs NF, andi a large cirdae oi friands. Tira Fanerai Mass mas ceiatirated et Holi Rasary Roman Cathalic Charcir, Mitas, Ont. lntersmesf was et Gles Oaks Memoriai Gardans, Oalcaite, Ont. ANNOUNCINO Crsft & !sirrtdng Claeee ta esrt January 24, 2000 et Cou"tr Heurt 36 Main 5t. Horth, Compbleila 854-0002 OPEN NOUS! Janssary 17 & lb, 2000 1 pin to 3 Pit, 7 pin ta 9 pin Come choc"a thne claes you saler ta aigri up for. 1999 ANNUAL MEETING of the Jim SrainHALTON 190 Ontario St, Milton 87"-522 AGRICULTLJKAL 90CIElY Monuments Markers - Bronze MarInera Cemetery Lettering wlll take place on TrHUR5PAY, ~ JANUARY 27, 2000 CLARRIDGE, Ivan - January 11, 1999. at b:0o p.m. tn toving memory ai a very dear Father and In #1 Hall Grandfether wiro is missed dearty but has leh so many wondertut memnores. ATr THE MILTrON FAIR Att oftour love, Jim, Cathy, Mariait and Alexander (Max and Sam too>. GROUNDPI In lovin9 memory of John (Sean) Seymour passed away Jasuary 12, 1999. As we set amidst aur tears watciig yau slip away God came and to0k yau hame Na more suiiarisg or pais Gase but neyer torgotten. Your loving wlfe Shirley, daugitters Cheryl and Sandra, sons Jim and Gary, son-ln-law Juan, Grandson Colin, Ail our love forever. SMITH-, William (Bill) - Jasuary 12, 1995. sn lovisg memary of my dear irusbasd and friand. A suaent tirougirt, a secret tear, Keeps iris memary aven dear, Time esses tire edge ai grief, Memar tums back every teai. Sedly missed and foraver loved. Kathleen Tire iamily of tire lats Dorothy Yetman wauid tike ta express heartfeit tiranka fa ail those wiro aifered tireir support and sgmatry. Speciai tirants ta Fr. Eaii, Fr. Mike, ire Hol Rosaý Parisir Commuty, Oakvilie Fuserai Hlome.A very specai franCs ta VON. nurses, especiaiiy Heathe ad Bossie. Vour lavisgCnseeii aiways ha remembered. Aisa, CCAC, Sue Kopas and Penny Green mina me Ml never forgel. Thask you Penny. Thask yau la ail friands and seigirbours. Th amloftie laite Asdrew Tyios mould i Ce toexpress thir apprecistaon la iends, neigir boums and tamily far lhir r ords oi kirsdness, loesaddosaions. A speciai franC you ta IReveresd Rori Lemis and J. Scott Earty Fuserat Home Yor tougtlunes mae adiicuit ime easier. Jessie Tyios and tamly. CHECK YOUR ADI Thne Canadien Champion cannat ha respansibie tor tirs cosf ai mare tiras ana incorrect insartion. Asy errara in tire Classiiied Section sirouiri ha caieri ta tire attestion af tha Classttted Departreent ahter tha f îrst insertion. Adtustmenf a ara made fa tire degrea tire anar redsced tire valse ai lire ad. 875-3300 DEADLINES FOR TUESDAY& FRIDAY PAPER Deadile Fniday 3 p.m. for Tuesday Deadlse Wedsesday 3 p.m. for Friday FOUND. Older biaclç femraie dog mrh wite muzzie, oas i f teil and chest. Sire cant sea or irear veymi.Found Dec. 30 la Nasssgaweya ons2 Lise belmees 10 & 15 Sideroad.854-0228 CARPET Cerpel. i have severai lhausand yards ai new Staismaster and 100% nylon carpet. i wiii car- pot yaur living room and hall for $349. Price includes carpet, pad andi installation. (30 sq. yards). Steve, 905-639-2902. FREE Estimates... Gai mabbiy chairs... meak sptisgs... tired iaokisg maod finishes? We do if alil Customa maad refiiishisgl tumitare repaira. Fields Castam Fumiture, 9-9 dailyl 875-4427. NEW Year Sale - Na GST ar PST. Treat yauraeli ta A Great Hem Look at Super Savinga. Sofa and Matcing Chair tram $788. Love seats irom $448. Ch airs rc $199. Free Estimates. Sasiar's Dis- cassis. Fields Ouaiity Customn Uphaisterisg. Daily, 9am - gpm. (905)875-4427. SIT Os il-Don't Sut In it Replacement tara for cash- ions. Residestiai/cammercia. Fields Uphalstery, 9- 9, 7 days/waek! 875-4427. ULTRASONIC blind cieasing machine 8' cleaner. Growing service witir miasy untapped marksets. Clas mini blinda, vertical blinris, pieated sirades, etc. Machine is portable. $18,000. Caf (905)877- 487 Laurier Ave.,Miton 878-2881 nsubs prîsîîng ceaira requires avside custore- ar service peraosi. Es- pariesce andi Csomi- edge ai prniig and phatacapyisg miii ha heipisi and a gond mork athic is essential. Must ha custamar sensitive, able ta handie masy fasks attre semae time, rasoarcefai, fleible and a tesm playar. We franC ail candidates for their isiaresi. Piease subii reaumes by fan la (905)876-1100. DRIVERS raquired for Toronto Auto Auctions. Phase John Pans. 905- 875-2915, est. 248 or tas resamne fa 905-875- 3219. EARN $200, $300, $500 or more par msek, sssembiag product sn the comiart ai your oms home, sesd s self adi- dressad stempad escal- ope ta: O.RH. 6-2400 Dundas Sf. West Suite 541 Rat 940 , Missis- sassa, Ont. L5K 2R8. MILLSIDE Restaurant raquires kitches ratp. Please appy sn perses ta 243 Mais Street, Mil- tas. PART lime stable rend needed. For msekdsys and meekaads et homse fanm ta Northr Osinvilia. Cati <905)257-1819 or evasisgs (905)825- 5814. PRODUCTION marinera mssted. Atersonshart and day shift avaitabie. Appiy is perses la: Ettas Manuiactarng, 886 Ni- piseisg Rd., Multas. REQUIRE - live sn housekeeparlcook or aider coupla. A cora- pasias for yousg maie tiratis ill. Must ha ma- ture, vary cleas, respos- sibte, triendtly, oms transportaion. Raier- escas ara requîrad. Repiy ta: PO. Box #514, Campbeiviiie P.O., LOP1 BO. SECURITY Officers ne- qsired immadiately sn tira Miltas area. Fuit limai part lima; Fluent in Englixir aratl/wrttea; Es- cellent communication sCilis; must have oms transportation; Firat Aid/ CPR an esset; Rata $10.00ltiour plus hase- fits. Fax resuma ta: TRI- PART PROTECTION INC, (905)632-1217. SHOP ratp must ha me- cirasicaiy indineri. Du- lies iscludes stripping and cteasisg trames and sorting parts. Must hava dlean driver's record. Start $10/hr. basafiti package. Cati 702-5438 or tes raxume ta 702-0640. Wheni buying or eiinq a vohlcle, remember Trhe Canadiani Champion. REMEMBRANCES in the form of donations to The Milton District Hospital Foundation are appreciated- MOUY MAI1 Frovidrs a futl resideiai cleanîag service. Fer a ne cent, ne obligation ie home estimate, please cati 877-3443. Moe arfisedahie ihas yîîs ihiais Fax us your Classifieds 876-2364 6086.