10 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 11, 2000 @ Cemetery overdue for revamping over and the kids are back at school, make sure they're getting a good start with a nutitious meal. Breakfast is stili the most. important meal of the day because it provides energy to the brain after a long night of sleep. The brain does flot have.energy reserves and needs to be fed every few hours. By eating a nutritious breakfast, your kids will be able to, concentrate better at school. So don't let themn rush off in the morning without grabbing somne fruit, downing somne juice or having their favourite breakfast food. i s brought to you eoprtesy of Hlton Healthcare S *E ___R V *I1,C *E* S and lEb Canabtan (bampwo - fram HISTORIC on page 1 "The hiatorical society has tried to arrange a couple of timea t0 do something about il but they said 'no, we don't have any moncy,' he said. "I know the histori- cal society was willing 10 kick in some money but the Town said no." Il could be hecause the Bronte cemetery is not the only, or even the oldeol, the Town ia responsible for. And rejuvenating historical burial grounds is priccy. "I think a lot of il probably has 80 do with manpower and money," said Mayor Krantz. "You start getting loto that stuff and it'a very expensive." But cash may be found, said Councillor John Challinor. Under the provincial Cemeteries Act, fundo are available for municipalities car- ing for old, once ahandoned cemeteries, he noted. And the Town itself bas a contingency fund for miscellaneous projects. Mr. Challinor promised 80 petition both 80 help spruce up the site. "Mhe Town is quite capable of getting thk atones remnounted and set pmoperly," he said. "It just requires continuai mainte- nance." But the old pioneer cemetery will neyer achieve the tranquil glory of ils heyday. Then its 61 bunial plots were separated by graceful pedestrian waiks in the shape of an 'X'. Milton farmer Thomas Harrson was the firat to be buried at the site in 1824. But businesa slowed down wilh the 1880 opening of the anîll-active Evergreen Cemetery on Ontario Street. Also buried at the Bronte lot was mill Photos by GRAHAM PAINE The firat Milton dactor le burled at th. Branle Pianeer Cemnetery and paaalbly Jasper Martin. owner Jasper Martin, often conaidered to be the founder of Milton, and his wife Sarah. But it's unclear if the couple were later transferred 80 Evergreen. What was known as the Bronte Cemetery was once privately owned. In 1860, it was deeded to trustees Thomas Rixon, Johnson Harrison and William Dempsey. 4 Il rcceived a much-needed facelift as far back as 1928. Then thk Imperial Order of Daughters of the Empire cleared bruah, levelled ground and put a fence around tihe property. TMen at some point, the heritage ceme- tery was aimply abandoned before the Town took it over. Same af the headatones at the cam.tery have fallen and cracked. Employment opportunities for persons with disabillties!I /Do you hava a disability, aither visible or non-visible? f Are you wiiling ta work, but need extra help in finding a job? /Can you make a commitment 800a 6-week employment programt? /Con you make a commitment to a job? If you answered YES 10 ail of these questions, you may qualify for the PEP Program, (Personai Empiayment Program> What PEP can do for you... Vou'l gel: - The employmext silîs, knowledge and work experience you need 80 keep a job. " Small classes w/Ifs one support. * Assistance in finding a job. We are specialists in empl.oymenl assistancefrproswt disabilities.cefrpsosit The next PEP wll be located In Georgetown and Oakvilie PEP la FREE ta ail quaiified participant. Spaces are limited. To leave a message for more Information, caUl Karla et 1-800-350-8361 or TTU: (905) 820.7004 In cooperaion wilh Employmenî Access, axd the Coalition for Persans wilh Disabillties. Funded by Haman Resources Development Canada and Ministry of Communily and Social Services. eLOYET I* ccw$C ad office of Consolidated Heartngs Bureau> de joncion des audiences P.0. Box 2382 C.. 2382 2300 Yattge St. 23500, rue Yonge Sutite 1201 Suitel1201I Toronto ON M4P t E4 Toronto ON M4F 1 E4 08 Tel: 416/314-4600 Tél: 4161314-4600 Files 98-074, 99-009, 99.036, 99045 Fax: 416/314-4506 Télèc: 416/314-4506 ww.antgovoxca wxowargovoxca THE JOINT BOARD Milton West Special Study Area The Joint Board will hold a fourth preliminary hearing in respect of the applications filed by Jannock Ltd,, John Grant, Central Milton Holdings and 825927 Ontario Inc., for amendmenîs and/or deletions from the Niagara Escarpment Plan and the Region of Halton Official Plan on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 10:00 a.m. at the Town of Milton, Council Chambers, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario. The Joint Board hearing into the merits of the applications is scheduled to - commence on Wednesday, February 14, 2000 atIl 1100 arn. at the Town of Milton, Council Chambers, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario. The Joint Board bas scheduled an evening meeting to hear members of the public, on Wednesday, February 23,2000, starting at 7:00 p.m. at the Town of Milton, Council Chambers, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario. Members of the public are requesîed to pre-register by signing a registration list at the Town Hall's front desk. Dated at Toronto this 231d day of December, 1999. Janet Martell Heanings Regîstrar