The Canadian Champion, Friday January 7, 2000 -9 ,Datelin e t ram DATELINE on page 7 For deeails, contact Phyllis Spillone as 829-4863 or Kay Duncan as 827-6750. Monday Jan 10 - 11 Learn how to write a reaume, cover letter and contact card as the Mitton Resource Centre. For deeails cat] 876-9828. Tuesday Jan. Il Everyone is invited eo attend a Reiki Open Houae from 7 te, 9 p.m. as 10616 No. 5 Sideroad. For detaits cati Hanne as 878-1408. Join seniors l'rom the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre with the Lunch Bunch for monshly get-togetb- ers ae a local restaurant. Join (hem at noon for good fun, food and the tatous news. For details cati 875- 1681. Find out what your 'True Coloura' are and how they affect your job search or career move. The semi- nar goes from 9:30 arn. to noon. To regisser, contact the Milton Human Resource Centre as 876-9828. The flurloak Parent Support Group meets every Tuesday a( 7:30 p.m. as Pinelandu Preubyterian Church, 5270 New St., Burlingson. This non-denomi- national self-support group hetpu parents of chitdren who are in trouble as home, atsachool, with the law or who are abusive or saking drugu. For details catI t- 800-488-5666. The Milton Springers Gymnaatic Club bouts reg- istration for session swo as the club, 180 Nipisuing Rd., from 6 su 8 p.m. For details catI the gym as 878- 5030. Community Bible Study, a Milton evening women's clasu, begins a t6-week study on the book of ICorinthians. The clasa meets from 7 to 8 p.m. as Milton Alliance Church, 2850 Der-y Rd. For details catI Barbara Gommerman as 856-9874 or Debbie Brown as 854-3578. Tueaday ian. 11 - 23 Join the Halson Hilîs Quilt Guild for itu Quit Show as the Halton Hilîs Cultur-al Centre Gallery, 9 Church St., in Georgetown. Admission is free. The show is cloued Mondays. Wedneaday ian. 12 Earth and Me is a programn designed bo teach chul- dren 3-and-a-half to 5 years old about the earth and the environtuent. CuIt the Milton Community Resource Centre ut 876-1244, ext. 12, su register. The Milton Seniors' Aceivisy Centre, 500 Childs Dr., hostu the Evening Euchre Party as 7:30 p.m. Prizes are awarded. The cous is $2 per person. For detailIs catI 875-168 1. Thursday Jan. 13 Join diutinguished Toastmaster Normna Tripp and the Canadian Federation of University of Women - Milton and District - for 'Speaking with a Flair' as 7:30 p.m. as Hugh Fouter Hall. Cati 878-2421. Thuraday Jan. 13 - 14 The Phoenix Theatre Company perfortas 'Canada As War: Stories of World War H' as St. Paul's United Church. Tickets are available as the door and cous $5 for adultu, $4 for seniors and $4 for children aged under 12 yearu. Doors open as 7 p.m. The curtain nuses as 7:30 p.m. CaI Rob Croezen as 876-0432. Fax Dateline item info to us at 878-4943. SEPARATED a DIVORCED?9 Sem sars s ssued by Separated Anus y ous & msteem sexuality & "healthy" reatiosshiPs. Make rec 9me9dd by Toronto Doctors & Theraplists tnîeids: men & womnes ysur age in sur sate sisce 199 ftur prstessiusai lectures ss law grups Calt 9?533fl. I jun5 apply asd be griet, asger, ch idres trust, tettisu gou selt- registered by January3l2555 Sal str A Fabricînd's Regu a c, an . Othe' 2vuimte ruis0 qa au RE t :'II o ~ ; s:î lo 'I I E I i I I i . i I.El I~~~ 'IL El* ' 'II ' Cho . o i * o--- BRODCOT - s,:BRA uo:RD - LIoWIH POYSE OL - ' ONC oUTN - DEI' ASSR ooN ' OVLYSOTW 11g 5c POYSE PRIN' '5 POYSER'TO 'RNT 1' 1"NLET O O ARo I & LAMBSKI oLEC S oLD : îOTE C oITAA oRNT o,"' W-1D-EBRUHEDPLADS- MES WOL &WOOB En itr n-SLE TOre o CODRO OLD -TIASBYTE POL-VECObR-Urdo ANIUESTN RPRY-"EMN"POYSERSERS-"ORNO PA1 OLECTNS "CHAWIC" DCORAOR RINS - OMEDECPRINS &SOLDS IndMduathD DRPutER Sale n efect anuay 10-5, 200, n sOtctm inotoc Jec adse 102o~ n ue. Sory, o secil oder. M st tem avilo le n m s tor s.L oO flor y e d salme tas. Plesenot: he e s 'rgua p ice I eeer te Oarcln' re u O chi-tr 547 Main St. E. MILTON 878m0931 Inf line: 1-28-780-033 Website: