The Canadien Champar tTueaday, January 11, 2000 -13 1Check out our 1 ReserveAmerciajust keepns on growing *from MILTON on page 12 Imonically, Mr. Kirkham was the company's second fuli-time employee when be came on board in 1988. Today, 1,100 people draw a paycheque from ReserveAmerica. Whîle most of themi toil in the U.S, 40 employeea work out of the Milton office. And early this year, thtit will double toi 80. Advertising the openings bas triggered a flood of interest. For 40 new positions, 1,400 resumes have been received, said Mr. K(irkbam. The beauty of the business is that il stays atloat no matter wbat the economy does. "We're in the best of botb worlds," said Mr. Kirkbam. "We don't care if there's an uptum or a downtum." Good economy adds up The reason is simple - because the company deals with govemment, a good economy means they'lI have more toi spend. But an economic downtumn means fewer higb-end vacations and more families tuming to good old-fash- ioned camping trips.. Today, business comes îhrough ReserveAmerica's three caîl centres and point of purehase outlets. About 20 per cent of business rolîs in through the Internet. "Consumer interest in the Intemet has continued to increase at a breakneck speed," said Mr. Kirkham. Made the list Keeping up with that interest belped ReserveAmerica make the top 100 InformationWeek list. And making that list shows the business is headed in the right direction, said Mr. Kirkham. -To have a publication of Ibis magnitude recognize our efforts and be included among a liat of such bigbly prestigious organizations confirma that this company's vision and tbe strategies we're employing to achieve our goals are weil placed." The company is so entrencbed in the U.S. market that many of its customers don't realize they're Canadian. But there are no intentions to relocate south of the border, assured Mr. Kirkham. "We're proud toi be part of this area," he said firmly. "It's a part of our vision. We think this is a great count- Rockwool adding on Rockwool's factory family bas gotten a little bigger.w The international parts assembly con- glomerate, which owns Milton's Roxul Ine., recently completely a takeoiver of Enertek Products International's stone wool factory in Grand Forks, British'Y$ Columbia. Th1e west cost factory will be the parent company's second production facility in * kim, North Amierica. * C It will be integrated into Roxul In.,e ls under the name Roxul (West). The 0 01 Canadian subsidiary is part of the Rockwool Group's Lapinus division TsC responsible for market development in North America, East Asia and Benelux. The acquisition doesn't influence the se goals and expectations to growtb and eam- u ings outlined in the group's annual report F e and balf-year report, a spokesman said. The Rockwool Group now bas 21 facto- ries in Europe and North America - witb OR E more than 7,500 employees in total.....I_ try and a great ares." While most of the senior positions in the Milton office have been filed, others, such as an entry-Ievel webmaster position, are stili open. Interested applicants can e-mail their resumes to Seminar looks at question of incorporation At one time, only sizable companies went in for incorporation. But these days many small business owners are ink- ing an Ine. behind their company name. But is the bottom line gain worth the time and cost involved in being incorporated? Finding out can be both simple and affordable thanks to the 'Access to Professionals' program offered by the Halton Region Business Development Centre (HRBDC). The new prograra is designed to provide a helping hand to professionals in the start-up phase of their business. A $20 administration fee will buy the small busi- ness owner a 45-minute consultation with a Halton- ares lawyer or accountant. The program will take place on the second Tuesday of each month, kicking off today at the HRDC 1151 Bronte Rd., in Oakville. Bob White fmom the Business Advisory Associates, answers accounting questions. And Tanya Leedale, froin O'Connor MacLeod, tackles the legal aide of business staet-ups. AIl professionals in the program donate their lime. Incorporating a company won't magically tumn a struggling business into a triuimphant success. But in the event of basses, it can limit the liability of share- holders to the capital they've invested in the compa- ny. To regîster for the 'Access to Professionals' pro- gram, caîl the HRBDC at 825-6300. Mo ga a great 8mai ta keep yaur car running no maitrwhatwinthrows ai you. cd Nud *Vl Ask Foi, Details dmiresnd rafae if necsoy, "aeoînspedon *fa mnspedio (bell, hases, cSoan) or fax it to 875-2612. A liat of job openings is available by look- ing up 1 Liresryies section this Frlday and our Arts and Entertainment section the following Frlday. Macinnon's Waterfalls &Ponds is MID VINS TO Dur -7?.H Maivi ~. LMiVbv siDvýe w0il be cloSed -rze,4 d/Ye - Nw£Salei 1/2 OFF Ail Pond g'uiding Supplies (Pumps, rigid liers, pond kits, filters) 1/2 OFF Ail Aquariums and Supplies 1/2 OFF Ail Bird Feeders and Accessories 1/2 OFF Ail Bird Baths, Fountains, Statuary 1/2 OFF 11*4 Of F 11* OF 112 onF 112 off OPEN UIUR & RU. S AM 1008 PM - 3EUDAY 8 mu 104 PM our SpBob RCatalogu The deain t maE. Mor19 oition is on5y afew-week away. Wili you take advantage of one of the few tax breaks avail- able to you? An RRSP can be the foundation for a comfortable and secure retirement. More importantly, will you make your own investment decisions? - and hope you made the right choice. Or will you seek the advice and counsel of a professional planner? - some- one who can advise you now on the alternatives and guide you towards a successful retiremerlt plan. THIS IS NOT ABOUT THE FUTURE In this space over the next several weeks I will discuss various strategies regarding RRSP investing. I hope the information will belp you. The topics include dollar-cost averagîng, borrowing your contribution, market volatility, asset allocation and labor-sponsored funds. If you miss any, please ask me for a reprint. IT'S ABOUT IMPROVING VOUR FUTURE Did you know that my office is equipped to provide you with an RSP boan, usually with instant approvai? Great advice, great service and now, great convenience too. DONALSON-n Bob Reid, CF FI NANCIAL CROUP Suite 101 -310 Main Street Est Milton, Ontario L9T 1 P4 Vote 905-875-3366 fax 905-875-3574 e-mail TH It srras<r CEI<rTp a IL- à à 8 1 9