26.-The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 7, 2000 MIN AVAILABLE 3 bed- AZ DIRIVERS i mm two storey hue AAB Building System, Inc., manufacturer of Laurier ihompsos area. Servicisg Ontairio and U.S. both vas and fiasi- the lnsulated Coocrete Form - Bluse Maoxxî Mold-Masters is the worldwide technology CarpaIs, AJC, double bed. Mainly 300-500 mile runs. Home week- wallsystem, is seeking candidates for: leader in the design and manufacture of hot drive. Close lv, schools. ends. If you are a safe service minded dniver' Training Asitn - Aconigrunner sustemns and controls for the plastics $1250/month plus ulili- ssutan usconmn liornwtria i erldsra es. 876-1653. joe s i urse lrîsl s er lduînl This position is svaifabfe uithUe MAB@ injection moldlng lndustry. TREbdompu Park, Aberfoyle. cait Training Depurtment satellite office in THe.erompu WAYFREIGHT Burlinglon, Ontario. The saccensfuf applicaut conr home 4 ie (519) 829-2494 or will have esperience in: - Accounts Fleceivable * Due to unprecedented growth, we now h.ave Westr~ ome ie 1-800-265-2562 Accounts Payabl e * Month u . the following career openings avaiable. Csmpbellville. $1050 ___________________________ End Reports - Telaphone Reception. Proficiency * Corne oin a company committed to success lsutifitees. Fia an nl Microsot Office iaograms os essential as *in th'e next mîîîennîum. let. r 1o pas.Av 0,bl 2 - MACHINISYS onelI as a professional telephose manser. This (9e5)u59-717 0. For Milton Jobbise Shop permanent part-lime position onîfI require wnrk- Qualifications: -Teaniplayer isg closefy with two others in a home office MANUFACTURING <905>6plus21bdro Requires minimal suipervision Machinîstnt house. Freshy painted, *Do ows seî-sps Pleuve fax or email a caver letter and reoume, by *Qaty Cntr TechnistEaitric $2mnh vaigablge, *Achieve close iolerasces Javoary 14, 2000,10o: Febrsanrl eholgs-Eetonc 120n . Csl 878 Excellent benelits and wagev for the riahi pensen AABfedGnra ahiit Fbc.r 186 . al8- wiili a aond work attitude. ABBuilding Systêmn, In.Machine Operators780 _ (905) 332-2183 TO ero nt C.M. MORRIS DISION mza. swright@bluemaxxaeb.com Geinerai Machinist Apprentices Villag on teroom unit 878-0578 Onfyffiase applîcanfsafecfed foran interview Machining fntemnshipa olicalion ansd references wifl ha confacîad. General Labour batone showing. Stockkeeper- Nights $1300.00 avalable Fe- ROMAC bmary laI. $1375.00 avaifable March isI. (ý DOPERATIONS & ADMINISTRATION Cal Mark Mallalies 876- CvSrOM MACHINE 5110F LOCAlED IN MILTON **0633, Commonwealth REOiJIRES: cancable- Buyer-Electronics Real Estate Services' CNC PROGRAMMER - *Purchasîng Supervisor op CNC HORIZONTAL SORING MU. OPERATORS DATA ENTRY CLERKS unir Sevcentn le rknai Espenence in 105 or olNba Machines Here is a unique oppedaunil far business anieoled Cs o r Serviet Repntatve CNC VERTICAL MACHINIST individua s la patner wilh North Ameica's LeadingOre/aaEty_- EqipewA uduayO poeosusing PC MS comrininavnin qalified indivoals who are eniergelic prafussiana s Pleene isîseard yaur resumne la: TIIREE bedroon lown- ALRYTOCOMESUAT aro EPEIECE fan FULL & PART-lIME duta enlry. Responsibilies Numan ResourSe . housa available Fabns- ExAR M CMMENUR BENEITSIEPREC nct ode: lypivO pnvficiency, MS Office lamifianily and Maid-Mastera Limiied [ [1ary 1. Single garage, EXLLoN T (90 87-479 o extensive canlamer service skiffs. Applicasîs mast 233 Armstrmng Ave, Georgetowin cl entral ir, $1100 par han 95 7643 