4 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, January 7, 2000 Ail the -Bsst in -STAR! THE YEAR iloWith a complote Labo, 011 & Filtor W. offer Your car relquires l~Safety Checks Drakes 214 Wheei Aiignnnt =ICoing Syst.m ~1Engines Iý Qaker State 0Oh, Lu. £ Framt 0u Fiiters Computer Anaiysis Tune Lips Ur Hidden Hitch Waiker Exhaust Suspoension service FE 1 Tire Rotation & Daiancing Goodyear Tires Generaui Tires &sri[DRIVE Transmissions & evc LA Ei.ctfcai Accredited Test Air Conditioning & Repair Facility Shocks & Struts rire department turils to kids in alarming concern By LISA CARTWRIGHT The Champion Lives are stili at risk in Milton. Over the holidays, thse Milton Fire Department discovered several homes that didn't having worlcing amoke alarras. "Adults are juat not listening," aaid Don Stewart, chief fire pre- vention officer. But children are. Mr. Stewart said the moat effec- tive way to make adulta understand the importance of amoke alarma is to teacis the children. During visita to, tise station, Mr. Stewart aaka tise children lfor their help. "I always say to, (hem, 't need you to make me a promise. When you go home, ask your mom and dad to presa tise button (on tise alarm). If you don't hear tise aound, cross your armas and aay, 1 am not going to bed until tise alarm goes off."' Mr. Stewart said ise alto, tells the cisildren to cail him if their parenta won't mastait a amoke alarm or -/Shopkeeper facing eight fraud charges A Campiseliville businessman has been charged with eight counta ni fraasd in an ongping police probe. Halton Regional Police inveatigated severai incidenta of customers buying furniture at tise Pine Shoppe in Canspbeliville. It's aileged that customners let a deposit with tise store, but neyer received their merehandise. 'tse incidenta are alieged to have occurred from April t to October 17. The value nf tise fumniture is estimsted from $1,800 to $3,600. If anynne has had such an experience, they're ssked to, contact Constable Wendy Chapman at 878-5511, ext. 2405. Charles Currie, owner of tise Pine Shoppe, has been charged. replace the batteries. Thse fîre department has amnoke alarms and batteries in ail the trucks. When the department makes a house cail, they alan check the amoke alarma. if the home doean't have a smoke alarro, the department will instal one. The homeowner is asked to drop off another amoke alarm to tise station. Smoke alarma, whicis cos $4.99 and up, are an early waming device to let people know there's a fire in their home. Just the facts'.- Smoke alarma provide tise fiast warmng dha there's a tire in tie houae. Here's tie l'acta: - There should be a amoke alarro on every floor nf thse home. - Smoke alarma have to be replaced every 10 yeara. - Change the batteries in a smoke alarra twice-a year. ('I'e fire depaetment suggeat- ed people replace tise batteries every time tise dlocks change.) - It's thse responsibiiity of the owner of the building to instail and ensure tise amoke alarma are working. - Smoke alarma coats $4.99 and up. AIl alarma are approved. . There'a a $230 fine for not having a wofing amoke alarmn. Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the Town ofMilton intends to declare surplus and dispose of a parcel of land being specifically known as Block 8, Plan 20M-472 in the Town of Milton, (formier Township of Esquesing), Regional Municipality of Halton. This notice is provided pursuant to Section 193(4c) of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 190, Chapter M.45, as amended, and in accor- dance with Town of Milton Property Disposal By-law No. 34-95. Further information with respect to the afore- mnentioned Notice of Proposed Sale, may be obtaine4 from the Cferk's Office, Town of Milton, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario (905) 878-7211. Dated at the Town of Milton this 7tb day of January, 2000. H. Lisi, Town Clerk Town of Milton BOYS & GIRLS AGES 8-18 VEARSI Wlnter Hou.. Loague Program Fee: $80/sesslo for f Irst chlld In famlly $l5Isession for each addltlonal child Mondays and Wednesdays 7:3Opm and 8:3Oprn Bishop Reding Secondary School Starts January 10ih Registrations accepted at Town Hali/Leisure Centre or' at Bishop Reding on th1e niglit of th'e programn. For more information- contact Janet Davidson at Town Hall (906) 878-7252 x188 COUE *TO OUR FREE DEMONSIRTION AND FUND OUI Thse Town of Milton in cooperation with Sportiel Canada Ine. la ploased to bning you this new and innovative program. " Sportbali la a high-enorgy program that actively Involvea ai childion in leamning sport skilla and non-coropeiie actMliies. " Our osentuslan d well tralned coaches are exporta in ensuring fun and safety during ail programs and activtles. " Sportbal Canada Imc. currently rune programs at over.25 different locations and ail programs are one boum 'n lenglis and requira na adult participation. DEMONSTION DATES ai te Milton Loisuro Ceolie 1708 Main Street tast, Milton WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12TH 9:30-10:30 a. $"mTaL "OmoA WIlL q£ 4VAI&AU Wm 2m0 AiT Toi IuLT ltE iERME Wuimli 2000 f'lfWdnmsdaJanuary 1 -MarkU8 I 9 3010:30 a.mr 31/2 t4 1/yar oidSI 4 10:0:30 ltm. for 4 1/2 to5 1/2 year olds EIGOT WEEKS FOR $120 (more progrbma avallablo baued on d.mand) To uv moyur qit plu»: contatbjmotJgds (M0) 878-7252 188 I___________________ i___________________ a ___________________ Id