rb flexibfe iv nogards fa hoars, eveninga avd Ontario CANADA 170 4X5 ol; month. Calf Kerr Real Fax Receune te, (905) 876-451 weekevds. Emplayee bevef if package incfuded. Fax: f905) e77-4834 -s 0 Massageamant Ltd Please send rasumae andi rataerences via Wé thnS ail whe have appied. Or/y aunse candiides (905)876-0407. METAL PflGCESSING TECUNICIAN a-mail to0 rasuma@cancabla.com sei iede , n ine iae cnnacied. Oavlebased cvmpany seekivg la f iff a faf -fîme po- Oppafilifias availft fo hose uoekivg advafltet. www.modmasters.com u ston. Yaa sfl fe ha spansibfe fan gevenaf labour andI -- sifi ha pnavided wîfh havds vn tnaining in sal psy- cessing. The saccessfai candidate wili have a gnade 12 dipiamna an eqaiaiov, cen commuvticafa effectiva- f y, and cas aperaf e a fankliîf. Previaus vvpanievce iv a mavafaclaring avvinanmanf as assaf. You must ha wifiog la wonk shifts. Wle ara affening a campaliiva saiany andi banal if package. lnlenesfed applîcavîs shoolsi. Fax reaumae 10 905-331-9668 or caîl Wanda WiliIams 905-331-8465 Leadîng psmp manufactunen neqaînes qaffied, nef î- ahile and qaiy cvnsciaos Machinisl fon faf ha, mili ing m/c asd vent. baning mîlI wsnk. Must have expenience with convenlianal machines, have owv vaols and ha able toi rend andi inlenpnet luea pinos. Experience wîfh mechaaical dnaffivo and famîfianîly sîf h assem- bfy and service of nolaling equipmenl dosînabla. We vlanf compefilîve wages, ahave average haaef ifs and gnawlh palevliai. Mail/fus nesume: AIDA Parts & Service 5370 Manra Cri, Burîînglon, ON L7L 5N8 Fax: (905) 333-0973 DENTAL Assistant. Part lima position naquinasiis Campbailville off ice. Cafli Wandy at 854-2247. LICENSED technician or seion apprastica for ges- anal napair garage. Royce Auto Sarvice. 878-3977 or 878-3040. MECHANIOS Helpar. DZ licansa; diasel tnuck and lift lmuck napair assait. Fan resumae fa (905)875-1995. Ready Machinery, Milton. OFFICE Manager requiresi immadîataly. AIl1 ac- couvtlfng rasponsibilifies with ACCPAC Plus. Apply wif h resumne/ salery espectations: Pro-Pfy tnc. 8820 Davand Drive, Missiasauga. Fan 905-584-2330. Full TIns. Position Busy Milfon distributioan company spacializnq in Sur gical Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Products bas an immediate openisg for a junior office celarader dsa. KnowledIge of comput- are, aimply accouriting an assai. Hoitra- 9:00-5:00 Moinday to Fniday, Cal 9114-M.40 FfT ToIephoue Receptionist raquired for Oalivîie E-commerce company. or Must ba anergatic ai Taam Playar or Working knowledge of MS Office & Windows 98 an asset a eittns sppottunity. ýSalarymagetsegof/able. ai lEd: 11.0M ADMINISTRATIVE PERSON fon Centraf Truck & Tranfer Lui. FULL1 lIME POSITION Denmns ne include: Bvekkeepin, Faynofl -Filîng. Invoicina -Occasienal paris pick up Must ha computer fi/croie Flease fax your resume lv f905) 878-3520 Senior Bookkeeper The candidate for Ibis position muvt bava superior bookkecpisg akill s, with the ability 10 complese ail faceîs of Account Management. You arc a lcamn player wisth goosi communication okillo for peripheral dutiev in a friandly but busy office environmcnî. We look forward 10 speak- ing witb yon. Please eali (905) 567-5295 Wa are n euapnily employer phose itnes vaîfb Ixeineascrgv Pnarmacy Assistant wifh Pro-Phare enp. Rotait Cashier Protessiseat Peradice, no envenings, compelitive salaty &bettgaod carmsncts shilîs. FLWAE RECYCLE THIS FAPER UAYCARE avaitabte in my home. Hot lunches & nutritios snacks. FuI- IV equippei nursery/ toyr roons. Ouldeor and in- door activities. Rater- acces anS receipte, Plansa el 876-0257, EXPÉRIENCED baby- ailler avalala, 5 days a WaaK flexible boum,. Le- ceaSn Laurier/ Goland. Ratarencas avaitabla, 878-5452. HELP. Part lima oce- givar neada i n our boe cea, tee our tao ctnildrec, Gail 876-4M90 1 lina Contra has 38% more (na/sangthme G R UDIS and a wor* placement for ra axpenence! Hava yeu aorked in bealtb cars? Isa our P-T A couraea& bacerfladl Credit e uR 0I givan fer work aspanaence. " ' SALES à LEASING Start Jang.g20 410OSTEELES AVE. Full Time Proaram: Starta March 20. ReWfe/r for en iot essiint Car /aabe W@M/l et 333-34M978-1240 eet 121. hez A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE - BUT - SELI - LEASE LAIIGEST SELECTION OF USES VEHICLES IN MlILTON 875-2277 Make it RICHARDSON CHIEVROLET OLDSMOBILE To lease or purchase your car or truck AOIJLT LEARNING Hay 25 S. at Danry Rd. Need help w/lb reading, writing, spllhng, math or 8 8 2 9 baac computera? 8 8 2 9 Call the Rad? Spedr Write Prograns today aI 9D6-73-2200. We provide coîntldectlaltIutoecng te aduka, MOROAGIS - mFor any pupos, relus, dobt conso, holiday $$. 1993 Forcd Thundaerbrd black, auto., tully loadci, lst & 2nd mtg's Bad credf OK. gNo conidilbor as sa $3600 obo. Call (905>878- 1~ ~ ~ Cal 87.30 tols -rCusf 1-888407-7799 10-acna lot in Campbell- ville. 2-bedroom, gas fireplaca, searaIs an- Iranca. $995 incladei, ns smoking or pets. Avaifab e immediately. 905-854-4172. COUNTRY attached tan badroons, minutes ta Campbellville, full amenites. $925+ by- Smo. Available Msrch 1. 854-0536. MILLSIDE TOWERS 82 MILISIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 & 2 Bedroons aveilabla on bus rvute, freehly Seco- rataS, 2 eppliancas, os-site laundy, includes al utifities (escept phone & cabla.) Free parking, nv pals. Raferences required. 90"-76-1249 By eponsent nenfy ROYAL Lest Apsif. Two bedroara spantment for rent. Nicety decorated, in a vamp quiet building Close to shopping, suit- able ton ratineS couple, For moe into and view- îng caf (905)878-2755. TOWNHOUSE, 6 ap- plissnces, central sir/psrking/barbecue, large badroons, Avait- able insmediatey. Work- ing/eon-smokcg par- son, 876-4590. rISSSid Icontlnued on page 1 We are De Luge Landes Financia Services Canada, (OLL) u division of Rabobank Canada, a feading international supplier with aven 30 years of leasing esperience iv vendor finance pro- gramo wilh offices in 13 casvnieo. Rabsbank empîsys in escessof 49,000 people worldwide wilh profits of oven $1 biffion iv 1998 and ose of only 6 major banks onorîdmide mith a Standard & Poors triple A bond rafing. Ile are cunrentfy seeking candidates for the foflowing positions in sur Oukvifle location: CI BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGERS (Salas) Ci MARKETING ADMINISTRATOR Ci INSIDE SALES SUPPORT (Bifingoal Ecgi/Fr. prafarad) Ci CREDIT OFFICERS Ci BILINGUAL RECEPTIONIST (Engi/Fr.) Must have bigb ennrgy, be a tea player, dedicated and self-directed. We offer a csmpetitive compensation and benetits package. PIeuse submit your resame and salary espectations in confidence: AIls: Haman Resoarces Box 6225 c/o Oakvilfa Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakvilfe L6K 3S4 OnIy those candidates aeleced for interview wii ha canfacad. de IageIanden» A global force cammnfted fa growing our chaenta' business Personal Support Workers are neededý by the health care